Dear UKR
I was at E3 last week in industry guise. Trying to avoid actually doing anything to justify my flight cost and hotel bill I wandered onto the Nintendo stand and spotted Google video star Andrew Rosenblum presenting the next installment of his ‘show’. He and his skinny gimp friend were bizarrely being filmed by an attractive if a little young (16 is legal in the US isn’t it?) female dressed a bit like a schoolgirl… Anyway before i could get a picture of the schoolgirl they all ran off to some the Isle of Man development stand to film some blindfolded Japanese bloke playing video game music i hadn’t really heard of on a bontempi keyboard, which quite frankly was a bit shit.
Anyway please find attached picture of ‘Google video star’ Andrew Rosenblum… perhaps you can run a behind the scenes style feature… or just post it up as one of the more bizarre stalkings by your readers.

One of the more bizarre stalkings by our readers.
filed in GONZO on May.17, 2006
May 17th, 2006 on 2:33 pm
This post is useless without pics..
..of that schoolgirl!
May 17th, 2006 on 2:48 pm
Look at the determination on the podgy little oik’s face!…….bet he gets all the girls……sigh
May 17th, 2006 on 3:31 pm
Haha, losers. Two of them are actual spastics too, awesome.
May 17th, 2006 on 4:07 pm
Maybe the schoolgirl was the far-too-hot-to-be-hanging-around-with-those-mutants Melissa, who seems to be the only presenter on the entire show without a speech impediment. She already has hordes of serial masturbators making animated gifs of her (
I also noticed those guys getting the piss gently ripped out of them on one of the E3 episodes of the 1up Show. They’re an easy target, but it’s safe to assume that they deserve all they get.
May 17th, 2006 on 4:35 pm
Hahaha I reckon he needed a towel after that!
May 17th, 2006 on 4:48 pm
I feel quite bad about taking the piss out him now that you have revealed he is an actual real-life spaz. I feel a little uncomfortable about myself….just like the time I made a joke about Gnomes whilst being in the presence of a midget……I didn’t see the little bugger!
Sorry game spakker bloke…….forgive me?……………………..I’m going straight to hell……
May 17th, 2006 on 5:05 pm
The brilliant thing is that the 1Up show is hosted by a bint who got famous for shoving the Rez “trance vibrator” up her cunt and posting an article about it.
Humiliating yourself on the internet seems to be quite profitable.
May 17th, 2006 on 8:25 pm
Must see spoof:
Breathtakingly accurate.
May 17th, 2006 on 9:41 pm
Just watching Ep 3 to see what’s with all this Melissa malarky.
Paused the vid to alt-tab back here and seems I paused her looking her worst:
OK I’ll let her off cos she’s got a DS Lite at least, whereas those other twats just reviewed Tetris DS on the regular crap one.
I’ll also let her off for using a Supercard and therefore killing every developer whose game she reviews (by not buying a copy of course). They’ll be reviewing games off their PS2 hard drives next.
Speaking of that, you’d think that, with the kinda money that buys a DS Lite at the current prices, they could just buy a flipping video-in card and record the games like that. And download emulators/roms and record those (see above), which is free.
Still, it beats Consolevania hands-down.
May 17th, 2006 on 10:38 pm
Well I don’t want to sound unfair but wouldnt the world be better if that nerd just died?
May 17th, 2006 on 10:50 pm
Imagine you are wading around, neck-deep in horse shit. It’s really bloody horrible. There, amongst the shit, you find a little sealed bag. You wipe it off and pull it open, and inside you find an old piece of white bread. It’s nothing exciting, but in contrast to all the crap it looks pretty appetizing, and you wolf it down.
I guess something similar is going on with all the creepy geeks obsessing over GameLife’s Melissa, because she’s got a crazy bobble head and likes stupid Japanese games about being a girl and doing girly things like cooking and owning a parasol.
May 17th, 2006 on 11:31 pm
Give these nerds a break – at least they’re having a go at making a show. However bad it may be.
May 18th, 2006 on 6:20 am
Sure. While we’re at it, we can give suicide bombers a break, after all, they’re just trying to change the world, who cares how.
May 18th, 2006 on 10:18 am
Suicide bombers? Are you comparing GameLife to a malicious tragedy caused by someone willing to sacrifice any hope of being able to live in contemporary society?
May 18th, 2006 on 5:38 pm
Sl1pstream – you are a cretin.
May 18th, 2006 on 7:54 pm
And you sound like an apple on steroids but you don’t hear me whining about that.
May 18th, 2006 on 8:03 pm
that’s just microsoft’s text-to-speech mate