UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
The latest satirical video game joke is obviously to do with PSP's battery life and/or size. This will be funny. It must be, because we keep seeing it in web forums where people other than us say LOL and ROFL afterwards. And, as we all know, people in web forums are the arbiters of comedy taste!

We got this picture off Google, but it doesn't really say "stupid, pointless white elephant" enough to satisfy our anti-Sony standpoint:

It's also set in someone's lounge, which doesn't look like a corporate Sony setting. Also, it isn't very funny.

Can you help? We need pictures of people carrying large, square objects that can subsequently – and hilariously! – be labelled "PSP Battery". The traffic we'll generate from this will be immense. And we might even get on b3ta!!! Email us your photo findings.

Blogger Jesus said...
hah! quality. why does this site have no comments? *bookmarks*

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