A hastily-cobbled-together Photoshop comparison speaks 1000 words:

It is, quite literally, ALL LIES. Did you think we’d forget about this, Sony? It was only a year ago, you fuckwits! You’re going DOWN this time. All the way. No doubt about it.
filed in LIES on May.09, 2006
May 9th, 2006 on 5:06 am
Shocking, good work sir. My Mother would be ver proud if that was my work:) What about the PS3 Wii rip off controller and more importantly Sonic’s Dad leaving Sega…. we need to know where you stand. And where does this leave the 360 Sonic now 10 Sonic Team are going too? Should I boo?
May 9th, 2006 on 5:35 am
Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth!
Take a closer look at those comparison pictures. It’s quite apparent that Sony has corrected the quite ludicrous design flaw of having the power switch ABOVE the power out, and moved it to a far more ergonomic position, to the right.
This was a master stroke that is going to win the console wars for Sony. Mark my words!
May 9th, 2006 on 7:14 am
I love the way no ‘journalists’ actually seem to care about the stealing of ideas, and are still calling the PS3 innovative.
May 9th, 2006 on 8:50 am
NOTHING will ever make up for the bag of washing that was the PS2. Rot in your filth Sony.
May 9th, 2006 on 9:15 am
Waaaaah, waaaaaah, waaaaaah.
May 9th, 2006 on 10:19 am
WELL, despite the DESIGN REVISIONS (not lies), the PS3 has the best looking arse ever in the history of consoles.
It makes the Wii and the 360 look like the rank amateurs they really are. I hope they’re both ASHAMED.
God bless Sony.
May 9th, 2006 on 11:20 am
Ah, good to know the fanboys are still out in full force. Sony desperately needs your loyalty to succeed.
Anyone remember the “gameplay over graphics” PS2 defenders? Where are they now, I wonder?
May 9th, 2006 on 12:19 pm
Sony smell of Wii.
May 9th, 2006 on 12:42 pm
I know it’s old but still –
Maybe they had to rip the extra ports/card slots out to retain the heat?
May 9th, 2006 on 1:18 pm
Sony fuckers will die by the hands of the OSSM elite!
May 9th, 2006 on 1:18 pm
Listen to the Sony Defense Force (aka Shane Bettenhausen from 1Up)
May 9th, 2006 on 2:22 pm
“Oh noes, it’s teh end of teh world – they changed the specs!!”
Good grief.
And it’s a tilt sensor, not a motion sensor.
May 9th, 2006 on 4:33 pm
I remember an early Sega press release which claimed the Dreamcast would have excellent software support. It seems Sony are not the only liars.
May 9th, 2006 on 6:00 pm
Tilt sensor? Motion sensor? It’s the same crappy gimmick that microsoft started with the freestyle pad way back when.
May 9th, 2006 on 6:10 pm
Wow, busy in here today. As a journalist, I can say the PS3 is as innovative as my arse.
May 9th, 2006 on 7:11 pm
When someone defends Sony, they’re fanboys, so what about the rest of you?
You’re just anti-Sony fanboys, which is a very easy bandwagon to jump on.
The PS3 will some have awesome games. The 360 will have some awesome games. The Wii will have some awesome games.
Can’t we all just leave it at that?
May 9th, 2006 on 7:26 pm
May 9th, 2006 on 9:02 pm
This debate will have to be settled in the only effective and universal way known to man:
1. size of penis
2. pie eating
3. an actual fight
Best of three wins.
Tie breaker: how far can you flob
May 9th, 2006 on 9:30 pm
Mark – you are clearly a buffoon of the highest order.
May 10th, 2006 on 2:59 am
“You’re just anti-Sony fanboys, which is a very easy bandwagon to jump on.”
That’s because Sony is shit. Something they’ve proven, once again, by having the worst press conference in the last few years.
It’s all downhill from here, enjoy the ride.
May 10th, 2006 on 3:13 am
And we’re not just jumping on the anti-Sony wagon – WE HAVE BEEN DRIVING IT for ten years.
May 10th, 2006 on 9:12 am
Tomleecee: I know you are, but what am I?
May 10th, 2006 on 12:56 pm
I don’t see how the PS3 can be any more or less faggy than its rivals. It’s a box. It plays games. Some of the games are good. Sitting on the controllers makes your bottom sore.
As long as it has a version of Bust-A-Move with 3D jelly weasels and surround sound grunting you can count me in. And it isn’t slang for passing water.
May 10th, 2006 on 5:25 pm
I tried not to jump on the “Sony rips off Nintendo bandwagon, but: “Don’t you just love surprises? Isn’t that the coolest thing?” delivered by Phil Harrison in the most unenthused, monotone I’ve ever heard literally speaks volumes.
You’ve got EA improving traditional control methods in their games, only for Sony to wheel out this “innovation” at the arse-end of their conference. Yeah, right.
May 10th, 2006 on 10:43 pm
And people wonder why videogames and those that play them aren’t taken seriously.
May 10th, 2006 on 11:17 pm
Oh noes they have li3d they will burninate.
Or maybe they decided the original design, you know the one they identified as a PRE PRODUCTION model was a bad idea for one reason or another.
No that can’t be it they are liars and low down dirty decievers, somebody get a rope.
May 11th, 2006 on 4:28 am
I know they took some of the things out, but you can always get a usb hub, why would you ever need 3 ethernet ports and there is still an HDMI port, the picture you have up is the cheaper model, with the smaller hard drive, it also doesnt have wireless and a few other things, the hundred dollar more version has HDMI, and wifi and bigger hard drive.
May 11th, 2006 on 11:59 am
Sure Sony blew this up. But at least the USB ports are indeed there, they just moved them to the front (and added two more; why trading the HDMI for those? beats me). So that picture is not accurate.
May 12th, 2006 on 1:35 am
The “cheap” version won’t even be able to play Blu Ray movies – you need HDMI for that. Bit gay.
May 12th, 2006 on 10:42 am
HA HA, i was just showing my boss ‘The Wonder of Sony’ post this has become and he started to defend Sony… so i hit him with my SONIC mug and now he is DEAD!!!! ha ha!!! The king is dead long live the king.
May 12th, 2006 on 6:32 pm
You don’t need an HDMI to play Blu-Ray movies.
Some Blu-Ray movies will only play in HD via HDMI/DVI, but they will all play without.
May 13th, 2006 on 1:11 am
Phil “mein” Harrison = Marketing gone bad exec from hell
Recent Edge article
“I’m a software man, don’t do hardware, ask Ken”
E3 speech and post interviews – “What we should be clear about is that the functionality is identical in both machines, there is no difference in what the machine does.”
“It’s just that the technical method of extracting audio and video from the devices is slightly different,”
Does the words “Lying piece of shit” ring any bells?
Sorry…I’m another Sony basher
May 15th, 2006 on 3:27 pm
SONY can eat SHIT and die for me!!!!! Why show videos clearly BETTER then your machine can do at 3E one year. Then bring some some fucking, gay, retarded playable versions to next years show (A WHOLE YEAR LATER) and expect people not to be disapointed with the bags of shite you put in there hands! SONY YOU DUMB FUCKS!!!!!!
SONY fan boys, you can take your big shiny PS£!!! nugget of shite and stick were it belongs. Right up your fucking gay ASSES!!!!
$599 yeah right, get back to cookoo land SONY.
Peace out bitches.
May 15th, 2006 on 3:48 pm
And what about added HD and free on-line service?
May 15th, 2006 on 5:18 pm
quite surprised to see there are still people bashing with no reason whatsoever to do it. You show a couple of pictures that only show that Sony decided to move the slots to the front, and u get a legion of fanatics (obviously most of them xbox owners hoping that if they somehow bash the competition their console improves and they stop suffering from teenage premature orgasms) with nothing else to do than to write a bunch of meaningless crap.
I’m even more surprised at myself. I actually read them. Now, that’s depressing.
May 15th, 2006 on 6:02 pm
Joca i agree with you….lol
Guys guys….didnt know PS3 has so many lovers…all the haters are obviously affected by PS3 so much that they are taking out their anger out here….lol
No one is forcing with knife pointing at you guys(sony bashers) to buy a PS3. I think its all sour grapes. Half of them here would not even know what the holes are for and very very few of them would have a HDTV with HDMI input anyway. By the way the pics here are just meant to attention on this site, PIC comparison is a LIE it self.
Offically now their are(60GB version) 4 USB’s, 1 HDMI, 1 optical, 1 AV Mulitiout, 1 Ethernet.
I’m even more surprised at myself. I actually read them.
May 15th, 2006 on 6:53 pm
“By the way the pics here are just meant to attention on this site, PIC comparison is a LIE it self.
Offically now their are(60GB version) 4 USB’s, 1 HDMI, 1 optical, 1 AV Mulitiout, 1 Ethernet.”
No need to say anything else. The previous poster said it all.
May 16th, 2006 on 3:43 pm
Is this what the Sega fanboys sounded like at E3 1995?
May 20th, 2006 on 5:55 pm
Ah, this old chestnut is back!
Hurray for short-sighted people, its you who makes the world the great and prosperous. Create a thriving metropolis on the field of life and bulldoze Eden for the oil reserves that you use to power your great machines of mindless destruction.
Fanboy’s Shut up.
Ani-fanboys Shut up.
This is a games console. Used to play games. Used to distract us from how short and meaningless our lives are (and it works!). The purpose of this machine is to play games, games which should be enjoyable and fun. Do you remember that word, Fun? This is not a major religion, not a major political decision and definitely does not deserve so much attention. Go outside. Go and be free, do stuff. Real stuff.
Who cares if Sony changed their minds and layout of the console? Who cares if Sony makes a console, or Microsoft turns into a bottled water distributing plant?
Cynic Out.
October 10th, 2006 on 7:17 pm
am i right in thinking that unless you have a hdtv then that pretty much renders the ps3 blueray a bit pointless, but hang on arnt sony going to be charging 50-60 quid for games cos theyre blue-ray or whatever, but unless you got a hdtv then thats a bag of shit aint it , so hang on ive gotta pay 425 quid for a ps3 then a game at 55 quid then a hdtv to get the most out of my blueray , say 400 quid then a blueray film 25 quid, so thats 905 quid for one game and one film , fuck i think id better get another paper round . quid
January 25th, 2007 on 9:29 pm
If anybody argues for hd over not they need a slap only 3% of uk has hd capability and no one sells blue ray discs on the high street
also has anybodylooked at the old xbox360 fan sites the ps3 is very close to a rejected xbox design. actually on closer inspection its the old ps2 with a curved top oh and look the dvd slot cover fell off…. several sites are now voting over 55% wont buy ps3 just thought you would like to know
January 25th, 2007 on 9:38 pm
why would anybody want a four disc game when even the large games are only 6 to seven gig on a 9 gig disc
even the best games are under or arround a gig for example halo is only 800mb and halo 2 2.2 gig ! Why do you need blue ray when everybody knows dvd and hdvd tripple layer discs are now one yes 1 gig bigger than blue ray discs. if you want to check google it and while im on my hi horse whats this about blueray wiping ps1 and 2 discs when played in early machines.and why is the uk getting the 1st edition machines and not the states oh yeah its to piss us off on the recalls.
January 25th, 2007 on 9:53 pm
And another thing buy a ps3 and you cant play hd games untill you buy the hd lead £10 – £100 and a hd television and they hav’nt told any body that some of the new titles can only be played if you have an hd television.
Yes they dont play on PAL50 televisions and if you want to know if yours is pal ask yourself where do you live yes uk and its Pal 50 thanks to the BBC and ITV back in the 50’s you aint got a choice mate…….
March 2nd, 2007 on 6:55 am
Quiet down ya cry babies!
April 8th, 2007 on 3:10 am
They even reversed the way the on/off switch goes!
bhdhiq – I test of your knowledge of buddhist teachings.