Can’t really think of anything right now though. Sorry.

We’ll never get bored of looking at Wii promotional photographs.
They should stop doing ones with men in though.
Or just stop altogether. We get the idea of holding a controller. None of this is necessary.
filed in Uncategorized on May.10, 2006
May 10th, 2006 on 9:07 am
They all kind of look like how people used to act when they first started playing games… Moving the controller around in exaggerated motions because they haven’t got the idea that you don’t need to move the controller to move the person on the screen.
But now, that’s changed with the Wii. Maybe it’ll be easier for new gamers to control?
May 10th, 2006 on 10:49 am
Yeah, if those people had done that kinda shit with my new snes back in the day I’d have had to shout: “Put them down! Your breaking them! YOUR BREAKING THEM!”
Promo shots for consoles are fucking rediculous. People do not look like they are doing something interesting or cool when they are playing videogames, no matter how much they stand up and stick their elbows out. They should just do what they did in the eighties and have little fat americans screaming about the controller you wear on your arm, then have lasers shoot out of them for a big lie.
May 10th, 2006 on 11:10 am
Booool-shit! I’m gonna be prancing around my living room JUST LIKE LIKE THE COMMERCIAL TOLD ME TO.
Chopping onions? Fishing? Guiding Mario around SPACE to collect COLOURFUL STARS and shit that make a LOVELY SPARKLY sound come out of MY OWN HAND?
Heck yes I will.
May 10th, 2006 on 12:55 pm
It would be difficult to express in still images how the controller is used without exaggeration.
That said, I hate these promotional pictures and hope to god I don’t have to look at some douchey model “playing” the game with every single screenshot released.
May 10th, 2006 on 1:06 pm
That guy who plays Metroid in that video is even funnier when he begins to crouch and tumble around his room.
Sad thing is, I can imagine myself being stuck under a large shelf or something after playing Metroid too good, it scares me already.
May 10th, 2006 on 2:09 pm
I’m enjoying the google ads that think wii is a misspelling and are hence offering will making services
May 10th, 2006 on 2:21 pm
I just love all those guys who before E3 were saying “Don’t be stupid! You don’t have to wave the controller around like an idiot! The games will only require subtle wrist movements.”
So what do Nintendo show us when they unveil the games? People waving the controller around like an idiot.
May 10th, 2006 on 5:27 pm
Seeing the “Elite Three” of Nintendo up on stage, waving their arms around like crazy playing tennis > all.
May 10th, 2006 on 5:49 pm
The controller will require more than just hand and eye movement?
This is blatently gonna require too much effort if you’re well wreaked in the evening.
Although this might just get some of the obese people (mainly kids) in Britain off their fat fucking arses. But I suspect they’ll run a mile, sorry, waddle to the kitchen if they get the faintest wiff exercise.
May 10th, 2006 on 6:09 pm
No doubt it will be funnier to play with the amazing “motion sensitive” Dual Shack 3…
May 10th, 2006 on 6:38 pm
regardless of publicity shots of idiots having ‘fun’ with the controller, the Wii is truthfully the only Next Gen console I have any interest in.
It’s about time someone brought something innovative to the table
May 10th, 2006 on 7:34 pm
I just love all those guys who before E3 were saying “Don’t be stupid! You don’t have to wave the controller around like an idiot! The games will only require subtle wrist movements.”
So what do Nintendo show us when they unveil the games? People waving the controller around like an idiot.
Yeah, but Apple’s ads show people in silhouette, breakdancing like idiots, but you don’t presume that you HAVE to do that every time you put on your headphones, do you?
They’re showing people swining the controller like crazy because it looks more exciting than seeing some pudgy guy with his hands in his lap, twitching occasionally to control the game.
May 11th, 2006 on 4:34 am
I’m lost… All I can gather from those shots is that… playing with that controller is akin to having something stuck up your ass? Is that a fad now or what?
May 11th, 2006 on 5:51 am
Yeah, but Apple’s ads show people in silhouette, breakdancing like idiots, but you don’t presume that you HAVE to do that every time you put on your headphones, do you?
You… don’t..?
*stops breakdancing and switches off his iPod*
May 11th, 2006 on 10:55 am
*stops breakdancing and switches off his iPod*
YUH HUH. One look at your mugshot tells me you were probably lying on your bed with your eyes closed, mouthing the lyrics to some Spandau Ballet number.
Although I believe that you have an iPod.
May 11th, 2006 on 3:29 pm
no-one’s gonna play the Wii cos:
a) It’ll make them look like a SPASTIC.
b) it’s a sure-fire route to RSI, more RSI and then chronic Arthritis.
I’ve already started my lawsuit.
May 12th, 2006 on 1:50 pm
Please, a new article, i’m sick of seeing those retards…
May 12th, 2006 on 8:47 pm
I wonder what YOU look like playing on your home consoles. You think you look like Frank Sinatra playing pool, his collar undone and a cigarette hanging off the corner of your mouth?
No. You look like this:
Oooh, impressive shit.
May 13th, 2006 on 1:04 pm
No. You look like this:
That guy is my new GOD.
Seriously though, I felt like smacking that guy from Time Magazine who said that playing with a normal controller makes you look like a loser. Even if that were true, that means you’ll look like a loser playing the Wii either way, since you have to use the “classic” controller for Smash Brothers and any Virtual Console games.
Whatever your opinion, I defy you not to mock that French twat from Ubisoft demoing Red Steel – with that cold assasin’s look glinting in his eyes, and those deadly Ninja-like moves.
Though Ninja’s aren’t usually tethered like that… I don’t think “Tethered Ninjas” is a term that’s likely to strike fear into the hearts of children – unless, I don’t know… they’re tethered to the end of their bed or something.
May 14th, 2006 on 2:55 am
Which is what you use to control Wii in Real life.
Or Nintendo can call it the “Wiili” i don’t mind ^_^