Another important piece of SEGA nostalgia merchandise has been discovered!

Sonic and Knuckles have been scribbled out. There’s a reason for this. The person who owns the book will explain himself in the next caption.
“If you look at the intro page, you can see where the young me crossed out all the Sonic pictures because I HATED Sonic for being RUBBISH. I am sorry.”
It’s not really a cheats book. It’s an empty notebook for you to write your own cheats down on. It must’ve been a lot easier to produce than today’s 200-page walkthroughs of Splinter Cell.
Mario cheats shouldn’t really be written down in a SEGA book.
If you’ve got some old rubbish on your attic that says SEGA on it, please send it in. We’re rapidly becoming the Wikipedia of SEGA.
filed in GONZO on May.02, 2006
May 2nd, 2006 on 7:16 pm
Sega… Wikipedia… SEGAPEDIA!!!
THATS what you should call these type of updates from now on!!
May 2nd, 2006 on 8:55 pm
Shitting hell, they even put Time Gal on the front cover!
May 2nd, 2006 on 9:25 pm
alt text says “Sonic 3, the worst Mega Drive Sonic”.
Me says “what the fuck ?”
May 2nd, 2006 on 9:50 pm
They’re correct; Sonic 3 was by far the worst 16-bit Sonic. No contest. Locking on with S&K made it only slightly better.
May 3rd, 2006 on 12:24 am
Someone who hated Sonic 3? I HAVE FOUND MY HOME!!
May 3rd, 2006 on 10:01 am
The people who hate Sonic 3 are the same people who cried because they couldn’t get past the first level. Go back to Sonic 2, LOSERS!
May 3rd, 2006 on 12:42 pm
How can you say Sonic 3 was the worst 16-Bit Sonic game???
Surely Flickies Island or Sonic Spinball was the worst.
May 4th, 2006 on 1:43 am
I’ve just found a new world of posts through all your ‘alt’ text with the pictures – I’m going to have to scan through all of them now…
Also, I did have a Sonic 2 iron-on transfer (but possibly thrown away), and a Sonic 2 leather-type jacket (real thick and heavy) – I’ll dig them out and get a photo at some point. I thought the coat was cool.
May 4th, 2006 on 12:18 pm
“a Sonic 2 leather-type jacket”
Wow. Definitely get photos of that for the Segapedia. If you haven’t got a good camera, I can come to your house and take photos – it’s THAT IMPORTANT.
May 10th, 2006 on 9:48 am
Ooh, I have two of those jackets too, if we’re both talking aout the same thing. One of them is red with Sonic holding a Coca Cola bottle.
September 9th, 2008 on 2:31 pm
I thought someone had found my copy of this somewhere when I eventually chucked it out and had taken pictures! That’s soo weird, I did the exact same thing, I scribbled everything Somic out! I remember when I got this. I was in year 2 at school, the day finished and in the playground was a Unigate milk float giving all this Sonic 3 junk away. Shame I don’t have it anymore.