That’s good news, isn’t it? It means Sony’s getting a large number of units into the retail supply chain. It certainly DOES NOT mean no one’s buying PS3 because it’s a big piece of overpriced shit with a load of broken, year-old games.
Amazon also has some (oh, only about a million) left as well, which it is selling for an amazing saving of 1p. That really puts PS3 within reach of the average consumer!

In other REALLY VERY STUPID PS3 NEWS today, GAME has decided to only sell you a PS3 if you also want to buy three games with it and spend over 550 quid. We can confidently predict that LITERALLY NOBODY will want to do that.
It’s almost as if they don’t want to sell any. Which is handy, as they won’t.
Dear Sony, we will stop mentioning PS3 if you can arrange to have ten boxed PAL PS3 consoles and ten collections of the entire launch line-up (all first and third party games plus peripherals) shipped to our home for selling on Ebay in time for launch day.
The number of PS3s we require will go up by one each day before our terms are met. No negotiations will be entered into. You have 24 hours before we need eleven.
filed in LIES on Feb.16, 2007
February 16th, 2007 on 3:17 pm
That’s a foolish ultimatum. You’re going to end up with a garage full of PS3s you can’t sell. Sony will wait until you want enough to take their entire stock off their hands, then dump them on you and free up some warehouse space and you’ll be stuck with a house full of shitty overpriced shiny black turds that no-one wants.
February 16th, 2007 on 4:54 pm
But then, wouldn’t Zorg have the opportunity to burn them? That would make for a great bonfire! Although, the machines probably contain hazerdous materials within the cells… Best to burn them outside EA’s offices, for safety.
February 16th, 2007 on 5:19 pm
Here’s the best news of the day:
SNES is outselling PS3 in the US.
February 16th, 2007 on 6:15 pm
Ok lets set things straight i got a ps3 for christmas from america and let me tell u it is AWSOME!
Have you read the idiot children posting comments to Amazon’s UK site? At their age I was pulling some girl’s hair and pretending my climbing frame was from Space 1999, not to mention revising for spelling tests and being beaten by my father. Nowadays ten year olds all have opinions and toy budgets larger than most people’s mortgage payments.
Do I sound old? I feel old.
February 16th, 2007 on 7:17 pm
SNES outselling PS3 is the best thing I have ever heard.
Maybe people are so desperate for a Wii they are in fact buying SNESs, painting them white and pretending they’re playing the Virtual Console?
February 16th, 2007 on 9:11 pm
With just a few “extras” this bundle could be an awesome deal. All they have to add (while keeping the price the same) is:
— Sonic the Hedgehog for Virtual Console
— the Wii
— an XBox360 so I can see what all this Gears of War hype is about
February 16th, 2007 on 9:51 pm
Wasn’t going to bother but with Amazon slashing the price like that it’s going to be hard to resist.
February 16th, 2007 on 10:17 pm
I love the face on GAME’s Pre-Order Screen, if you click on REDUCE, it just makes the picture smaller and not the price ^_^
February 17th, 2007 on 1:33 pm
hey – it’s expensive but a price I’ll pay gladly to play Motor Storm, Resistance FOM, (Tiger Woods ’07 with tilt control spin on the ball) and Full Auto 2 (improved from the 360 version) now and LAIR, WARDEVIL and even MERCENARIES 2 none of which you’ll find in another system this year!?
It’s a choice – I’m choosing PS3!!
February 17th, 2007 on 5:02 pm
Matt: if you’ve been devotedly determined to upgrade since the PS3 was first announced (and don’t pretend otherwise), it’s really no surprise that you’ve had to find ways of justifying such monumental bad value. A handful of deeply average seven-out-of-ten launch titles and a bunch of games that haven’t even been written yet might convince you and all the other Sony groupies, but I don’t think anyone sane among us is the least bit interested.
February 17th, 2007 on 5:05 pm
I concur. Matt A is clearly an arse.
Unless he’s being sarcastic, like that other bloke from that other comments field the other week. In which case he is a comedic genius.
February 18th, 2007 on 1:22 am
Yes, this is getting confusing. Can all people who post here in support of the PS3 please state whether they are a genuine retard or not please.
February 18th, 2007 on 4:24 pm
HAH! It seems that those nasty bastards at Sony are just in denial!
February 18th, 2007 on 6:39 pm
Matt A, do you work for Sony?
February 19th, 2007 on 8:31 am
matt A is one of those guys who likes anal sex with other men and likes to kiss them, but is not gay. if life has taught me anything, it is that sony sucks regardless of what games they have.
February 19th, 2007 on 6:49 pm
I think we should assume that anyone who says anything positive about Sony on this site is just joking. Although, there is probably no harm in calling them names just for safety sake.
February 19th, 2007 on 11:30 pm
Mercenaries 2 on PS3 only? You do realise that EA is publishing it? It will be sold for every single platform available (and the
February 21st, 2007 on 10:31 pm
Bugger me, he’s serious. Go read his blog.
What a complete cunt.
March 6th, 2007 on 4:27 pm
OMG – his name is Matt Adcock…..
I would agree – add a cock and maybe some balls too……
The Mind Of Matt – Dull as Dulux…..