Has it come out yet? Is it exactly like the PS2 version? Or is Polyphony Digital, the least-efficient development team in the world, struggling to make anything look half-decent on the obsolete handheld Lumines machine?

This lie was sent out to fool idiots into buying PSP back in May of 2004. It’s now August of 2006. August 30 in fact, so actually more like September.
Well done, Sony. You made a pretend disc. This actually fooled some people for about a year! Fortunately we now know you just make stuff up and lie about things all the time, so we (the internet and therefore everyone in the world) won’t be falling for it again. This isn’t 1996 any more. You can’t expect to lie to people and for no one to notice. Everything is recorded in Google.
And well done again for making a pretend box. Now you just need to make something interesting to put in it, as with PSP and PlayStation3 in general.
The amazing detail on the pretend box, where Sony cleverly preempted what everyone would say and then said it first. This, thinking about it, was the precise moment Sony started thinking that lying to people would work as its new strategy.
filed in ENTHUSIASM, LIES on Aug.30, 2006
August 30th, 2006 on 3:22 pm
Obviously Polyphony Digital got confused and started remaking GT4 for the PS3 instead of the PSP (they do rhyme after all).
August 30th, 2006 on 4:19 pm
Does anyone actually care if it ever comes out anyway? all of the others were wank. (I wonder if any $ony fans will attempt to insult my sexuality, or imply that they have had sex with my mother for that comment?).
August 30th, 2006 on 4:25 pm
I love the way it makes the PSP sound special for having WiFi support…..
August 30th, 2006 on 6:37 pm
hey phorenzik, I think you are gay, and I fucked your mum last night…
not really, I couldnt give a shit about gt4…
I thought loco roco was fun for at least 10 whole minutes though.
August 30th, 2006 on 10:14 pm
i put my life on hold for this game and look where it got me…..
August 30th, 2006 on 10:26 pm
Each version of GT has more cars and is shitter than the last one. When they bring out ‘GT-19: Jalopy Edition’, “featuring every Pre-war car ever made!”. I still wont give a fuck.
August 30th, 2006 on 10:33 pm
I think this just goes to show how fucking stupid and gulible I am…. I bought my psp from Japan on the week it came out (£400.00!!!!) and have hardly played it since (except to play Pro Evo with my cousin in Edgware Road Tube).
Two days into using it and I had a screen full of dead pixels, to which sony showed the big finger.
I wonder if the PS3 is going to live up to the same exacting high standards (not to mention the shit thirdparty twat games they release now…)!
August 30th, 2006 on 10:55 pm
Yes it will.
Have you pre-ordered on yet??
August 30th, 2006 on 11:15 pm
why did this site give up on posting something funny?
stop being serious or negative. thats boring.
be silly and fun- thats when this site is great.
Thank you
A long time reader.
August 30th, 2006 on 11:33 pm
bollocks to all the psp hate.
all you need is outrun, every extend extra and puzzle bobble, and everything is good with the world.
August 31st, 2006 on 1:23 am
Sony bashing’s fun for all to enjoy.
August 31st, 2006 on 2:31 am
Bust-a-Move DS pisses all over the PSP versions, though.
August 31st, 2006 on 10:44 am
I really hope GT4 comes out soon — the PSP is in desperate need of racing games.
August 31st, 2006 on 10:51 am
Sony’s main purpose is to provide something to make fun of.
If I had a PSP I would trade it in for a Game Gear and play fun games.
August 31st, 2006 on 1:02 pm
Sony ripping was funny when UKR had dignity and worked for good magazines but now seeing as Gary works for the very shit Official Xbox360 magazine it just seems pretty boring and a little bias maybe? Also the other “I’m posting something shit someone sent in” posts are getting old.
Get Teela back! Just kidding… just get Jax to post or something.
September 4th, 2006 on 12:03 am
How is it bias doing the same thing we’ve been doing constantly for the last ten years?
Tired and predictable, yes. But not bias.
September 4th, 2006 on 2:20 am
I enjoyed this post. I even registered to comment.
The PSP promised much when it was first promoted and has delivered (for the most part) nothing but half-arsed PS2 ports. These old promo shots, which I was excited about at the time but have since forgotten about, are perfect examples of Sony not delivering on their promises.
Under delivering software on PSP? Killzone video? Motorstorm video? Exagerated PS3 hardware benchmarks? Dwindling PS3 launch units? Dwindling PS3 launch software lineup?
I enjoy the Lie Watch.
September 4th, 2006 on 3:40 pm
Go suck someone else’s cock.
So no one is bothered that the official xbox magazine have an anti sony site disguised as a SEGA fan site. This hasn’t been a sega site in a long time and it hasn’t been anything but repetition and bad ideas for about a year now.
I haven’t seen a post about any of the terrible games on DS, 360 or Wii yet. To busy reviewing Saint’s Row?
September 5th, 2006 on 12:56 am
I don’t really care what the people at UK:R do as a day job.
Sony opened themselves up to abuse by being style over substance since E3 2005 when they started overhyping PS3 and under-delivering on PSP.
I’ve played some good games on DS, 360 and Wii. I haven’t played anything I thought was special on PS3.
September 5th, 2006 on 4:35 pm
Are all you game journalists as bitter and twisted as that penpenman? Thank christ I became a street cleaner…
September 5th, 2006 on 5:50 pm
“terrible games on DS”
I’m sorry, but in my eyes ‘terrible games’ and ‘DS’ just don’t go together.
Unless you count the film tie-ins, but they’re pretty much non-entities as it is.
But anyway, anyone who sticks up for PS3 is clearly delusional. There’s nothing to stick up for. It’s kind of like a kid in my old school who tried to defend his Dad at every chance despite the fact he was a convicted paedophile.
September 20th, 2006 on 8:46 pm
Come on, at the moment there isn’t any portable console on the market. Sony made a good portable media player, the PSP, and now it’s going to crush it with the Mylo. The DS is crap all over, bad firmware, bad games, bad hardware… good third party browser, still ruined by the bad hardware. Real consoles? lol, there aren’t anymore. We have an extremely overpriced hd ready dvd player from Microsoft, two overpriced dvd player one from Sony (PS2) and one from MS (xbox), an useless cube thing, game free computers, soon an overpriced blue ray player, and an useless tiny little thing. The videogames died years ago. Tough, purchasing nintendo products supports the long ago dead games, since that’s all you get to play there. At least Sony And MS deliver NEW crap ever month…
PS: Gran Turismo, GTA, Dead or Alive and metal gear solid are the only reasonable games aviable.
December 13th, 2006 on 9:12 pm
Sony need to publish a book: ” The Art Of Lying “
I’d buy it, and become rich! ( Yippeee! )
January 22nd, 2007 on 9:35 pm
its the same idea but much better executed
March 13th, 2007 on 4:53 am
you friggin idiot..first off..calm the hell down its not up to you to call sony a liar and secondly they didnt lie..the game comes out tomorrow (march 13th 2006) so go buy it and shut the fuck up you dumb ranting fuck, im sick of people dissing psp’s cause they think its not as good as its ment to be..its ment to play games music videos and pictures..thats more then any other system so fuck off and go die if you have nothing good to say, no one wants to hear this bull shit cause now there are people believing sony lies when they clearly didnt
June 2nd, 2007 on 8:53 pm
People can say whatever they want, you just don’t have to agree with it. And yes, the PSP is total crap. I had one. The games are all crap, apart from Syphon Filter, the movie playback is crap, the music is crap, the photos are crap, the browser is crap.
June 12th, 2007 on 9:03 pm
“the game comes out tomorrow (march 13th 2006) so go buy it”
It’s now June 12th, 2007, and still no GT for PSP. It certainly is taking them a long time for a port! Might it be because the developers have realised that the analogue nub makes the kind of precise control a GT game requires absolutely impossible?
April 4th, 2008 on 4:55 pm
Lie watch update….
No GT4 for the PSP this year.
“Once we experienced PS3 online and went through all of that, we came to the conclusion that PSP should not be a standalone product – it should be linked in to the world of Gran Turismo, linked with the PlayStation 3,” said Yamauchi.
Funny they’ve decided to add wireless play after seeing it on the PS3?????? Thought it said the same thing on the original ‘lie’ packaging.
April 4th, 2008 on 4:58 pm
Should add the date the above comment was posted is 4th April 2008. So It’ll only be 5 years late.
June 19th, 2008 on 6:32 pm
Hey shut up! It is coming out, it comes out on the 20th June 2008, so shove it you gays.
June 24th, 2008 on 8:29 am
And it’s now the 24th June 2008. Another missed deadline, another salaryman sent home to consider his position in the company.
July 17th, 2008 on 11:38 pm
Quote from MattFag
Hey shut up! It is coming out, it comes out on the 20th June 2008, so shove it you gays.
“Snort – Maybe you have been”
See you next year for another lie update?
September 13th, 2008 on 4:27 pm
June 2008?! Wow, it’s now September 2008, it must be in a really small box as I don’t recall seeing it anywhere!
This surely is second only to “Duke Nukem Forever” in terms of vapourware.