See this picture? This is what Sony said PlayStation3 games were all going to look like at last year’s E3:

As we all thought this was indeed a MASSIVE LIE about PlayStation3’s powers, as the below ACTUAL GAME IMAGE captured at the recent Game Developers Conference proves.
Just a slight difference then. Ha, and we believe, HA. How stupid does Sony think we are? Click on it to make it bigger and witness the full horror of PS3. Dear Jesus, please let PlayStation3 be the biggest financial disaster in the history of home technology. Thanks.
filed in LIES on Mar.26, 2006
March 26th, 2006 on 8:03 pm
It’s probably just a bad screenshot.
The PS3 will be good!
March 26th, 2006 on 10:04 pm
The irony is that you’re generating ad revenue from places that promote Sony products in a good way. Go figure …
March 26th, 2006 on 11:16 pm
It’s not ironic, it’s great!
Sony-loving infidels give me money to spend on Sega plush toys. Yet another way we’re making the world a better place.
March 27th, 2006 on 9:28 am
Just as well Zorg, those import charges from Japan must be crippling
March 27th, 2006 on 10:27 am
Of course this is a bad screenshot!
And im sure there’s a reason for that…..
March 27th, 2006 on 2:43 pm
No surprises there then, consoles have been crap for years, PS2 and xbox gathering dust and were a bit rubbish anyway, Xbox360 failed to impress, PS3 looking like shite, cant remember what my dreamcast was like, must be in the loft somewhere…
March 27th, 2006 on 6:09 pm
Yeah well it doesn’t matter how good a game looks, if it features nothing but buggy cars and sand. what a must have app that is. coming next: bikini block pusher.
but seriously everyone will by ps3s for MGS4 which will be good enough to kill people to own.
March 27th, 2006 on 6:58 pm
it’s still not as good a lie as the ps2’s ff8 dance thingy and the ‘redone’ gt intro.
what is funny/ironic/enough to make some people cry is the idea of the damage being done (‘scuse the pun). that crap buggy shot won’t make people forget the previous lie, most likely they’ll go ‘omg that’s EXACTLY like the e3 2005 video! i’m not joking – my uncle works for sony and he said so, etc etc’
March 27th, 2006 on 7:27 pm
It looks a big ‘Smuggler’s Run’ to me…Which is never, ever a good thing.
March 28th, 2006 on 1:16 am
I thought all the sony hating sega fanboys got wiped out by hurricane katrina.
Let it go, man.. Just let it go.
March 28th, 2006 on 10:30 am
while we can moan, what about the flipping ghost recon 360 advert? that’s using prerendered stuff and the game is actually AVAILABLE, on a machine that you can currently BUY.
i thought the old harry potter adverts with the prerendered stuff was a joke, but that just takes the biscuit
March 28th, 2006 on 11:49 am
The bottom picture is clearly the PSP version :P
March 28th, 2006 on 5:57 pm
They couldn’t really get away with the pre-rendered bullshit at GDC because the event was for developers instead of retarded journo twats. Notice they didn’t officially release any images from the conference?
March 29th, 2006 on 9:56 am
Top Tip: If you can’t wait for MGS4, just watch a very bad, 5-hour-long film on DVD and pause it every twenty minutes to play one of the less good mini-games from WarioWare.
March 29th, 2006 on 8:50 pm
only people who aren’t going to buy ps3s say things like that :)
just like how I could say that the 360 is a dead weight, and instead you could by three hundered pounds of white plastic and then sit around waiting for a good product to go with it, which would be clever of me wouldn’t it?
March 29th, 2006 on 9:13 pm
“only people who aren’t going to buy ps3s say things like that :)”
I’ll probably get one and I would say MGS isn’t a good game. Splinter Cell is a much better game IMO, and it’s multiplatform…get it for either console. I’ll want a PS3 for Final Fantasy and Xenosaga (if they don’t release them on Xbox 360). I’ll get a Revolution for Metroid.
“just like how I could say that the 360 is a dead weight,”
Hmmm, actually, this holds more true to my PS2. The Gamecube, Xbox, and 360 all get used at our house daily, whereas the PS2 collects dust. 4 out of 6 people in our house have PS2s, but always play their Xboxes. I actually have 3 more slims that I never got around to fixing because there’s no need for them. I’d consider those more along the lines of paperweights.
March 30th, 2006 on 12:41 am
This is more a comment on the dick sucking fanboy nature of the games press than it is on Sony’s honesty. If just one journo stood up (as I did many years ago and was never invited back) and took a stand against being lied to so blatantly Sony would be too embarrassed to do it again. But no one says anything, they just sit in front of the monitors like good little sheep going ‘bah bah bah’
March 30th, 2006 on 6:53 pm
I know my games, I used to have a saturn, and read this site while it was still dodgy looking.
I lived with a guy who had the
xbox and before it broke, the best game on it was soul calibur 2 either that or MGS2. Then he waited ages for fable to come out and it wasnt that good. He had splinter cell, I’ve played it, the inventiveness of gameplay and story makes MGS3 one of the best games around. If you’d ever played it you may see that, or you may hold your opion who knows? But my opinion splinter doesnt hold a candle to MGS or any Kojima game, snatcher for example.
Everyone has different opinions, theres no point sitting around complaining about it, no matter how much you dont like them – especially if your buying fucking microsoft xboxes!
March 31st, 2006 on 7:53 am
ok….the screenshot on bottom looks like a psp/lowendps2 screenshot, but if anyone that actually saw what the screenshot was for would have to think twice to the difference in graphics. It was part of a physics engine tech demo. In it they demostrated how the PS3’s physics engine could render 3d tire tracks in the mud and demostrated how it effects the buggies and dirt bikes driving and handling. It was not made to make you go oo pretty. So save your insults and complaints for something like an actual comparison. Like maybe a comparison between old ‘real-time’ demos and ingame demos.
April 17th, 2006 on 1:29 pm
the demo from gdc demonstrates the physics processing of the cell processor (like the bikes leaving mud tracks and spraying mud on the truck). so i think it’s more of a physics demo.
true, the pictures do look different
next gen gaming is not only about graphics my friends, physics processing comes into play too.
May 11th, 2007 on 11:52 pm
And even it looked like still played like some retarded version of pitstop.
But in this game you can take different routes! with different vehicles..what an amazing concept.
at least it has annoyingly long load times! time enough to ask yourself why you spend those 600+ Euro’s on this piece of poo.