A press release full of spelling mistakes announces that Electronic Arts is buying something essential to human life. Like air, or water, or TV.
Something about the new Tomb Raider. Dunno what. Probably Lara having really big tits. Or three tits. Or four tits like that joke we did in 1999.
Some touch-screen Nintendo Revolution controller joke about rubbing your penis and/or vagina.
A Project Rub/Feel the Magic 2 joke about rubbing your penis and/or vagina.
A fake PS3 or Xbox 2 logo that took ages to make and STILL looks rubbish.
Some “humorous” suggestions about what Xbox 2’s really going to be called.
That thing where you view a screenshot with PSP’s photo viewer so it looks like it’s running a game that it shouldn’t be. Like Half-Life 2 or Halo 2 or something.
Ha ha! Things like this are funny! *cuts arm to take pain away*
A really embarrassingly obvious joke about signing exclusively to Microsoft to only do updates about Xbox 2.
A GBA 2 fake that manages to look worse than the actual DS.
A scan of a phone/photocopier/toaster/fax machine/modem purporting to be the Nintendo Revolution controller.
You know, the usual kind of life-sapping internet jetsam. But it’s OK! We’ll be back at lunch time with some proper news (about Tetris and soft pornography).
filed in Uncategorized on Apr.01, 2005
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