Today marks the UK launch of the 3DS, and thousands of COMPLETE IDIOTS queued all night just to get their hands on one.
Here’s the list of launch games for the 3DS:
PilotWings Resort
Steel Diver
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Mario Kart 3DS
Animal Crossing
StarFox 64 3D
Paper Mario
Nothing really exciting in that lineup worth forking out £200 for. Also you could add the prefix “Yet another…” to most of those games. Does the world really need another Mario Kart? Really?
Bonus material – Nintendo employed a woman to hold their product in a hideous flash-driven piece of promo fluff on their site.
Seems to have the basic idea, but loses points for thumb placement. 6/10
March 25th, 2011 on 8:20 pm
Six of the eight games you listed weren’t launch titles.
March 25th, 2011 on 8:35 pm
I wasn’t arsed enough to actually go looking in the shops, so I just pulled the details from a Nintendo fan site. Typical of them to be completely inaccurate.
Having looked at the actual launch lineup, I’m even less impressed. Does the world really need a new Rayman game? Especially one in 3D?
March 25th, 2011 on 8:53 pm
Here’s the actual 3DS launch lineup.
The above list is actually fairly enlightening in comparison with the link as to what a damp squib this launch has been. Most of the ‘big’ names on that list are conspicuous by their absence, and where’s the Zelda, Mario or Metroid killer launch title?
Where’s the decent games?
March 25th, 2011 on 11:13 pm
Ridge Racer 3D is pretty good, but the main attraction is probably being able to take 3D pictures of your bottom. Tuck things away properly and you can even pretend it’s a very hairy lady’s bottom.
March 26th, 2011 on 12:18 am
I want 1 3DS, and I want another Mario Kart. The others titles can go suck an egg.
March 26th, 2011 on 5:13 am
Our status as the worlds currency gives the US a huge advantage at every level and it allows us to be stupid with our money and programs.
Super Probiotic
March 26th, 2011 on 2:07 pm
People just love to queue all night. Same thing happens outside Currys when Dyson release a new vac.
March 26th, 2011 on 2:15 pm
Yes, you’re right. It’s a bit like sex. Once you’ve had sex with a few people, there’s no way you’d ever want to try it out with yet another person.
March 26th, 2011 on 2:53 pm
I wouldn’t mind so much if it was F-Zero. I love F-Zero, but Mario Kart? Seriously?
I can’t really see how Mario Kart has really evolved since the days when I had my SNES. You have a great race, get near the finishing line and get mullered by a fucking blue egg.
March 26th, 2011 on 4:05 pm
Does the world need yet another FPS game?
No, but it wont stop people rushing out and buying the next xbox/playstation.
March 26th, 2011 on 10:14 pm
Terrier, you’re right about the blue shell on the finish line, it’s a motherfucker.
Mariokart’s the best multiplayer racer, no doubt. Name a better one, I bet u can’t.
March 27th, 2011 on 2:48 am
I thought the best multi-player racing game was Sega & Sonic All-Stars Racing. Or has there been a sequel to that title already?
March 27th, 2011 on 10:42 pm
I think that woman’s had a bit too much butter in her coffee, if you know what I mean…
March 28th, 2011 on 4:28 pm
Now I’m not one for swearing but fuck the 3DS, not a single new concept in the whole launch line-up apart from *maybe* Steel Diver and that’s pants. Plus it makes your eyes go even funnier than all that masturbation ever did and will.
Why not just slip that warm comforting blanket of the past around your shoulders and sit down with a New Handheld!.
I really should be posting this with text along the lines of…Yes I think NINTENDO RELEASE 3DS – WORLD STOPS are a good thing and I like reading this online article but did you know this is even better:
Click here for good thing make me stop buttering myself
March 28th, 2011 on 5:29 pm
Have Blaze managed to build a handheld Megadrive that can run Contra Hard Corps properly yet?
March 28th, 2011 on 5:43 pm
All those re-hashed franchises and they haven’t even dragged out Road Rash for it? I despair.
Stupid EA and their anodyne sports games and shooters that aren’t COD. You’ve managed to make NFS good again, so get Criterion working on it. ASAP.
March 29th, 2011 on 11:28 am
I’ve got one of the Blaze Mega Drive handhelds that Captain Whoops linked to.
Here’s a review for you:
The good:
You can whack a load of ROMS on an SD card, in a folder called GAME.
It has around about an 80% compatibility sucess rate.
The bad.
Sound is WANK. Not only does it not emulate properly, it seems to be about 3 octaves lower on the parts it does try to emulate.
The screen’s ratio seems to be off, resulting in several horizontal distortion bands. This is only noticeable on vertically moving objects, so it’s not a major disaster.
If you play it with the sound off and ignore the horizontal bands then it’s actually pretty good.
And no, it doesn’t plays Contra Hard Corps, nor does it run any other game that did anything out of the ordinary, or had fancy chips in the carts.
It also seems to limit the SD card you can use for the ROMS. I used a 2GB card but tried an 8GB one before to no avail. This isn’t a problem though because you’ll fit every game easily on a 2Gb card.
Overall, for those who like scores, I’ll give it 7 and 3 quarters, divided by 9, multiplied by 4 out of another number I’m thinking of.
March 29th, 2011 on 12:24 pm
But what colour star does it get?
March 29th, 2011 on 12:27 pm
phorenzik, what’s the output to the TV like?
March 29th, 2011 on 4:41 pm
Dunno, it doesn’t come with an AV lead. I imagine the sound will still be shit but the dodgy disrtion lines will be absent.
March 31st, 2011 on 8:00 pm
Played on a 3DS today. Even though I admit Pilotwings actually benefited from being 3D and it has lots of blue sky, 3D still just feels like gimmicky toss on Ridge Racer, Pro Evo and SS, which has gone 3D in playing style and that’s just gay.
March 31st, 2011 on 8:00 pm
SS should be SF. Dolt.
March 31st, 2011 on 8:01 pm
And SF is Street Fighter and not StarFox. Damn these similar initials.