This is from Vivendi’s bizarre cash-burning press trip to Malaga, where they took loads of people out for a free holiday to promote a game absolutely no one cares about at all.
It was designed to promote its “let’s-make-another-urban-gangsta-game!” game Scarface. Instead of real tigers, like in the film, they got women and made them into tigers by painting them and their tits.

This isn’t what usually happens on press trips. Usually, it’s just a load of miserable men who don’t really like each other being forced to wait around for ages and make small talk until someone turns up and gives them lots of beer so they can go back to the hotel and have a decent wank.
[Photo removed to comply with French humour legislation]
See? If anyone else has any more photos from the Scarface PR event, please send them in. And any other PR event shots too, particularly of men looking miserable and any women at all.
filed in MEAT BAGS (WOMEN) on May.06, 2006
May 6th, 2006 on 8:02 am
If “she” was a real tiger, I think her mum would probably eat her. For a tiger, she’s pretty damn ugly.
Rowrrr? I think not…
May 7th, 2006 on 5:39 pm
May 7th, 2006 on 8:29 pm
By Scarface do you mean the film with Al Pacino? I’m struggling to remember a tiger…
May 8th, 2006 on 12:24 am
he dreams of owning one and then he buys one in the drug taking, money earning, getting married montage…
May 8th, 2006 on 10:39 am
A PR contact told me that the event cost something like a billion dollars – the UK room service alone was about $11,000 I believe. A scandalous, disgusting waste of money that could have been used for simple, effective bribery – but then the PRs wouldn’t have seen any of the benefit themselves, eh?
May 8th, 2006 on 7:19 pm
The E3 trailer for Sonic looks like shit. Shadow’s driving a jeep in it. Why?
May 9th, 2006 on 2:35 am
Maybe Sega confiscated his speed shoes after Shadow the Hedgehog.
May 14th, 2006 on 2:57 am
shes wearing underwear tho, how can she be a painted pussy?
May 17th, 2006 on 5:10 pm
i’m one of those guy on the sofa….
u make nasty comment on us , it’s easy hide behind a computer hu ??? in front of us u wasn’t so proud, u do the “paparazzi” and go away as fast as your mouth open yet.
Did u ask the right to take and publish this pics ?? NO, so now what about privacy ?
Use your brain men
U just as disgusting as the money wasted during this event . All this money should have been spend on the game , not for the pleasure of poor geek like U .
May 18th, 2006 on 2:07 pm
Fako: What?
May 19th, 2006 on 8:42 pm
Hello Fako! I wasn’t there, the photos came from a reader. Presumably there was an official photographer in attendance who took the shots, no doubt using a SOLID GOLD camera they had made especially for the event then threw away right after.
The comments aren’t personal – just a general musing on what happens when men who don’t know each other are thrown together on press trips. I have been there. On that very sofa (metaphorically).
The real victims in all this are the outsourced Mexican bug testers. There will be no champagne for them.