Basically… Sony paid marketing company Zipatoni to make a blog about how great PSP is, because PSP is such a piece of shit no one on the whole internet wants to make a fan site about it for free.

Obviously it’s all backfired and turned into a massive slagging match, as Sony’s marketing gurus block words like “viral” and “marketing” from the comments fields and delete posts 24/7.
All quotes left on Sony’s latest fake marketing blog:
“As a gamer who is part of Sony’s target audience I’m insulted not just by the integrity of this website, but that this reflects how intelligent Sony’s marketing department thinks I am.” “Second…Sony…PLEASE stop trying to be ‘hip’. Please START focusing on product and games and opening a REAL dialogue with your users to make your gaming products better.” “This fake cool vibe is as pathetic as an old uncle dancing to hip hop at a family wedding.” “Please, while you’re removing this comment and the 200 other negative comments above it (again), have the decency to do one honest thing in your life and inform sony of just how bad they screwed up by ordering this a_d. This is simply so insulting to anyone who truly loves games, the only reaction you will likely get is a decreased willingness to buy anything sony branded.” “Just checking back again, I note that my post,saying the word advert(i)sing was banned, has been deleted.” “Thank you for making me feel even better about not buying your products! And by the way, your incredibly horrible attempts at typing in a way you must assume most gamers type is pathetic. Way to go! You just insulted all the people who buy your products! Now back to Mario on my DS. :)” “Let’s face it folks, PSPs are utterly worthless unless you hack the thing. Downgrade your firmware to 1.50 and install Devhook 0.5.1 and emulate Firmware 3.02 – swapping between the two rocks. And you have ISO support now.” “Makes me ashamed of buying a product from such losers. if you guys wanted to sell psp’s then why don’t you get dame game on it, right now theres no great games on psp just a bunch of shovelware.” “No one wants a psp, and Sony is going down in flames. I’ve awaited this day for many, many years now.” “What The Hell! Not only is this fraud of a joke site a simple paid for advertisement for Sony, but it also is horrendously awful! You spent how much on this absolute tripe? Sony shareholders better wake up and start firing people left and right if they want to retain any value.” “You want people to love your products and actually produce sites like this? Don’t pay someone make a site… Just make a product good enough for people to love. The community and love will follow.”
And be sure to check out the awesome defence posts by site updaters ‘charlie’ and ‘cousinpete’ such as…
“we be just tryin to represent u guys… regular playas just tryin to get their gaem on, but now u gotta do all be dis then… u guys are noubs, pwnd!!” – ‘charlie’
“You all is haters tymes 4. Dis is lee-git. Don’t know why youse thinks this is a schill. Are site was registered through an external provider. We don’t work for sony. And for all you dissin’ my skillz I’m down for a one on one rap off or settling it street stylez if you feel me playa. Teh. I own a Nintendo DS and I love it. I would still like a PSP for shizzle. But the DS is just as solid.” – ‘cousinpete’
…over here at Sony’s latest attempt at lying to people on the internet.
When all the posts get deleted and the site gets closed because it’s just too embarrassing to carry on having it on the internet, a recent back-up of the page will be located here. It’s simply too good to let fade away.
filed in LIES on Dec.12, 2006
December 12th, 2006 on 3:30 pm
That is awful and sooo transparent.
December 12th, 2006 on 5:03 pm
Why is Sony acting like a villain from Scooby Do? I can just imagine ken kutaragi being unmasked, “I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids…”
December 12th, 2006 on 5:05 pm
“You all is haters tymes 4. Dis is lee-git. Don’t know why youse thinks this is a schill.”
Oh, god, I am pissing myself. I particularly love the way the tone and the vernacular of the ‘defense posts’ shifts wildly through mis-spelled hip-hop bollocks, weird 1930s gangsterisms (“youse”) and earnest, perfectly spellchecked sincerity (“the site was registered through an external source”).
The defense posts probably had input from about six people in a marketing committee. I can see them now….”no, needs more ebonics!”…”what about some of that ‘leet’ business?”…”we have to stay on-message here, people!”
side-splitting stuff.
December 12th, 2006 on 5:06 pm
This is amazing. The sheer vitriol being spouted over there is phenomenal!
I may have added a few myself.
Genuinely hilarious.
December 12th, 2006 on 5:14 pm
So Sony apparently holds the same opinion of their customers I assumed they did.
I would’ve loved to sit in on the marketing meeting for this one. Hopefully it will get held up as a failure of “viral marketing”: rule one, don’t be fake or the bloggers will eat you alive.
December 12th, 2006 on 5:48 pm
You realise the “defence posts” are piss-takes, right?
The rest of it is as much of a trainwreck as it looks, though.
December 12th, 2006 on 6:09 pm
This isn’t helping keeping the train on the tracks neither.
December 12th, 2006 on 6:22 pm
Wot a jib. UKR iz bustin are ballz ova dis webshizzle but we is lee-git. All we wont is a PSP 2 play ridge racer on it innit.
Dat website reminds me a bit of gamezville mate
December 12th, 2006 on 7:04 pm
this is brilliant.
December 12th, 2006 on 7:04 pm
Oh yes, too awful to lose.
Good work on the backup.
December 12th, 2006 on 7:11 pm
amusing, if you check Amazon, they’ve sold out of all their Nintendo DSs (“usually shipped in 10-14 days” is how they’re phrasing it) whilst the PSP is still avalaible for immediate hurry-hurry-expressn delivery type dispatch.
December 12th, 2006 on 8:21 pm
This is the best thing ever. EVER! Nice going on keeping the backup copy…
December 12th, 2006 on 8:33 pm
on that terrible psp bands website it says that its all just a marketing campaign, so why are sony trying to hide the fact?
December 12th, 2006 on 8:37 pm
on that terrible psp bands website it says that its all just a marketing campaign, so why are sony trying to hide the fact?
December 12th, 2006 on 8:38 pm
on that terrible psp bands website it says that its all just a marketing campaign, so why are sony trying to hide the fact?
i said “i hope ken and the rest of sony japan commit Seppuku for this.”
December 12th, 2006 on 8:39 pm
i said “i hope ken and the rest of sony japan commit Seppuku for this.”
December 12th, 2006 on 8:44 pm
i said “i hope ken and the rest of your gang in japan commit seppuku for this” it seems company is a taboo word there too.
December 12th, 2006 on 10:29 pm
If I was really not a Sony employee I wouldn’t write:
“Don’t know why youse thinks this is a schill. Are site was registered through an external provider”
Instead of “External provider” I would have used the term “indipendant provider” ’cause by wording it as ‘external provider’ it suggests that the writer thinks of non sony providers as external to their position, not independant to sony’s position, thus sugesting that perhapse that sentance is being written by someone who is currently internal to sony. A subtle slip there?
December 12th, 2006 on 10:37 pm
If I was really not a Sony employee I wouldn’t write:
“Don’t know why youse thinks this is a schill. Are site was registered through an external provider”
Instead of “External provider” I would have used the term “indipendant provider” ’cause by wording it as ‘external provider’ it suggests that the writer thinks of non sony providers as external to their position, not independant to sony’s position, thus sugesting that perhapse that sentance is being written by someone who is currently internal to sony. A subtle slip there?
December 13th, 2006 on 12:07 am
Oh my fucking god……
They’ve even banned the word “Lik-Sang”
(though it technially isn’t a word I know) but thats low.
December 13th, 2006 on 12:44 am
“hey bois stop h8n psp is da pwn 4realz!”
sweet fucking christ. Westwood in da house!!
A truly hilarious site. Still, won’t stop me from getting a PS3 and a PSP, the Formula 1 link-up sounds like the ultimate killer-app.
December 13th, 2006 on 12:47 am
please end this madness sony, altough it is nice to see a website where someone gets to ‘kick there own flow old skool style’ Actually on second thoughts, no i’ll think i’ll go and kill myself thank you for destoying my faith in humanity sony.
December 13th, 2006 on 12:52 am
I’m quite tempted to start posting gamertags/friend codes on there too. Its nearly as much fun as amending the wikipedia stuff, my “singstar next” stuff hasn’t been touched yet.
December 13th, 2006 on 1:59 am
I didn’t want to do it but I had to. Time to unleash Code-127. I won’t be able to control it long, then its everyones. Time to Jam the signal. Ask Noel for details, Tell him George sent you.
December 13th, 2006 on 4:33 am
sony killed the dreamcast. do not buy sony.
December 13th, 2006 on 12:21 pm
so the wheel does turn, sony. your own fans, all be it dumb cunts, is turning on you. burn sony you fucks. BURN.
December 13th, 2006 on 12:40 pm
I commented, and ‘hilariously’ implied that I had bought a PSP from Lik Sang….and that I was Ken Kutaragi. Don’t know why I bothered really. I suppose it delayed my suicide attempt by about 2 minutes though.
December 13th, 2006 on 1:28 pm
Sony should burn for what they did to Sega.
December 13th, 2006 on 2:07 pm
Someone just made an interesting point on the site’s comment page.
It would be very interesting if it turned out that Zipatoni were hired by Nintendo and not Sony.
December 13th, 2006 on 4:49 pm
who gives a toss? i hate them just as much as i did before.
December 13th, 2006 on 9:47 pm
“Busted. Nailed. Snagged. As many of you have figured out (maybe our speech was a little too funky fresh???), Peter isn’t a real hip-hop maven and this site was actually developed by Sony. Guess we were trying to be just a little too clever. From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products, and use this site to give you nothing but the facts on the PSP.
Sony Computer Entertainment America”
[Falls off chair]
December 13th, 2006 on 9:52 pm
This is such fantastic stuff. All of it.
It’s stuff like this that makes me check UK:R every day – the best bullshit detector on the internet.
Cutlack? Would.
December 13th, 2006 on 9:59 pm
My own personal ‘fall off chair’ moment was reading the phrase “PS3DO”, which I hadn’t heard before.
December 13th, 2006 on 10:16 pm
Oh and I liked this one too:
“If you’re ever in need of someone that can provide you with insight on how to cross-over into a demographic you know NOTHING about please feel free to look me up as a consultant. You see, i was raised around the people you lock your car doors when you see approaching, yet you reach out to them because of their affinity for impulse purchases and irresponsible spending habits”
December 13th, 2006 on 11:44 pm
Wait, no, there’s a video backup here:
December 14th, 2006 on 12:05 pm
Wait til you see the crap marketing that Fony are tryin to pull here in Ireland, yes, psp art, I shit you not…
Getting local “artists” to show their idea of psp “art”
Good lord, will it ever end?
December 14th, 2006 on 2:28 pm
This wasn’t just “an old uncle dancing to hip hop at a family wedding” embarrasing. This was Tibor Fischer’s uncle masturbating in a school playground embarrasing.
December 14th, 2006 on 9:11 pm
“Guess we were trying to be just a little too clever. From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products”
Wrong on both counts…
December 18th, 2006 on 11:17 pm
i think ukr is run by microsoft to destroy sony
December 24th, 2006 on 1:13 pm
Sony aren’t the only floggers. See – “I purchased a new BMW E36 318is that I like so much and I decided that it’s time to create that website that I always wanted. So here we go.” – yeah right.
Thanks ‘Tony Sticks’ (aka Bassam Jarad) for your informative personal account of your BMW purchase.
February 6th, 2007 on 4:00 am
Do you know I see dvd to psp converter, dvd to psp, convert dvd to psp — ipod zune psp video converter software released in ?
April 2nd, 2007 on 4:57 pm
“Wait til you see the crap marketing that Fony are tryin to pull here in Ireland, yes, psp art, I shit you not…“
Actually, this is about a million times more respectable. If this was thier American advertising method, unlike that stupid blog, they’d still have some respect left.
Personally I think SCEI in Japan should just cut off the life support on thier American and European branches.
October 17th, 2007 on 12:19 am
This has somehow got even better. The website has been closed, and the dodgy ad company hasn’t setup their host headers properly as that URL now goes to a promotional haagen daz website :D
January 28th, 2008 on 6:03 pm
Unfortunately fellow Irelanders, the website has been taken down.Also sony sucks monkeys,i had four Ps2s break on me in 7 MONTHS.My N64 has survived being thrown out of a car and its 12 years old. My Dreamcast is pretty resilient too…
March 17th, 2008 on 10:12 pm
Shit my if thats how bad sony is, any they are the best in the console market, how can we describe microsoft.
If you think sony has disregard for their customers, the you can only regard microsoft as the commercial equivalent of Hitler and the 3rd Reich.