Updates suspended for the foreseeable future as we struggle to marry two facts:
FACT A: It’s on PS3 therefore it MUST be shit.
FACT B: It’s by SEGA therefore it MUST be amazing.
ADDITIONAL FACT C: We’ll be sitting in the bathroom rocking backwards and forwards for a while pooing and weeing on ourselves trying to decide which editorial stance to take.
The only option is to pretend these are Xbox 360 or PC screenshots. Yes, that’s it. VF5 will be announced for Xbox 360 next week! That’s clearly what’s about to happen. That’s why they took all these new screenshots. Look, they’re in widescreen just like Xbox 360!
The truth is too horrible to consider.
We can’t go saying something on PS3 looks good.
All we can do is…
…maybe we could say that only SEGA is good enough to make PS3 games look good? Because SEGA’s better at programming and stuff.
That could work as an ‘angle’ to make this seem like a happier day.
Even then it feels wrong.
Maybe we should pretend VF5 doesn’t exist?
It’s just all too much. You know SEGA’s original 2001 masterplan had this down as a Dreamcast 2 launch game :(
filed in ENTHUSIASM on Sep.18, 2006
September 18th, 2006 on 7:24 pm
Maybe this is one of those situations where you could acknowledge that SEGA actually isn’t actually as great as you’d like to remember AND that PS3 is actually not going to be as terrible as you seem to be hoping it will be.
September 18th, 2006 on 8:59 pm
Considering it’s meant to be a PS3 game, it doesn’t look any better than a regular PS2 or Xbox game…
September 18th, 2006 on 9:17 pm
I’m not a Virtua Fighter expert, so help me out: when did the series start aping Dead or Alive?
September 18th, 2006 on 10:08 pm
omg guys!!
one of the sprinkles at the waterfall has bad textures!! LOL PS3 SUXS!! And it’s not SEGA’s fault really!! It’s because the PS3 SUXZ!!!
^There you go. Consider your soul saved!
Also I can’t think you can hate the PS3 any longer as SEGA has been Sony’s best supporter so far…Even pushing their games upto 1080p for their dear old friends Sony…PS3 is not that hard to love especially with gaming’s best games coming out for it so, give it a try.
SEGA got over it guys and so can you.
In fact, maybe if Sony can wash out Xbox out of the market, there might be a place for a SEGA console!! :o!!!
September 19th, 2006 on 12:24 am
Hmmm, the gfx are not much better than the PS2, and I think the developers went a bit overboard on the shiny-ness. To be perfectly honest, it looks shít.
September 19th, 2006 on 12:32 am
XBox 360 slime all over everyone, is this the real next gen? All game characters are to be dipped in baby oil? It’s teh fut4r!
Never mind about being conflicted, you loved Outrun on the PSP but still manage to hate the thing. I’m sure this will be a breeze.
September 19th, 2006 on 1:26 am
Look at Lion’s shiny fingers, he’s definately been sticking them somewhere moist.
September 19th, 2006 on 2:19 am
Does it fucking hurt to add in an extra 1000 polys maybe to make the floor have real bumps in it?
Maybe I’m anal and slightly fucked off because it’s so late (or early), or maybe it’s because the PS3 is supposed to be a next gen console. Why are the floor textures so flat?
Shall I?
*Fucks off*
September 19th, 2006 on 5:48 am
Having shiny sausage fingers is obviously the future of modern martial arts. And really really bad clothes.
Together these two things can make you invincible.
Has anyone ever tried to learn martial arts from a game? Or is it just me?
This shiny latex dress chafes in all the wrong places.
September 19th, 2006 on 10:34 am
This will probably be the only good PS3 game. Even PSP had one good game (in the form of Lumines). They’ll probably port it to 360 in the future though. I’ll put money on it!
September 19th, 2006 on 10:44 am
Sumo Digital is almost certainly porting it to Dreamcast right now. That’s why nothing has been annouced as it’s all a big secret. If they weren’t doing a Dreamcast verion they surely would have said. This is BIG NEWS.
September 19th, 2006 on 4:00 pm
Only when they start giving the women only just visible moustache hairs like out of real life will I be impressed
September 19th, 2006 on 6:17 pm
I thought VF5 had been announced for 360 ? i saw a video of it on the net someplace ages ago, its going to be identical to the psSHIT version anyways so i’ll be getting it on my 360 ta very much, and as somebody pointed out this gen doesnt seem to have lept that far this time :(
September 19th, 2006 on 8:43 pm
They’re shiny on purpose, in order to emphasise their presence over that of the background, or something like that.
That’s just how they look in the arcade version, so there.
September 19th, 2006 on 9:25 pm
Latex Sex Doll Fighter 5: Only on PS3.