Like fuck it will! But desperate Sony PR minions are keen to get some positive stories into the media to quell the growing anti-Sony feeling (which hasn’t all been down to us this time round either). Everyone now seems to realise it’s great to hate Sony! We paved the way of course and now people are starting to cotton on. Our years of pissing in the wind were not in vain. Just remember kids; PS3 is ridiculously overpriced (especially in the UK) not as powerful as they said it would be, and Sony are evil racists.
filed in LIES on Aug.26, 2006
August 26th, 2006 on 12:19 pm
Should we file this in the same folder as the time they tried to convince us that Saddam Hussein was trying to create a supercomputer out of PS2s?
August 26th, 2006 on 4:45 pm
I’m sorry but that story is the biggest load of fucking crap that I have ever read in my entire life. Do Sony expect us to believe that there will be any processing power left after it has tried to complete with the X360 and failed!
August 26th, 2006 on 6:33 pm
Of course since Sony will take a huge hit on all PS3 sold and the owners of these units (if this were to happen) would never buy software this would be a loss for Sony… on the other hand it gives them a chance to artificially make their sales numbers look bigger (which the love to do)… Hmm…
August 29th, 2006 on 1:21 pm
I can’t believe the BBC is hosting such blatant fucking advertising for Sony, what with the close-up and bullet points for the cell processor – not to mention the constant references to such nebulous terms as’advanced gaming’. Sorry guys, I don’t want to see my licence fee used for selling PS3s.
blank above got it right – it really is the biggest pile of crap.
August 31st, 2006 on 3:02 am
Got a feeling that jokey “Sony are racists” comment will bite you in the ass on day guys…
August 31st, 2006 on 3:03 am
Got a feeling that jokey “Sony are evil racists” comment will bite you in the ass one day guys…
August 31st, 2006 on 3:04 am
Got a feeling that jokey “Sony are evil racists” comment will bite you in the ass one day guys…