Print this out, then stick it in shop windows across the country. If we can convince ONE PERSON not to bother, if we can save ONE POOR SOUL from Sony’s evil European rip-off, it will be worth it.
Stick it in doorways, on our mighty oak trees, on the lamp posts and walls of our proud industrial cities. Adorn your windows and cars, spread word that the foul invasion of our country WILL NOT WORK.
And if you use the printer at work it won’t even cost you anything.

This is the only one of these you’re ever likely to see.
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Mar.09, 2007
March 9th, 2007 on 3:35 pm
March 9th, 2007 on 3:44 pm
But doesn’t this make it look like the PS3 is actually popular?
March 9th, 2007 on 4:11 pm
Some chavs in Gamestation today were going on about the PS3 in *gasp a positive light, so I just looked at them with sheer malice and/or disgust. They shut up then.
I’m also pissed off at how ‘Home’ is based loosely on PSO.
Twats. Trying to corrupt my SEGA memories.
March 9th, 2007 on 4:22 pm
I just found out an old friend of mine just bought a PS3. Apparently he was surprised when they had them in stock because he believed all of Sony’s lies about shortages. He was so happy with his bundle of PS3 and rubbish sports and FPS games … I just didn’t have the heart to tell him …
Instead, I’m afraid I just won’t be able to associate with him any more. You see? Sony’s ruining lifetime friendships as well!
March 9th, 2007 on 4:30 pm
I have pre-ordered 4 PS3s, none of which I am going to keep :).
March 9th, 2007 on 4:57 pm
But if we do that, maybe people will WANT to get them. Best to let it die a violent and painful death. VIVA LA DS!
March 9th, 2007 on 5:03 pm
“I’m also pissed off at how ‘Home’ is based loosely on PSO.”
Looks like its running on an updated version of the Engine Sony uses in some of its ever so “popular” MMO games, you know… The Everquest series, Star Wars Galaxies, Vanguard… Probably will be just as horrifically buggy as them, too.
Not to mention will be just as big a money sink, with you having to buy virtual clothes to dress your virtual self, and buying virtual furniture to decorate your virtual house, so you can sit on your virtual arse having virtual sex with a man pretending to be a woman.
gehymmym. yes.
March 9th, 2007 on 5:21 pm
I don’t know about this, I think you run the risk of making chavs think the PS3 is so ZOMG popular that they run off to eBay to pay some scalper twice what it’s worth. Assuming they can work out how to use eBay of course…
March 9th, 2007 on 5:26 pm
I think this one would be better:
Pre-Order your PS3 now!
You should get about £250 for it on ebay the folowing week.
March 9th, 2007 on 6:50 pm
“Looks like its running on an updated version of the Engine Sony uses in some of its ever so “popular” MMO games, you know… The Everquest series, Star Wars Galaxies, Vanguard… Probably will be just as horrifically buggy as them, too.”
Believe it or not, Vanguard uses the Unreal engine. Amazing that it works so poorly, isn’t it?
March 9th, 2007 on 7:13 pm
“Believe it or not, Vanguard uses the Unreal engine. Amazing that it works so poorly, isn’t it? “
Really? /shudder
This home certainly looks like some kind of EQ engine derivative, just looking at the face morphing between presets in the promo vid reminds me of building a character in SWG.
And the dancing emotes…
And pretty much everything else.
March 9th, 2007 on 7:50 pm
Saw some twat in a cap in Game today picking up each game box from PS3 diplay and then put it down again. If i was in a more giving mood I would have walked up to the car thieving git and shouted in his dirty little ear hole “SAVE YOURSELF THE EFFORT THERE’S FUCK ALL GOOD FOR THAT”
March 9th, 2007 on 11:02 pm
Just do what some total douche in my local EB did to make a sale…
Although the guy is totally anti-PS3 in every way, shape and form, he managed to not only convince this total chav to pre-order a PS3, but to also pre-order a bunch of shit to go with it. The way he did it? He took a leaf from Sony’s book – he lied through his arse.
Basically, what I’m suggesting is a new campaign whereby we advertise the PS3 is a very positive light, extremely hyper-positive, talking up features that either are proven not to work from the US launch, do not exist, or which are simply unrealistic from any point of view (photo-realistic graphics anyone?) Then, if they still don’t pre-order, tell them that its okay, there’ll be a price drop of at least 30% by the middle of the year so they should hold out until then.
So that way, as if it isn’t over-hyped enough, all those chavs will be even more disgruntled that the PS3 is more than they expected and thusly less than they expected. THink of it like Christmas Day, where because dad got layed off all there is for christmas are two dollar shit toys and underpants. It’ll be that kind of disappointment. Every PS3 bought will be pawned off, and then nobody will buy them anymore and even the people who were gonna still buy them wont because the promised 30% markdown never occurs and Sony go bankrupt and stop making Spider Man movies. The End.
This is actually based on a true story. I’m Australian, and our PS3 is $999.95, and an employee actually said that the PS3 (60Gb) was going to come down to less than the 20Gb model (which I am convinced will never be released outside of Japan and america because its so shit).
March 9th, 2007 on 11:30 pm
twats cunts twatting cunting twat cunt.
March 10th, 2007 on 12:23 pm
Christ, I got a costed in WH Smith’s ( while buying Hamster Love Gazette Monthly ), spotty-Herbert: “Would you like to pre-order a playst…”. “No son, I most definately would not!”
March 10th, 2007 on 1:44 pm
Gah, just read that Little Big Planet was created by a UK studio.
What’s the sentence for treason these days?
March 10th, 2007 on 3:31 pm
I’d like to see the look on the Little Big Planet developers faces when they realise, if they actually want to sell any copies of their lovely new creation, they’re going to have to port the whole thing to 360 first.
A bit like VF5.
March 10th, 2007 on 5:29 pm
And if Viva Pinata is anything to go by, it probably wouldn’t even sell then.
March 10th, 2007 on 10:36 pm
As a games cunt, I can honestly say the PS3 is the most damned console there has even been.
March 12th, 2007 on 10:35 am
Choices Video, Leamington Spa.
The put a sticker over the “£100” of “£100 deposit”, so it now reads “£40 deposit”. But you can still read the “£100” through the paper. Sums it up.
March 12th, 2007 on 2:31 pm
My mistake: £30
January 9th, 2008 on 10:51 pm
It is so annoying that everyone in Europe loves PS3 rather than Wii! Wii is so innovative, while PS3 is crap! They can’t even make half decent games. At least the others can!!! They’re all like, ‘It’s blu ray, music player, etc.’, BUT we all already got it and, stop one sec, that’s not it’s main point.
The main point of PS3 is to play games, sice it is a GAMES console so WTf are you on about. It isn’t good, it’s shit! The gaming area, the main part, is shit! People don’t even want to make games for the console anymore! They want to make it for me! Sony has LOST!! Sooooooo bad! And Blu ray is losing to Hd DVD! So bye Sony PS and your shit faced price consoles!!
January 9th, 2008 on 10:54 pm
It is so annoying that everyone in Europe loves PS3 rather than Wii! Wii is so innovative, while PS3 is crap! They can’t even make half decent games. At least the others can!!! They’re all like, ‘It’s blu ray, music player, etc.’, BUT we all already got it and, stop one sec, that’s not it’s main point.
The main point of PS3 is to play games, sice it is a GAMES console so WTf are you on about. It isn’t good, it’s shit! The gaming area, the main part, is shit! People don’t even want to make games for the console anymore! They want to make it for me! Sony has LOST!! Sooooooo bad! And Blu ray is losing to Hd DVD! So bye Sony PS and your shit faced price consoles!!
January 10th, 2008 on 2:49 pm
Whoops, sorry! I posted twice!