Well done on giving OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast 8/10, but you could’ve made a bit more effort taking the bloody screenshots.

Look at this. It’s a car, going down an empty road in a straight line. That’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of what OutRun 2006 is about. Well done! You drove five seconds down the first track! What amazing OR skills! We’d better watch out if we ever meet the GamesTM staff on Xbox Live!
OutRun gives you so much amazing detail, effects and scenery to play with, and this is the best you can do? We’re embarrassed on the team’s behalf. Looking at this dull screenshot makes us blush with shame for the entire games magazine publishing industry. We didn’t buy this issue, by the way. We found it on someone else’s desk. We have to make that EXTREMELY CLEAR.
It’s another car, going down another empty road in another straight line. You only get ONE CHANCE to take screenshots of OutRun 2006 in your WHOLE LIFE, and THIS is the best you can do? Such a waste! It’s being PRINTED IN A MAGAZINE for god’s sake. The British Library saves a copy of EVERY magazine ever printed – FOR EVER! So put some effort into it.
The GamesTM team pushing their straight-line-driving skills to the MAX once again, this time driving down the first track for 20 seconds! This is not how it should be done.
Come back tomorrow for our OutRun 2006 screenshot masterclass. You all need it, although it’s sadly too late for GamesTM to avoid making an embarrassing mess.
filed in Uncategorized on Mar.08, 2006
March 8th, 2006 on 12:04 pm
I was going to add something scathing and (hopefully) whitty, but I just don’t think that the TM team are worth the effort.
do these guys get paid for this? I am most definately in the wrong line of work.
Now I’m depressed
March 8th, 2006 on 12:57 pm
Humans these days never veer too far from mediocrity…
March 8th, 2006 on 2:43 pm
Wow! I can feel the excitment in this game already! I havn’t been this excited over screenshots since I picked up a copy of “Edutainment for 3+”!
March 8th, 2006 on 2:56 pm
Insane pedal-to-the-metal action!
March 8th, 2006 on 3:18 pm
Wow these pictures are great look at Games TM “1337 drifitin 5killz lol!!11one”
March 8th, 2006 on 4:10 pm
“The British Library saves a copy of EVERY magazine ever printed – FOR EVER!”
~twirls moustache~ Wonder if they’ve got that great copy of Razzle I had as a youth?
I have needed glasses since I was 13 and no-one every twigged!
March 8th, 2006 on 4:20 pm
Tee hee. Oh how I laughed…
Actually, you did miss out the awesome drifting shot at the bottom of the first page, as the car drifts into the corner…facing the wrong way! There’s big red arrows and everything…caption:” Drifting-the art of Outrun…”. I kid you not.
March 8th, 2006 on 6:57 pm
It’s better than the back of Empire magazine’s ‘game section’ (a full page of it! Yes! A whole page!), which awarded 2 out of 10 to Ridge Racer 6, but just had one blurry screenshot of a car being driven INTO THE WALL.
March 9th, 2006 on 10:55 pm
small children in the Yemen have died for less than this, Blaspheme!
March 9th, 2006 on 11:21 pm
Fucking wankers. They’d have done better if they’d used the official wallpapers! Makes Edge look well produced…
March 11th, 2006 on 12:59 am
The captions in that magazine were awful too. Do we really need a caption that says ‘some people might say that this looks like outrun 2006, and they would be right’? Do we? Do we? Why dont you come and ask me – Games TM – why dont you? Come and look me in the eyes and ask me if I think that you saying what some people might think a picture looks like, is in fact correct, is a good caption for ANYTHING? ITS SHIT SO DIE!