This is the most incredible display of PS3 pre-order desperation yet. We can’t stop looking at it. It’s beyond belief. It’s beautiful yet terrifying.
It’s the Horsham branch of GAME attempting MIND CONTROL:

SAYS THE SPOTTER: “It’s official – the PS3 is cheaper than the combined price of two more expensive things. It’s certainly food for thought.”
Please seek some sort of medical or psychiatric care, or at least take a week or two off work to relax and calm down a bit. It’s really not that important.

IN OTHER NEWS: Play has started giving away free games to try and shift its clearly massive “launch allocation”. We can only imagine the amount of horrified realisation that is dawning in retailer boardrooms across the country right now.
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Mar.15, 2007
March 15th, 2007 on 3:28 pm
Think ps3 is EXPENSIVE???
sell your ps2 + psp + psone to help you buy it!!!
March 15th, 2007 on 4:00 pm
Think £425 is expensive?? A house costs more!! To buy TWO houses would cost up to £200,000 more than buying a PS3!!
March 15th, 2007 on 5:17 pm
You won’t even have to buy a house! Coming next fall PS3 will offer “Home”, free for download. (until then have fun feeding the ducks in Horsham Park)
March 15th, 2007 on 6:36 pm
‘Think £425 is expensive?? A house costs more!!’
This cracked me up. Well done that man.
March 15th, 2007 on 6:42 pm
A house costs more.. heh heh. Genius.
What I particularly like is how google adwords is picking up PS3 all the time on UK:R, and as such, the most flagrantly anti-PS3 site on the internets is actually filled full of “BUY PS3 FOR ONLY THE SIZE OF SOME SMALL COUNTRIES GOVERNMENT BUDGETS” adverts
March 15th, 2007 on 6:50 pm
They should rename Motorstorm to Mediastorm.
Or better yet, Shitstorm.
March 15th, 2007 on 7:22 pm
So hang on – according to the press release that Game sent out earlier, this must be one of their ‘officially designed and approved by head office’ signs?
Who’s working in their design department? Helen Keller?!
March 15th, 2007 on 8:12 pm
Think PS3 is expensive?!
You’re probably poor!
March 15th, 2007 on 8:29 pm
Also, I think that pig thing has been pinched from Natwest. I’m sure I saw the exact same image there the last time I tried to rob them.
March 15th, 2007 on 8:36 pm
Actually, scratch Shitstorm.
Simply Shit will suffice.
March 15th, 2007 on 9:14 pm
I’m starting to save up right this very minute – hope I’m not to late! I heard it was the final week for pre-orders to be fulfilled.
March 15th, 2007 on 9:36 pm
They’ll be offering ” Free Sex ” with famous glamour models soon.
They are desperate, I will give-in when they offer me: ” Free £500, with all PS3s “
March 15th, 2007 on 10:21 pm
They seem to have missed out the part where a top end PC can play shit loads of good games compared to 20odd shit ones….
And that no-one needs a fucking blue-ray player.
March 15th, 2007 on 10:30 pm
I popped into Game today. The guy there pretty much begged me to preorder a PS3, arguing against my claim that I didn’t have £400-odd to spare by explaining how Sony actually make a loss on the hardware (so it must be good value).
He also told me that they would be out of stock after next week until Christmas time.
Oh, and I questioned him on the backwards-compatibility, but he reassured me that every single PS2 game would run on it, so I might as well trade that in for £30 towards the PS3.
March 16th, 2007 on 1:49 am
They’ve put an asterisk at the end of the line about surfing the web but haven’t put the bit of small print at the bottom explaining why.
Illegal! Horsham Trading Standards please…
March 16th, 2007 on 7:36 am
last i checked the ps3’s rsx graphics chip had 24 pixel pipelines compared to a top end pc card like the geforce 8800 gtx’s 128. the ps has 512 mb ram and a top end pc can support upto 8gb ram. CUNTS.
March 16th, 2007 on 10:06 am
Just what is it with Game staff’s inability to be grammatically correct? According to them ‘The PS3 is a multi media machine that play games with your friends around the world.’ IF YOU BEGIN A BULLET POINT LIST WITH AN UNFINISHED SENTENCE, MAKE SURE YOU CARRY THE THEME ON, YOU DUMB PURPLE CLAD FUCKWITS.
And I still want to know what the asterisk is supposed to be for. My guess is ‘just like every other machine out there, only on a more expensive system’.
Word Verification: ‘puatuf’ – hmmm. Somthing do with lady private parts and expelled air, I would think.
March 16th, 2007 on 10:44 am
How appropriate that the piggy bank is launching coins into thin air.
March 16th, 2007 on 10:56 am
As per the comments in the last update:
Do you think that this is a sign authorised and sent out by head office? I doubt it, somehow.
March 16th, 2007 on 11:50 am
What the hell is a “BLU RAY dvd”?
March 16th, 2007 on 2:19 pm
hmv are getting more desperate lol
you can not just win all your games for free ,but now a HD TV!! yay
but! no HDMI cable with ps3 ,so you take it home..then think…crap need to go out and buy one!
also if they wanna boost sales they should quit the shit compo’s and maybe give something free or discounted?
March 16th, 2007 on 2:32 pm
I went into the game in Cwmbran just now, the guy said they had 91 preorders….
That should be all you need to know about Cwmbran
March 16th, 2007 on 3:30 pm
You could buy a “top end PC” for twice the price of a PS3. Admittedly, it is twice the price, but it’s not “from £1000”. And a PC is more than twice as good as a PS3, so it’s value for money, really. And if Blu Ray fails like a great bit fat dead dog falling down a cliff for all eternity, then you could buy an HD-DVD drive for it somewhere along the line.
Listen, Game staff: Sony are doing a good enough job as it is making everyone hate them and their machine. Don’t help them.
March 16th, 2007 on 5:30 pm
‘IN OTHER NEWS: Play has started giving away free games to try and shift its clearly massive “launch allocation”.’
If those games are free then the shipping must be very expensive to cost £524.99. Must weigh a tonne! Infact, it could be the size of a small house*.
*Refer second comment.
March 20th, 2007 on 11:24 pm
Ok so the posters funny, but you can stop wanking now. There really is no need to waste so much time picking at silly things. I work in a sales environment and know how much pressure there is to sell things, give them a break! ScSiDaN, you must think your clever, but your not and you probably have no friends. Ooshka Bay, who cares how the gramma is, it really isnt important, I bet you got bullied at school. PS3 is a good machine so take down your Bill Gates posters and get real hobbies, like football or fucking real birds and not your inflatable Bill Gates.
March 22nd, 2007 on 8:37 am
Actually, this is completely wrong (the Game display, not the article).
Firstly, they’re utter idiots. The PS3 does NOT play games better than top spec PCs, and it never will. And I’ll be damned if I can play even the likes of Quake 3 Arena in a 36 person feud on that hunk of crap. Also, they state that Blu Ray is a DVD, they need a fucking smack to the head for that one.
Also, you can build a budget gaming PC setup, even with an nVidia 8800GTX, for £800 from Komplett or other sources, that can be hooked up to a huge monitor with DVI Ports for HD viewing (seeing as Blu Ray has already been cracked) and it’d still cost less than what it’d be for a PS3, how? Because most PS3 games are made for HDTVs, and for a large HD Display that has an output of 1080p I’d be fucking mad if anyone here finds one under £1000.
The PS3 has flopped, ’nuff said.
March 23rd, 2007 on 9:53 pm
Ok, i’m finding it very hard to understand why everyone on this site passionatly hates PS3. It’s not a group of extremist terrorists, its not a rival football team and its not a childhood bully. Its a machine, made of metal and plastic, that has never done anything to harm you. And wheres the hatred of GAME come from?? Would you rather buy your games from Tesco?!?!?! No, I suppose you guys spend your life in the virtual world, so stepping out into the sunlight and risking losing the pure white complex youve worked to hard to keep isnt going to happen, you probably buy on line from a website so you dont have to overcome your fear of real social interaction. The PS3 is as good as anything else, it runs games like a pc because thats all it has to do, it doesnt have multiple activites to use up its power. So please get a life now, PS3, 360 or PC, they all play games just as nice.