Here we are! The launch event starts now!
The excitement is amazing, the crowds…
There are two people queuing for a PS3. The first one is a woman. All the other people in this picture are journalists and PR people who were probably expecting a better turn out, plus security guards who can’t believe how easy the job is as all they have to do is take the names of a few meek writers who want to take photos for their blogs.
We didn’t bother interviewing her, as she’s obviously (a) a friend of someone at Sony, (b) a friend of someone at Virgin, (c) a COMPLETE FUCKING LUNATIC, or (d) a homeless crack addict glad of a warm place to sleep tonight where she won’t get raped. The rape will instead happen at midnight on Thursday when she hands over her credit card to buy a PS3.
UPDATE: We are reliably informed by a reporter friend that the second guy in the queue is “buying six to sell on Ebay”. Worst. Idea. Ever.
This man’s filming the event!
This is what he’s filming. He’ll have to work one hell of an ‘angle’ to get something decent out of this embarrassing public cluster-fuck.
We would imagine that there will indeed be some PS3s left over to buy this weekend. Bring a van, you can have 50,000 if you want.
filed in PR DISASTER, WAR ON PS3 on Mar.21, 2007
March 21st, 2007 on 7:10 pm
The crowds will soon arrive – the magnificent grand unveiling of the next-gen is almost upon us.
It remind of Thursday 10 February 2005, the place Ikea Edmonton. Look after yourselves tonight, a repeat could be in the offing.
March 21st, 2007 on 7:12 pm
ROFL. That is a little sad. A bigger launch would have people queuing to join the queue that started at midday, but no-one turned up! Aww.
March 21st, 2007 on 7:20 pm
No need for any pigs to die for this hardware launch. Just give that sony loving tart some Ryvita (with low fat spread). Keep her nourished and breathing long enough to crowbar 425 quids off her !
March 21st, 2007 on 8:03 pm
Anyone asked if they have any Wiis yet?
March 21st, 2007 on 8:16 pm
I love you guys, your whole site is about how bad the PS3 is and what a huge flop it is. I must say though you are rather stating the obvious ._. But its damn true. I like how in the last picture the woman is in rather a rush to get away from the camera, due to the embarrassment of what she has just done. Look how shes trying to hide it under her arm =D
Anyway, I’m off now; going to play on my Wii =D
March 21st, 2007 on 8:27 pm
There’s more chance of me travelling down to London and rohyponolising that lady than the PS3’s selling out. Especially as I’m informed that Game have 50-75,000. That’s a lot of Stockroom to stay filled for a long time…
And Zorg, I expect another report tomorrow!
March 21st, 2007 on 8:41 pm
Ok so… i hate sony. Im glad the PS3 is going to fucking bomb. They are retards.
However. This current situation has made Wii owners really fucking smug. So when the PS3 has crashed and burned (in about a weeks time) can we have a go at them and their obvious lust for prepubescent anal herpes? With a stick.
What happened to all the posts about Sonic and Dreamcasts?
March 21st, 2007 on 9:32 pm
Hey, I’m not feeling smug, and I own a Wii. I’m just revelling in that traditional British pastime of getting massive personal enjoyment from watching something fail in a bowel tremblingly apocalyptic fashion.
March 21st, 2007 on 9:40 pm
I won’t feel safe until it’s Friday, and the lines still look like this.
March 21st, 2007 on 10:23 pm
I was just about to post, but realised Crispy Floyd has essentially posted what I was about to.
So, umm…
Fuck Sony! Yeah! Wooh! Etc. etc.
Word verification – fffnzph: The sound of a vegitarian fart.
March 21st, 2007 on 10:57 pm
Oh dear. Not looking at all promising so far. One can expect the queue to grow larger – with Sony employees and marketeers, naturally.
Excuse me while I snort for a couple of seconds…
March 21st, 2007 on 11:24 pm
Oh God, that is fucking hilarious! Although who were they kidding, who was seriously going to wait there for 36 hours!
I guess it just goes to show, if your ‘official launch partner’ is Virgin, you’re in trouble.
March 22nd, 2007 on 12:24 am
I liked it more when you talked about fucking game characters up the wrong-un.
March 22nd, 2007 on 12:26 am
You are all kiding uslefs!! The PS3 is gonna win th next generaton war!!! You just dont know it!!!
Noneof you can handle that the PS3 with Bluray and the amazing graphic are goingto piss on the Xbox and the controller is much better than the wiii and all the game are better than the Xboxes!!!
Its a bargain! You get a 60kb HARD driVE!!! bLURAY!!! And a controller!!! You all just jelous coz you cant afford it!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! lolllol i am e733t!!!!1
March 22nd, 2007 on 12:34 am
crispy floyd wins the comments section
March 22nd, 2007 on 4:43 am
PS3 has Linux, SingStar, and Second Life!
Eat that you xbots111
March 22nd, 2007 on 4:54 am
Wow….this place is filled with fanboys. Complete with PSTools, Xbots, and Wiitards….Quite sad. I jsut know my PSWii60 pwns any thing you own, its quite obvious that PS3=360=Wii. Each has something great to offer. The 360 with a great online experience, the Wii with its unique way of playing games, and the PS3 with its amazing user interaction and first party titles. Damn losers….arguing over consoles and companies. Games were made for fun. You should try it sometime.
March 22nd, 2007 on 7:25 am
PSWii60 is a nice notion, as you’re right, games are made for fun… but my wallet wasn’t meant for brutal ritualistic castration, either. My hobby isn’t worth THAT kind of money.
March 22nd, 2007 on 7:50 am
Who is in charge of giving out the award again? libregkd needs one.
March 22nd, 2007 on 8:16 am
I see a lot of left over bacon butties!
If you are curious GS actually interviewed these people:
I wonder if they are buying a blu-ray for their SDTV? lol
March 22nd, 2007 on 9:01 am
Has anyone thought that maybe no one’s quring up cos few people are insane enough to que for 36Hours!!!!!!
If you have the guts, you’ll put up picks of 8pm tonight.
Sorry for the fanboy-ish damage control, but do you really want MS haveing a monopoly on the console market?!
March 22nd, 2007 on 9:14 am
Oh, no, there are no queues for the PS3. Perhaps I should cancel my pre-order. After all I am a sheep anyway. I can’t make my own decisions. I only know that I should buy the console that attracts the biggest crowds on launch day.
March 22nd, 2007 on 9:40 am
lmao more on story here..
March 22nd, 2007 on 10:22 am
Virgin PR manager Stephen Lynn said he wasn’t disappointed by the turn-out “I’m delighted that we’ve got anyone at all to be honest”
Best. Quote. EVAR.
March 22nd, 2007 on 10:48 am
Much as I hate to post on the front page here, as you’re all a bunch of sycophantic gaymo’s, I feel I must for once interject.
Rusty (surname “Bullethole”?): Fuck off you cunt. If you’re serious, you are a bit of what your fellow Americans would call “a band geek faggot who gets fucked in the ass by his daddy”. No. Don’t have a go at me. Report your abusive father to whatever your equivalent of Social Services is. Quickly. The abuse is obviously getting more severe. Keep telling yourself it’s not your fault. It probably is, you little tease, but you need to make it sound convincing.
Libregkd: You are a date rapist. There is nothing good to be said about the PS3. Did the emotion engine PS2 fiasco mean NOTHING to you? Nothing at all, it would seem. You detestable cunt. The 360 and Wii can be viewed positively AT A PUSH, but you should be just using them as a stopgap until the Dreamcast 2 comes out.
Sean Bean’s Gravy Boat: Love the name. Keep up the good work.
The rest of you: Buck your ideas up. At the verge of victory is not the time to rest on your laurels. NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE FINAL PUSH.
March 22nd, 2007 on 12:03 pm
The ironic fanboy messages are coming in thick and fast today.
March 22nd, 2007 on 12:20 pm
I hope Rusty is being satirical.
But still, that “60kb” harddrive… You’ve won me over.
March 22nd, 2007 on 1:24 pm
March 22nd, 2007 on 1:35 pm
I’m looking forward so much to the launch now, I might actually enjoy work with no customers.
March 22nd, 2007 on 2:35 pm
March 22nd, 2007 on 2:54 pm
retards, go fuck your xbox or wii
March 22nd, 2007 on 4:01 pm
Sony and official retail partner Virgin Megastore have kicked off the UK launch of PS3 in fine style by setting up camp for early queuers inside the Virgin’s Oxford Street branch, ready for the glitzy midnight opening on Friday.
With the promise of a roof over their heads, free drinks, food and some games – plus a taxi ride home once customers have purchased their PS3 – we expected people to be queuing up just to join the actual queue inside the store. So, you can imagine our surprise when we discovered only two people inside the makeshift ‘camp’.
Ah well, at least 17-year-old Ritatsu Thomas, the first person in line for a UK PS3, was excited about the launch. He told us that he’d already been queuing for almost 10 hours but was looking forward to the night/day ahead. “This is the way to do a launch,” he said. “There are security guards here and I’ve even heard the police will be here on Thursday night to make sure nothing happens.”
Prospective PS3 owners, barely able to contain their excitement.
Several big London stores have reportedly cancelled their midnight openings amid security fears. The Oxford Street Virgin Megastore is the only large high-street retailer opening its doors at midnight in central London.
Ritatsu told us he felt compelled to join the ‘queue camp’ after he was unable to secure a pre-order elsewhere. However, although excited about getting his hands on the next generation console, he would consider selling it “if eBay prices go silly and they’re going for double”.
Next in line was hardcore PlayStation fan Shanie Chatfield, who’s been interested in PS3 since it was first announced at E3 2005 and thinks the console is “brilliant”. “I know some people have been complaining about the price but I definitely think it’s worth the cost,” she told us. “It’s not just a gaming console, it’s an entertainment system.”
Unfortunately, Shanie was just as surprised as we were that more people weren’t already lining up. “It’s certainly more low key than I thought it would be. I was expecting to be about tenth in line. I guess it could be because it’s an expensive console. You could almost buy a 360 and Wii for the price of a PS3.”
We’ll have more on the exciting UK PS3 launch tomorrow, so stay tuned ready to hear how the queues have grown… or not.
March 22nd, 2007 on 6:54 pm
I seem to have run out of “I’ve Completely Missed the Point of UK:R” awards, so libregkd will have to settle for a “I’m Really Just a Gigantic Twat You Know” award instead.
March 22nd, 2007 on 6:56 pm
ripa gets one too. Because he’s really just a gigantic twat, you know.
March 22nd, 2007 on 7:22 pm
Amusingly, the Google Ads at the bottom have ‘Battered Women’ on them and nothing else.
March 22nd, 2007 on 8:09 pm
>Games were made for fun. You should try it sometime.
We’ll I’m having fun in here….
Sony should launch a machine every year, their thrashing around has been hysterical.
March 22nd, 2007 on 10:23 pm
PRE-EVENT PICTURES, with only ground staff in the pictures!!!
March 22nd, 2007 on 11:51 pm
*sigh* I should of known any logical comments would be dealt like that, having to settle everything with insults. Heaven forbid if I say anything positive about the ps3(which, if you haven’t noticed, doesn’t care because its an inanimate object) All three consoles this generation are great, if you cannot see one thing positive with any console, you are just a mindless drone . Munter_S, I’m taking a guess that this is about the E.E. being taken out of the ps3. Of course I was pissed off at that, I’m not excusing any of Sony’s fuck ups. But in the prospect of things, there will be upscaled games; something that should of been included from the beginning. People, just remember what you are arguing about here.
Oh and Saphion, thank you so much for the award, I’m humbled.
March 22nd, 2007 on 11:59 pm
I’m almost tempted to go to a game shop tomorrow and buy a DS or a game or something, just so they can ask me if I want to preorder a PS3 for collection and midnight and then I can LAUGH AND LAUGH AND LAUGH.
March 23rd, 2007 on 2:56 am
Jesus, “PSWii60”?
I can hardly afford to shell out the money for one console, let alone all three.
March 23rd, 2007 on 3:32 am
Good news from the Antipodean front:
March 23rd, 2007 on 9:33 am
In Paris, France, the biggest electronic store had one thousand PS3, there was guards, hundred of journalists and…
50 (fifty!) consumers !
Fifteen minutes after the launch, the place was empty and the party over. French information tv talk about the “big faillure” etc. etc.
Oh and Microsoft as a boat with “XBOX 360 loves you” passing around :)
March 29th, 2007 on 9:43 pm
It just shows PS3 fans are remotely intelligent. Tey don’t wait days in a fucking que for a fucking console.
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