It was a good day for emails. We got two about sex drugs, two MySpace friend requests (more bloody men) and an amazing FIVE containing weird SEGA-related photographs.
Here they are all at once, as the harsh truth is that none are quite good enough to make it into individual updates. But together they are stronger.

This is the ‘Sonic and Tails Spinner’. We have no idea what it is or how it’s supposed to be a game. Here’s what the photographer had to say about it:
“The spinner was made Sonic Adventure era as there’s a picture of the robot with the bird what’s inside of him on the right of the base. I’d lost interest by then though and some 7 year olds were watching me with a view to steal my phone, so I didn’t get a picture. Note how Sonic appears to be either bumming or fisting tails. Maybe that’s why it broke? The worst part is it’s about 5 minutes away from where I work and will no doubt be in there on payday, spunking money away like there’s no tomorrow.“
This is an anti-nazi parade and they have an actual Sonic banner made up. Sonic stands for freedom!
“I found this picture in an article about the protest of a German anti-fascistic rganisation called ‘Antifa’. They were protesting against the fact that neo-nazis want to buy the untenanted hotel shown in this picture to establish a nazi meeting point there. I don’t know why they painted Sonic on their banner.“
Sticking with the German-language territories, this is the SEGABAR. We presume it’s a bar – the only information the sender provided was that it’s “probably the roughest fleshpot in Salzburg”. We always knew that if SEGA did fleshpots in Salzburg, they’d probably be the roughest fleshpots in Salzburg.
It’s an exciting cardboard box! It appears to be a SEGA Mark III box of games box. The sender seemed very excited about having it in his possession.
SEGA World Shanghai.
“I was in a large shopping centre in Xu Jia Hui Shanghai and noticed a rather large ‘Sega World’ logo on top of a machine as I went up the escalator. It looked rather dirty so I figured it was some throw-back machine from the early 90s. Upon further investigation I discovered a fully functioning Sega World, complete with OutRun2, House of the Dead and a whole load of other things. The people were loving it. Despite the lack of interest in OutRun2 the other games were getting a lot of play time. It must be one of the only places in Shanghai where you can play games legitimately without them being copies…“
filed in GONZO on Aug.18, 2006
August 18th, 2006 on 3:32 pm
Sonic is different. With his blue skin he doesn’t fit into the rest of the Aryan crowd. Still he manages to be the perfect hero. Therefore he is the perfect example of what should go on a anti-nazi banner.
Or something like that, I guess.
August 18th, 2006 on 5:12 pm
Zorg. Think its about time u took down the nintendogging forum. I’m not AS into illegal preteen lolita porn as i used to be… know what i mean?
August 18th, 2006 on 11:48 pm
I just wanted to mention that we poor german people only put Sonic on our banners because we also want to have our own Sega World over here. Yes, we are possibly the only country on the world, that doesn’t have even one Sega World. We didnt even have any when Sega was still manufacturing consoles. We suck.
August 19th, 2006 on 2:49 am
why do people always have to try to write ‘funny’ messages when they send shit in?!
August 19th, 2006 on 1:27 pm
Firstly, Salzburg is in Austria, you big spaz.
Secondly that SEGA box thing is a Mark III SMS with Anmitsu Hime. Which a brief search tells me – as I’m a total Master System spacker – that it was what Alex Kidd was called over in LOLland. And of course as you all know, Hime means Princess. Obviously the western world wasn’t quite ready for a female platform game protagonist. Well it would have been a bit shit, wouldn’t it? Not that the SMS wasn’t a pile of shite next to the NES anyway.
August 19th, 2006 on 1:35 pm
The customer is king!
August 19th, 2006 on 3:07 pm
They have one of those Sonic Spinner things in the Trafford Centre in Manchester. You win tickets from it, with the ultimate goal of claiming a prize from the desk at the back of the room. £1 earns you about 3 tickets and each prize is worth several hundred tickets… The machine is a bit like Roulette with Sonic and Tails’ fingers pointing toward the outer edge of the screen. Where they stop dictates how many tickets you win. What’s more disappointing is the fact the tickets have Namco all over them as they own the arcade.
August 19th, 2006 on 5:19 pm
is there an arcade or any games in the trafford centre?
August 20th, 2006 on 5:44 pm
Trafford centre Namco station. Its loud, and people smoke in there despite clear signs forbidding such. I smoke outside and frown through the window. I think people are beginning to get it.
August 21st, 2006 on 1:18 pm
Thanks for the update Gary, sorry for calling you a spaz the other day, that was mean of me : (
August 21st, 2006 on 1:23 pm
a box, a ‘fruit’ machine, and an arcade 3000 miles away.
January 6th, 2007 on 8:29 pm
Sonic is great!!, Sonic és un heroe sin igual, Sonic és rompedor, ¡Sonic és el mejor personaje que te puedas echar a la cara!