We cannot sit idly by and watch the greatest PR disaster of our time unfold without passing comment. We have therefore acquired SPECIAL DISPENSATION for a one-off commemorative update celebrating Sony’s latest global crisis.
Obviously we are not savages. We feel a small pang of pity for those 77 million PlayStation Network users about to find their credit card and password details up on The Pirate Bay in a convenient multi-part RAR file…
…but that small, annoying pang of humanity is easily eclipsed by the MASSIVE FEELINGS OF JOY that come from seeing Sony’s already damaged reputation SPREAD TO THE FOUR WINDS across ALL MEDIA OUTLETS. Even the ones for women.
Anyway. That’s it. Just had a few capital letters building up and it was either put them up here or start shouting at the wife. Carry on with your lives.
filed in "NEWS", ENEMIES, WAR ON PS3 on Apr.27, 2011
April 27th, 2011 on 10:40 am
That was fun.
April 27th, 2011 on 11:04 am
April 27th, 2011 on 11:16 am
Now THIS is what I call a fitting final update.
I think we can all kill ourselves now. Well, in a day or so, when the fun has died down.
April 27th, 2011 on 11:27 am
I missed you…
Won’t you touch me once more in “the special place” just for old time’s sake?
April 27th, 2011 on 11:39 am
This made me feel warm and fuzzy.
And reminded me that UK:R is another place I need to change my password because I’ve know idea what I entered on that PS3 I owned for all of a month. Otherwise some hacker might steal my account and write something that’s actually funny in a thread that no-one reads but I insist on commenting in because I am clinging to the past.
April 27th, 2011 on 11:40 am
April 27th, 2011 on 11:41 am
So are you only going to post the CC details up on The Pirate Bay Commander? Had hoped you’d sell the details and fund a regime takeover on a small island somewhere.
April 27th, 2011 on 11:42 am
And I’ve no idea how I managed to substitute “no” for “know” in that last comment but hopefully if I mention it while Sony is flailing around in a media panic then it will go unnoticed, like so many other minor cockups I expect to be announced while no-one is paying attention.
April 27th, 2011 on 12:06 pm
April 27th, 2011 on 12:29 pm
But what exactly was Zorg doing between then and now, I wonder? Spending quality time with his new bestest friend GeoHot, it would appear…
April 27th, 2011 on 12:46 pm
Don’t think this week can get any better. There’s already blood coming out and the outer skin is starting to slough off.
April 27th, 2011 on 1:16 pm
I’m glad I held back on the “Sony’s reputation=Bit Broken” post now.
Blue skies outside, Zorg putting the boot in while Sony’s down, it’s not going to last, is it?
April 27th, 2011 on 1:38 pm
Sony managed to fail hard enough to raise the dead.
April 27th, 2011 on 2:10 pm
Less than a month too, that beats even Marvel whenever they kill off a comic book character.
April 27th, 2011 on 2:12 pm
For crying out loud, if you’re going to come back from the dead every time Sony does something stunningly inept that seems to be a kick in the teeth for even their most loyal fans, you might as well not bothering to stop updating.
April 27th, 2011 on 2:26 pm
Had a feeling it would be worth checking back here today!
April 27th, 2011 on 4:28 pm
Ohhh, I am red raw from the gloatwanking!
April 27th, 2011 on 5:28 pm
I knew this wouldn’t go unnoticed by UKR.
Good show ;)
April 27th, 2011 on 7:28 pm
You tease.
You’ll be back.
You’ve got the taste for it now…
April 27th, 2011 on 10:49 pm
This is why digital distribution is dumb. To hell with the credit card details, I hope my Yakuza 4 Pachinko trophy syncs up when all is said and done.
April 28th, 2011 on 12:37 am
This makes up for having to work two eighths of these bank holidays.
April 28th, 2011 on 3:50 am
Now that’s a coda.
April 28th, 2011 on 9:29 am
Now come on people, if there are not at least 218 comments on this post Zorg may retreat to his lair and we may never see him again!
April 28th, 2011 on 9:46 am
Ha ha! …Ooh. Just got an email from sony about my account, (was only to get grandia and syndicate wars on psp). Does that mean I get raped by neck bearded linux jockeys – in the bank hole?
April 28th, 2011 on 10:01 am
Look at that poor plant person, evidently Playstation’s target market is revolting thanks to their incompetence and they fact they can no longer attack zombies.
April 28th, 2011 on 7:13 pm
I like the fact that we’re all so overjoyed by UK:R’s return that nobody has pointed out Zorg’s misspelling of “incompetence” in the title.
April 28th, 2011 on 8:04 pm
Did he spell it wrong ironically? Is he that good? Or just incomptent?
April 30th, 2011 on 5:02 am
Down with Sony and the peons that were victimized,
Long live SEGA and Emperor Zorg!
April 30th, 2011 on 1:57 pm
Then SEGA strikes while the iron is hot, one great advert for Virtua Tennis 4 should do the trick
Sorry, you get this instead.
45 secs: 4 twats sit down for presumably a doubles match.
46 secs: It’s a singles game…
Couldn’t they have at least got the advert correct? I don’t mind the 4 twats, it’s what we’ve come to expect.
Up the blue skies *sigh*
May 1st, 2011 on 8:31 pm
Thanx Zorg. You’ve made me all warm and fuzzy again.