We’ve made a new kind of t-shirt. This one’s red and says “Spiel Macht Frei” on it, which is German for something and sort of accidentally stuck as our logo because we couldn’t think of anything better in English to change it to.
Then it says “UK:Resistance – Not making a difference since 1996” underneath, which is something new we just thought up, seeing as we’ve been doing this for 10 years now.
We got a whole box of them:

You can buy them from our shop. They come in medium, large and extra fat, are red like we said and quite nice.
This is a photo of them taken with the flash. It gives you a better idea of the colour, which is a nice dark red. Not that horrible bright cheap red. Oh no.
Also, to show how much we love throwing money away, we got ten made in a girls size – for girls.
We made this girl ourselves out of a pineapple, a chair and some socks. She’ll keep us company for the winter, then we can eat her in the spring as long as she hasn’t gone rotten.
This is what the logo looks like in close-up. It’s screen-printed so it will last and looks very nice. We used macro mode to take this photo. It’s always a pleasure to work in macro mode!
We couldn’t use the Sonic logo, as that would make SEGA angry with us and we might stop getting sent free games and stickers. Which, to be honest, is the only reason we carry on with this tedious charade any more.
This is a close-up of the neck. If you’re anything like us you might be a bit ‘fussy’ about what the necks are like on your t-shirts. This has a nice neck. We went to the factory before we placed the order and looked specifically for a t-shirt with a nice neck.
They’re sixteen British pounds, which includes packaging, the new really expensive postage that makes big light things (ie, t-shirts) cost twice as much to send out as before, and us writing out envelopes and taking them to the post office which is amazingly tedious and always makes us wish we’d never bloody bothered doing it at all. Get them here, or don’t, then post about how they suck and you hate them in the Comments field and that that you hate red and that we should’ve done a green one with Tails on instead – THEN you might’ve bought one.
filed in Uncategorized on Aug.31, 2006
August 31st, 2006 on 1:07 pm
sucks without sonic
sorry :(
August 31st, 2006 on 1:26 pm
You should have done with Cream taking it up the arse, in the fanny, in the mouth and one in each hand.
I would have bought that.
I might buy this, even though it has no fucking sex on it.
Way to waste my money, Zorg.
August 31st, 2006 on 1:35 pm
£16 for that small piece of text? So any gamer-girls (they DO exist!) that I try to impress with it won’t be able to read it, unless she gets very close to me. Which girls don’t do. Not until I’ve impressed them anyway.
It’s gonna turn into some sickening vicious circle of sticking my chest in girls faces with the hopes they have read your website at some point.
I want bigger logo’s on your t-shirts! The bigger the logo, the smaller the chance of me getting another restraining order!
August 31st, 2006 on 1:59 pm
bah… maybe if you did one in blue I’d buy it. I can’t wear red. it clashes with my skin tone. [no homo]
August 31st, 2006 on 2:16 pm
I’d like to buy one, but I’m a tight git. 16 notes is a bit too much for me. I actually used to be a T-shirt transfer printer so I know how much these things actually cost to produce. It would be ace if the factory I used to work at produced these cos the owner was Jewish. I found out this fact after I amusingly drew a swastika on the wall to rebel against the long working hours, and shite wages. Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I’m gonna buy one, then find my old boss. I’ll march up to him in a menacing fashion and probably swear at him. Then I’ll run away…….I’ll also possibly stick two fingers up at the cunt while I scarper.
August 31st, 2006 on 2:43 pm
Would I be a large or an extra large?
August 31st, 2006 on 5:36 pm
Being a skinny geek rather than a fat bastard geek i need a small size so i think i’ll just make one myself.
Yes a genuine knock-off UKR tee-shirt. And i might correct the typography as well because im like that.
Right justified. I ask you! What is the world coming to?
August 31st, 2006 on 5:55 pm
I’ll buy one, Zorg.
That girl is uncannily realistic, by the way.
August 31st, 2006 on 6:51 pm
I’ll buy one in a few months time, when you do the update about how you haven’t sold enough and need the cupboard space for storing more body parts or abducted children again. Deal? You betcha!
September 1st, 2006 on 2:03 am
seeing as everyone has ripped on it, i’ll buy one cos i feel sorry for you.
i was wearing my blue SEGA VEST shirt whilst driving past the SEGA offices in chiswick/brentford/whatever the other day. it made me feel super awesome.
September 1st, 2006 on 9:33 am
Don’t get me wrong, I think the t-shirt, as it is, is brill and I’ll hopefully definitely get one.
It just could have used a gang-bang scene is all I’m saying.
September 1st, 2006 on 10:43 am
I’d buy one but I can just imagine all the cunts coming up to me asking what the german meant
September 1st, 2006 on 11:20 am
Some surly gits around here, Zorg.
I fucking love those shirts and I want one now!
September 1st, 2006 on 12:47 pm
16£ = 24 €
24€ to be considered as a neo nazi is a bit to much for me, sorry.
make it 50% cheaper and i’d gladly join your ranks.
September 1st, 2006 on 3:24 pm
Hmmm, I will buy one and since I am from Germany you can expect to be in the news over here soon because “a 17 year old male, member of the nazi organization UK:Resistance has been caught while seriously threatening a little, black boy who “just wanted to buy Sonic Riders””.
September 1st, 2006 on 8:32 pm
Zorg you bent.
Everyone knows gamers need either a small or xxx-large.
September 1st, 2006 on 9:14 pm
I’ll buy one, because I don’t have enough red tshirts yet. Good job Zorg, at least somebody’s thankful.
Drill a hole in the pineapple to put your equipment in it.
September 2nd, 2006 on 3:34 am
I know your the 1960’s boss etc and you think of us as your female employees but…
where is the fucking sonic!?
I love sonic, without the sonic its just for nazis who like games, aka ‘dmark’.
I might buy one anyway and draw on a smiling sonic face, but it’s not the same.
September 2nd, 2006 on 10:27 am
I suggest readin Zorg’s post again, *carefully*.
September 4th, 2006 on 12:01 pm
google says the german means “Play power free”.
September 9th, 2006 on 6:50 pm
First of all, I was a sad enough cunt to pre-order Saints Row and get the free t-shirt that came with it. My point is, that shirt was a LARGE size and it fitted me just fine.
I just got one of these UK:R shirts in XL and the fucker is way too tight on me, and makes my bitch-tits look massive.
September 9th, 2006 on 6:51 pm
btw, the colour is a much more muted, darker red than the pictures give credit to. They look pretty good.
September 15th, 2006 on 2:43 am
Maybe because your Saints Row tee was american, and american Large == european XXL. rly.
Anyhow, i miss the black and white sonic too :((((((((( copyright problems i guess.