We know! He will be here! We will be approximately ten metres away from him in the same room, signalling our sexual availability by dangling a red handkerchief from our back pocket.

5th September 2006. GameCity is beside itself with excitement in announcing the confirmation of game music legend Richard Jacques, who will performing an exclusive live set at GameCity this October. Performing principally on pianoforte, Jacques will be treating the audience to a series of specially arranged renditions, forming a retrospective of some of the most loved SEGA classics.
Following his appearance at the Hollywood Bowl with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Richard is delighted to be back performing in the UK. He says, “I’m really excited to be appearing at GameCity and highlight the role of music in videogames. It’s a rare event that makes game culture truly accessible to the public, but it’s so important that it’s done. I can’t wait.”
This unique concert event will take place at 2pm on Saturday 28th October, in the majestic setting of St Mary’s Church in the Lace Market, Nottingham – which will be candle-lit for the event. Whilst the precise contents of the set-list must remain undisclosed, we are able to reveal that “Sonic the Hedgehog Medley”, “Shenmue Improvisations” and “Outrun” WILL be being performed.
Phil Lamb, UK Product Manager at SEGA, commented: “Richard Jacques is a talented musician who has produced some fantastic music for SEGA over the years. Richard’s many contributions have complimented the games perfectly and have really enhanced the experience for the players. Having most recently worked with us on some cracking remixes on the soundtrack for OutRun2, Richard has proved to be a real hit with SEGA fans everywhere.”
In 2005, Jacques’ game music was performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl for “Video Games Live” to more than 11, 000 fans of video games and orchestral and choral music. Not only was Jacques’ music selected for the world’s largest video game music symphony concert, accompanied by cinematics on the big screen and laser light show, but given his expertise and knowledge of live orchestra Jacques was also invited to arrange and orchestrate the special retro Classic Arcade Medley featuring over 20 games from Pong to Donkey Kong including such classics as Dragon’s Lair, Tetris, Frogger, Gauntlet, Space Invaders and Outrun. In addition, having scored games in the multi-million selling Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, Jacques was selected to arrange and orchestrate the Sonic medley, prompting high praise from Sonic creator Yuji Naka himself.
With the supporting bill yet to be disclosed, Jacques is already providing one of the hottest tickets for GameCity 2006.
“Performing principally on pianoforte” means Richard Jacques will be playing SEGA songs on a piano! We will be performing principally on our penises as Rich soothes us away into a candlelit dream world filled with SEGA music.
filed in RICHARD on Sep.05, 2006
September 5th, 2006 on 1:47 pm
I wonder what the other ‘hot tickets’ are going to be at GameCity Nottingham 2006? Probably something with girls with big tits i imagine.
September 5th, 2006 on 2:10 pm
Yea, I’ll be there too.
September 5th, 2006 on 2:21 pm
“…Classic Arcade Medley featuring over 20 games from Pong to Donkey Kong…”
But isn’t Donkey Kong just “doo, doo, dee-doo-dee-doo, doo, doo, dee-doo-doo” over and over again?
September 5th, 2006 on 2:28 pm
I am SO wishing to be there.
September 5th, 2006 on 11:08 pm
I like Richard Jacques, He’s a really nice guy, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying he’s a legend, he’s not even in Tommy Talarico country even to be a legend…
Now Yuzo Koshiro, Now HE’S a Sega Music Legend!!!
September 5th, 2006 on 11:27 pm
I agree with Guru Larry… Yuzo Koshiro is the real legend, but I want to be there anyway!! Maybe I’ll go…
September 6th, 2006 on 9:35 am
I live right near there- that arrow points at a church so I’d watch the vicar with that erection.
There are some boarded-up cave entrances nearby though, suitable for lying in priapic wait for Jacques before abducting him and forcing him into some kind of degraded ‘private concert’.
September 6th, 2006 on 11:21 am
“so I’d watch the vicar with that erection.”
Jings, I’ve heard people call it their “third eye” but never literally!
You, Sir, are a miracle of modern science.