Yes it is, isn’t it?
More shameful “proper TV” reporting on video games, this time from the BBC’s Watchdog. Look out for the Welsh man who paid “280 pound” for his.
filed in Uncategorized on Feb.14, 2007
February 14th, 2007 on 12:14 pm
Is that guy, or is he not, the closest thing to a living Mr. Potato Head?
February 14th, 2007 on 12:24 pm
Why are they showing footage of Ghost Recon while talking about his “favorite game, Gears of War”? Wankers.
February 14th, 2007 on 12:29 pm
i think that ‘alex’ is a bit gender confused :S
February 14th, 2007 on 12:50 pm
he is as queer as they come. i wonder if mommy bought his “favorite game” for him or was it maybe the nice people at that special school he goes to.
i have a strange feeling this story is sony inspired.
February 14th, 2007 on 12:52 pm
February 14th, 2007 on 1:11 pm
Microsoft fixed my 360 and my friends (both just out of warranty) for free… How did these guys manage to get ripped off?
Bunch of whinging babies!
February 14th, 2007 on 1:42 pm
that is one weird lookin chickguy. i’ll bet the welsh fool, only paid £179.99 for his xbox, rather than the much projected figure of £180.
i’ve had my xbox since launch, no problems for me,(if you don’t include the jet engine)
February 14th, 2007 on 2:14 pm
Mine’s still fucked sitting in a box on my shelf. I’m not paying to get it fixed. Fuckers.
February 14th, 2007 on 2:51 pm
after looking at the video again, it would also seem that alex and craig know each other, since they are playing a game together on one of their broken Xbox’s.
i think alex = Jabba the Hutt. cause jabba does not have a gender.
February 14th, 2007 on 3:16 pm
I think it’s excellent how the BBC have put gaming back 20 years. Not with the shoddy fact checking ‘never played videogames because I go to bowls’ researcher, but infact, but this beauty.
They pick two chubby commoners. The first one has long greasy hair, is spotty and obviously is at home saying “I’ve been on telly – look I’m well fit” whilst trying to use this as a pulling tactic.
The second guy is welsh.
C’mon BBC< I know you can do better, and I might complain to watchdog about their shoddy "Proper TV" research and blatant shitness abound.
February 14th, 2007 on 3:50 pm
but… all gamers are lank haired morons. So whats the problem?
February 14th, 2007 on 3:52 pm
There’s a lot of blatant attempts at humour in here and thus far you’ve all managed to miss the most blatant que for mega utlra piss-takery: just before the end and right after the final FPS ‘GAME OVER’ scene. Go watch now! You’re welcome, comediennes and comedians.
February 14th, 2007 on 4:35 pm
I saw this on tele, and was soooo disappointed that they didn’t interview one Mr Cutlack wasn’t asked for his opinions.
I was kinda of hoping they would catch him in one of his ‘alternate’ states, i.e dressed up like Zargon on sky
word verification – xxdudvra – a cheap east european viagro rip off?
February 14th, 2007 on 4:42 pm
or viagra rip off, god my typing is getting worse
February 14th, 2007 on 4:57 pm
Yes I spotted the comedy gold, the announcers reaction after the nasty gun firing at the end.
Once again, all gamers are made to look like weirdos because of these guys, especially Mr Potato Head.
February 14th, 2007 on 7:35 pm
It’s not fair. Those fuckers get paid for making up sensational bollocks. When I do it, all I get it verbal abuse.
February 14th, 2007 on 9:12 pm
Stop fucking moaning! It’s a device, it can go wrong. Just like a washing machine, a car and countless other consumer durables. 280 whingers to the BBC, compared to the number actually sold, don’t sound bad at all! Wake up! This isn’t 1954, stuff is made to last 2 years tops, then chuck it in a landfill, buy the latest version! Fuck me I bet half these gamig whores will buy a friggin PS3 the minute their fucking giros come through, then they’ll be on the telly moaning about Sony’s lack of consumer care! Whore, slag, bitches!
Of course, I’d moan and look like a cunt, if got a chance to get on telly!
February 14th, 2007 on 10:12 pm
What’s even better is that they claim that each sale of an Xbox 360 adds to the 45 billion made by Microsoft a year.
Not when they’re making a loss on each one sold.
If we all bought one and didn’t buy a single game how many would we have to buy before we fucked the entire company?
February 15th, 2007 on 1:55 am
hate to be a cunt but microsoft actually makes a profit now on 360s.
Depreciated component costs and all that.
Sony on the other hand loses 300 on each 20GB PS3. Perfect if you want a cheap blueray player and hate sony.
February 15th, 2007 on 8:52 am
You’re all just on the defense because his fabulous hair shook your resolve for one terrifying second.
February 15th, 2007 on 8:53 am
You’re all just on the defense because his fabulous hair shook your resolve for one terrifying second.
February 15th, 2007 on 9:15 pm
hate to be a cunt but microsoft actually makes a profit now on 360s.
Depreciated component costs and all that.
Sony on the other hand loses 300 on each 20GB PS3. Perfect if you want a cheap blueray player and hate sony.
Well I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the info.
I’d be happy to bankrupt Sony.
February 16th, 2007 on 1:11 am
The BBC’s standards continue to drop… not one Microsoft employee was ambushed outside his home by a Watchdog camera crew who fired 50 questions at him and added,”unless you answer perfectly without stammering, we take that as you admit your company financed the Third Reich and boils babies down into glue.”
February 16th, 2007 on 9:59 am
yeah that would’ve been spectacular. or maybe as a consolation, a grilling in the studio? or even a letter? anything!
it’s still pretty bad, though – my first 360 died after 6 months and all i play on it is street fighter. but i managed to make back more than what i’d paid by selling the bits and cashing in on the whole dvd firmware flashing craze.
my last one buggered up when i started watching hddvds on it. my current one is fine for now…
but even 14 months at £280 is £20 a month. crikey!
as for the vid, i loved the bit about the £20 dvd player!
February 17th, 2007 on 7:21 am
I only use my launch machine now and then. It’s been 100% perfect.
I think the machine is made at different factories. Some are probably better than others.
Those guys seemed reasonable enough. I think the main guy is a Sony plant though.
Millions sold. How many problems?
February 18th, 2007 on 12:48 pm
A whole 248 complaints out of 10 million sales. The problems must be MASSIVE!!!
February 21st, 2007 on 8:42 am
maybe your xbox wouldn’t break after 3 days if you didn’t play gears of war for 72 hours straight you wank.
February 21st, 2007 on 10:44 pm
“A whole 248 complaints out of 10 million sales.”
That’s reports to the BBC, not worldwide failures you fucking tit.
“maybe your xbox wouldn’t break after 3 days if you didn’t play gears of war for 72 hours straight you wank.”
If a console breaks because it’s being used, you’ve got a faulty piece of hardware. It should be capable of being in constant use, like any other computer.
February 25th, 2007 on 5:13 am
Yeah, I’m going to tape down the “on” buttons on my toaster and kettle, you won’t see THEM breaking!
Oh, right.
April 22nd, 2007 on 8:28 pm
Vagus, you are a racist twat. Please die you cunt.