“The Blockbuster in question is the one on Clifton Road close to Maida Vale tube station” said the vigilant spotter, so if you fancy getting one of the last 218,000 available UK machines hurry down there now!
Note to self: Start up new web site about poorly written shop signs.

And by “only few” they mean “all the ones we stupidly ordered from the wholesaler a couple of months ago when it looked like a money maker rather than a disastrous cash pit”.
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Mar.20, 2007
March 20th, 2007 on 4:11 pm
If there really were “only few left” they wouldn’t be advertising the fact, would they? I mean, if I was after a console and I thought (because I am unable to use a web browser and very shy) that there may not be many PS3s around I would think “ok, maybe blockbuster didn’t get many to start with, I’m off to GAME as they clearly have fuckloads that they can’t get rid of and aren’t scared to show it”.
“amxilglb” – broad-spectrum antibiotic.
March 20th, 2007 on 4:53 pm
5 free rentals – will there be that many games
March 20th, 2007 on 5:02 pm
Nice to know a fellow UKR’er lives near by, thats my local Blockbuster.
Notice on the sign how they have effectively tried to draw ‘tremble’ lines at the beginning and end of the sign. Obviously they are worried they wont sell the 3 consoles they have ready for someone to order. Yes, three, it is the magic number.
March 20th, 2007 on 5:04 pm
That sign with the little smiley face looks like it was officially designed and approved by the head office of popular videogame retailer Game.
Or is that giving Game too much credit?
They should’ve just gone the whole hog and written the sign by smearing dog turd on a large piece of blank card using their fingers. At least that would have shown a little dedication to the cause.
March 20th, 2007 on 5:21 pm
How very predictable UK:R. I guess I’m not really surprised that you’d post this story to try a detract from the triumphant announcement that we’ll all be able to play Barbie Horse Adventures on PS3, with “No Known Issues”
Bet your dreamcast never seemed so gray as when you read that bombshell.
Guess I’ll just tear up the glades in (true) HD for the next few weeks, safe in the knowledge that Kuteragi will have his best men ensuring the kinks in ‘Barbie in the 12 dancing Princesses’ get ironed out just in time for Halo 3 launch day…….masterstroke !!
Word Verification – icaegj – Gibberish
March 20th, 2007 on 5:44 pm
I don’t understand ‘david’, if that is your real name. Why would you think blockbuster didn’t get many to start with if there’s only a few left? If you want one, and you’re standing outside the blockbuster with some, why would you walk all the way across town to GAME for one?
I’m afraid you’ve abused the first post with nonsensical garbage. First posts should only inform if we ‘would’ or ‘wouldn’t’…
March 20th, 2007 on 5:49 pm
Strange that we haven’t seen any signs painted with the blood of bungling GAME employees yet…
By the way… PS3’s backwards compatability is nothing short of shockingly poor!
March 20th, 2007 on 6:13 pm
With Blockies and HMV both in dire financial trouble, the PS3 could spell the end for both of them. I for one am awaiting stock clearance sales as they both go under :D
March 21st, 2007 on 11:37 am
Sometimes you meet somebody from Maida Vale. Not a friend, or even a colleague, but an ‘associate’ of one of those posh friends that you somehow still see. While you’re talking to Mr Maida Vale, you wonder if your life and their life is in any way comparable, because you live in Finsbury Park. Mr. Maida Vale probably heard of Finsbury Park, and when you tell him, he acts like you’ve just told him about a stroke of good fortune you had, but you know that really he’s feeling the gulf expand too. I once was in Maida Vale after walking the wrong way near London Zoo. It felt like walking into Jeeves and Wooster, only with porsches and powerbooks.
March 27th, 2007 on 5:18 pm
Speaking as someone who lives in Maida Vale, I don’t think it’s anything like Jeeves and Wooster, Hugh Laurie and Steven Fry live in different parts of London sadly…
Maida Vale does have a broad spectrum of society living in the area, especially the closer you get to Harrow Road, so it isn’t all Porsches and Powerbooks!
Oh and by the way they changed the sign to one which says “Now in stock” with an arrow pointing at three boxes in the window.