You’re seriously letting the side down. There’s a FUCKING WAR GOING ON, in case you hadn’t FUCKING NOTICED. Get your FUCKING factories into FUCKING GEAR and get some FUCKING CONSOLES out onto the FUCKING SHELVES, you FUCKING LAZY bunch of shysters.
If we don’t start seeing some Wiis out there PRETTY FUCKING SOON we’re going to have to start another war. Honestly. It’s like you’re not even trying. How hard is it to put Gamecubes into white boxes anyway?
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Apr.09, 2007
April 7th, 2007 on 10:28 am
Wiis are still rare? Maybe I should ebay mine. It bored the crap out of me in less than a week. Even Sonic on Virtual Console and the slim hope of Goldeneye isn’t enough to keep it’s place on the shelf.
April 7th, 2007 on 11:07 am
I don’t see why they’re so hard to find. As an avid Nintendo fan since I were a wee toddler, even I’m struggling to find anything decent to play on it. At the moment.
Mind you, a new Phantasy Star Online (not Universe) would redeem the entire console.
Still, I’m not really fussed because I’m on one hell of a DS binge lately (the amount of money I’ve spent in the last three months is nothing short of heart-attack inducing).
Although Sonic’s Secret Rings are tasty, tasty, very very tasty.
They’re very tasty.
Word verification: ‘acktz’. Hitler’s last word
April 7th, 2007 on 11:41 am
There are some excellent DS games out right now. Theme Park is as hard as it ever was though…
April 7th, 2007 on 12:22 pm
I kept hold of my Wii in the hope that EA wouldn’t fuck up the control system on Tiger Woods.
You’d think I’d have learnt by now, wouldn’t you?
Apart from Zelda there’s fuck all at the mo, and I played that to death. So now it’s back to waiting for God of War 2 to tide me over until Metroid and Marios Galaxy, Tennis and Golf come out.
The potential of the control system is so good, I really REALLY don’t want Ninty to fuck it all up.
It’s almost like they’re feeling sorry for Sony, and want to give them half a chance. NO, DAMMIT, DON’T FUCKING DO IT!
seuljug – a jug from the Olympic Village in Korea
April 7th, 2007 on 12:30 pm
If you’re stuck for games for the Wii, I picked up ExciteTruck for the bargain price of £20 from Gamestation last month, and it’s actually a lot better than most reviews had led me to believe. I’m a bit pissed that Nintendo doesn’t appear to be releasing Super Paper Mario anytime soon over here though, because it seems to be filling the gap quite nicely in America where a good new game should be. It seems the next decent game released will be Mario Smash Football… which apparently will be the EU’s first online game.
April 7th, 2007 on 12:53 pm
But what was cancelled (due to illness)?
I bet it was the PS3 midnight launch..
April 7th, 2007 on 12:56 pm
What’s with the FUCKING COMMENTS on this post?
Stop talking about your boring FUCKING LIVES and which FUCKING GAMES are good on the Wii.
We’re in the middle of a FUCKING WAR here people!
Word FUCKING VERIFICATION: “uffke”, the sound made by someone who’s just been received an uppercut to the solar plexus.
April 7th, 2007 on 1:10 pm
Oops, sorry.
Incidentally, when I went to see The 300 at the cinema, the pre-film ads consisted of one for the PS3, an advert about chavs using condoms (for ‘respect’), the same PS3 ad again, followed by an advert about chavs not using condoms (and not getting any ‘respect’).
Says it all, really.
April 7th, 2007 on 1:34 pm
Probably a good idea to use a condom when touching a PS3, one on each finger (so that you don’t catch any of the horrible warty diseases carried by the chav’s who’ve previously touched it).
Ooshka: Are you telling me Tiger Woods on the Wii has an iffy control system? :(
April 7th, 2007 on 2:41 pm
Friday: According to the reviews I’ve read, rather than the like-for-like swing system Wii Sports has, TW has a full animation as soon as you bring the remote back. So in order to play a half shot or less you have to flail your arms around like a spack.
Fucking EA. I KNEW they’d cock it up. Look for a ‘EA can Fuck Right Off’ probably appearing on my blog sometime soon. It’ll be ‘comedy gold’, as they say.
kvzjgihg – a small town in Lithuania
April 7th, 2007 on 3:22 pm
Nintendo is playing a conservative game, like Montgomery in Deert War. Sure they could spunk out the cash to open up a couple more factories and try nd detroy Sony in a gloriously daring forch march round the flank or they could continue their attritional, slow but succesful straight ahead approach.
April 7th, 2007 on 3:58 pm
Excite bike was well good..
April 7th, 2007 on 6:39 pm
Andrew at the top of this post is only knocking the Wii because he’s betrayed his common sense and bought a PS3 as he’s daringly confessed in another post lol.
Is andrew ‘phil’s’ middle name?
Unless you’re a chavey pirate and like to drown yourself in a million games you should’nt have time to play(to live a healthy lifestyle anyway).. Zelda should last anyone long enough for Smash Bros Brawl, Metroid Prime 3 and Project HAMMER which are all gonna be awesome.
Plus there’s still Sonic, MonkeyBall, Warioware, Exite Truck and that cool marble game (because MonkeyBall is on the easy side), and then Mario Galaxy is nearly here.. and by the time we’ve completed all that, there’s Super Paper Mario and Nights 2 on the way, that more do you want?
April 7th, 2007 on 6:43 pm
A new Phantasy Star Online.
Preferrably one that isn’t shit.
April 7th, 2007 on 7:11 pm
Me too Saphion, I never saw ‘Universe’ luckily by the sounds of it.
I loved the PSO community, I remember the more experienced players me taking under their wing into a battle with this huge dragon, I nearly shat myself, but they not only killed the dragon, but saved my dopey ass in the process too and gave me weapons for future games, just as an investment so i’d be a better ally in future games. You cant beat that shit.
I hold it dear too, sniff sniff, I’ve got something in my eye.
Start a petition, it start’s with Dear Sega…
April 7th, 2007 on 7:26 pm
Zorg, your righteous anger is an inspiration to us all.
April 8th, 2007 on 6:47 am
You know what’s pretty good on the Wii? Trauma Center Second Opinion. That, Secret Rings, Excite Truck, and Zelda are really all at the moment, though Warioware is pretty good too. There’s some decent stuff on the virtual console also.
I’m mostly just waiting to burn Mario’s ass at the Olympics. If they put Our Rodent into that fighting Smash whatsit the kids are playing these days and let me actually kill his old rivals, I think I may generate enough wanking friction to burn the skin right off my knob.
Jongto – The second edition of a Korean dictator
April 8th, 2007 on 11:03 am
Mind you, Nintendo could shit in my mouth and I wouldn’t mind because of one thing;
That Tiffany is a bitch.
April 8th, 2007 on 12:21 pm
Hilarious though pictures of stacks of PS3 boxes and Argos stock check terminals are, I think the point has been made.
PS3 is well stocked, Wii is under stocked. Got it.
Can we move on to something else now?
April 8th, 2007 on 1:29 pm
Warmwaterpenguin: Yeah it’s been in the back of my mind since i saw the trailer, is Snake entering the ring actually a decoy? Maybe a special appearance from Sonic & Friends. I do worry about your wanking habits lol, next you’ll be telling us you go seagulling in woolworths on the DS isle, you like white Wii a bit too much.
Saphion too, you need to stop those cheap breaks to amsterdam :O
Bring on ‘Phantasy Star Universe Online’ using the online engine but being able to upload saves from DC and Universe players to the net, then back down again to your Wii. :p
April 8th, 2007 on 2:56 pm
Nintendo are being paid off. It’s the only explanation. And funnily enough…is quite believable i think.
April 8th, 2007 on 4:31 pm
If the PS3 were selling as fast as the Wii, there would be shortages there too.
Looking at sales figures shows that there is a constant stream of Wiis going into shops .. but seldom staying there long enough to even be put on the shelf.
Sales of Wii to PS3 is about 2:1, therefore demand for Wii over PS3 is at least 2:1. Sure, Nintendo have a supply issue, but the continuing sales show that their supply chain is probably as efficient (if not more!) than Sony’s.
April 8th, 2007 on 5:18 pm
Why is this postmarked July?
April 8th, 2007 on 6:50 pm
Tsch. Someone’s obviously been messing about with the fabric of time and space again.
April 8th, 2007 on 7:37 pm
It’s not post marked July it’s just using the real time format, day, month, year.
April 8th, 2007 on 9:09 pm
Why is this postmarked July?
American Cunt
April 8th, 2007 on 9:17 pm
OK, forthe simpletons here.
1/ The PS3 boxes are DISPLAY boxes.
2/ Nintendo are witholding stock to make the WII desirable. If too many people got hold of one, they would realise how crap they were.
April 8th, 2007 on 10:01 pm
1) Of course they are display models.
A) Otherwise the chavs would steal them, because they are so expensive would otherwise them a good few weeks of pimping their S.O.’s to raise the money to buy one.
B) It’s much easier to put out empty boxes when you know no one is going to buy them anyway (saves the effort).
2) Ah, I see now – the reason they are not selling, is to prevent anyone from buying them.
Sounds logical to me! But then, I’ve been huffing oven cleaner.
Seriously though, Nintendo still can’t get their shit together with stock (Computer Exchange, for example, are STILL buying second hand ones at 180 UKP – retail price! – and selling them for 250 UKP).
It wouldn’t hurt to actually release US games in Europe too. It’s not like there is any excuse for not making the games available (clearly they’ll sell). Perhaps they are just waiting to see how many Virtual Console titles and copies of ‘Red Steel’ they can shift as people grow desperate for something better.
April 8th, 2007 on 10:56 pm
Still like my PS3 though
April 8th, 2007 on 11:09 pm
Personally, I blame France.
April 8th, 2007 on 11:51 pm
Those damn french!
April 9th, 2007 on 4:08 am
ALL formats are subject to one dreaded thing:-
European union again! We’ve got to pay for a 220v plug, NTSC to PAL converstion, and time and money it takes to add 50 languages we never wanted.
Taking the Zelda level out of GC Mario Golf, and putting in some crappy NOM level because thats all room was left after they added the foregn crap, is just discusting.
I sent nintendo-europe a 3 page steaming email bollocking them about this and why excite truck was’nt a launch title?, and to stop insulting consumer intelligence as they knew a few desparate ones would buy the obviously worse ubisoft truck game at launch, then ‘double dip’ for excite truck.
Nintendo are guilty of delaying to suit themselves and it does piss me off sometimes. Fuck France!!!, we all speak American in England!
Andrew stop bragging about your doorstop PS3, playstation = gaystation.
It’s big, but it’s not clever! (the PS3 that is)
April 9th, 2007 on 10:42 am
There was a Zelda level in Mario Golf?
Excuse me a moment…
*sound of some French Nintendo employees slumping to ground*
April 9th, 2007 on 10:44 am
Removing my game content.
Stupid frogs.
April 9th, 2007 on 1:37 pm
I can’t find any screenshots on the net, but this link shows US unlockables then PAL unlockables.
Camp Hyrule, I want it!
April 9th, 2007 on 3:42 pm
FUCKING FOREIGN LANGUAGES! I shall be sure to slap the next French-looking person I see.
xebjhvkx: and a vowel, please, Carol.
April 9th, 2007 on 7:14 pm
My point is, the ‘special’ europe PS3 price will be half European union induced costs, and half corporate sales greed.
You know how sales men think, watch the apprentice, it’s all about what markup you can ‘get away with’.
Or in the PS3’s case….. lol
This translates to every area where they think they can make a quick buck. English sales people just see British public as mugs, eg.
LOST Season 1 (R1) boxset – beatuful to look at, average price is £24.99-£29.99
LOST Season 1 (R2) boxset, broken into PART 1 and PART 2 sets selling at £29.99 EACH!!! = £59.99 for the SAME CONTENT! and in two paper boxes now, which will wear and look tatty over time, so fans are not too bothered about replacing it with the new version, with and extra disc added a month later.
And they wonder why last Christmas was one of the slowest in the high street.. duuuuhhh.
I get my Smallville seasons (6 disc R4 PAL) sets for £14.99 off the net, 6 discs are fitted into ONE standard size dvd case, NO PAPER, its the perfect anti-piracy device.
Over in the UK they’d find a way to charge us, saying less is more or some other shit like that.
Boils my blood how sales ppl prey on the unknowing present buying moms.
OK finished, over to you..
April 9th, 2007 on 7:32 pm
@ Billy Morris
With regards to all the business people in Britain who con us all…
Let’s burn the motherfuc*ers. Burn their shops, their homes, and all the shit they own. Wipe the scum off the earth.
We would be the opposite of chavs. We’d destroy the people who deserve it.
Back to the subject…
Why the Wii loving?
It’s a poor console with dodgy games.
I’m not liking the Wii Nintendo fanboy vibe.
Not only are Wii owners constantly making excuses for poor controls in nearly all the games, but the magazines are giving the majority of games 5/10, or worse.
The Wii is the opposite of the PS3, but they both have two things in common: hype and gimmicks
No wonder retro gaming is so popular. If the modern stuff is crap, you have to go back!
April 9th, 2007 on 8:18 pm
The Wii hardware is definitely pretty crappy (made worse by most games at the moment struggling to look as good as even some of the early GameCube games, which is bizzare).
The controls in most games are indeed dodgy, however despite all the half assed implementations there are solid examples that it can work very well.
The training mode in Wii Sports Tennis, is an excellent example (far superior the control system actually used in-game).
it’s still to early to say it’s going to have a lasting impact (I would want a remote style control AND a regular style controller available so I can play a range of games on a console – and vendors and publishers may be reluctant to go down that path) but I don’t think it’s a trivial gimmick.
Obviously putting motion sensing controls in a regular remote (ala Sony) is just stupid (and I’m not just saying that because Sony did it), so I’m hoping it gets wider adoption by Microsoft – as the only horse left to viably bet on.
If Wii-remote style control do take off, Nintendo will have earned a great deal of credit. Even if most Wii games do look crappy on my big TV. :-(
April 9th, 2007 on 8:24 pm
It’s all the fault of the French, you see.
Seriously though, I wouldn’t say I was a Wii fanboy, just a Nintendo one (and I wouldn’t even say I was that).
Although I love my DS as much as I love the Dreamcast (I wore through three of them on PSO alone), I just sort of ‘tune out’ when it comes to the Wii.
My brother once had hypnotherapy to stop smoking. When I asked him what it’s like, he said that whenever he starts thinking about having a fag his mind just completely blanks out.
That’s sort of what it’s like for me in regards of the Wii. All I use it for at the moment is (surprise surprise) PSO.
Although the Nintendo fan in me keeps telling me there’ll be some AAA titles in the future (Metroid, Animal Crossing, Mario etc. etc.), for now I’m just completely apathetic to the whole thing.
Anyway, we’re forgetting the big picture here.
Fuck Sony! Hurrah for SEGA!
April 9th, 2007 on 11:58 pm
I’m perfectly well aware of the European date format. My point is that the blogging software currently thinks that this post is from July. Check the monthly bit on the right. Since you all want to use a different format from the format the American software wants to use, why not let it know? As it is it’s inconsistent and confusing and soon it will run out of months to put your posts in because there are only twelve of them and there are more days in each month.
April 10th, 2007 on 12:01 am
For many years now magazines and ppl in general have been moaning like a bitch how stale the computer games industry is getting, with over reliance on sequels etc etc.
Finally when Wii and DS tries something new you’ll always get the critics who just blindly ignore it’s success and popularity and write it off as a fad.
I remember a time when I thought the N64 analog stick was a fad, until the legendary Goldeneye and Mario 64. I found it really akward and could’nt see the point, but because I loved bond and mario I stuck with it, and the rest is history.
The thing is also they only re-injected the idea from the Saturn NiGHTS pad who did it first!
As for the simplicity of graphics, yeah sure, but you already know the machine is’nt about that, it’s about fun and innovation first, and being a graphics tart last.
Most PS owners refuse to believe GC had better graphics than PS2 because all they wanted to see was the intentionally cartoony mario sunshine. But you put Resident Evil 4 on, and it exposes the PS2 for the joke it is.
Sure Wii is ‘alleged’ to be a upgraded GC, but frankly if the graphics on metroid are as good as last game on the GC, that’s cool by me!
Success of Monkeyball and Paper Mario only further prove this point (which should be obvious).
Anyway who cares so song as it serves as a stop gap for Nintendo and Wii 2(graphic tarts edition)
So you are all forgeting one thing, you’ve got the CLASSIC PAD for when you want to stay in the past, or play shooters like Metal Slug.
Even PS3 is tring to copy the Wii controller, so if PS3 is the future, then hey Wii controller is even more ahead because it’s already got more ‘axis’ lol
C’mon be real, PS3 controller has got to be a joke, it’s THE MOST botched controller ever!
April 10th, 2007 on 12:19 am
@Clarence boddicker, ‘this whole nintendo fanboy vibe’ WTF? You did’nt rest previous posts about me bollocking nintendo then lol
I’ve also stated I would buy a 360 for the Sega games on it.
I’m loyal to compitent games makers like Sega, Nintendo, Namco, Konami, Treasure, who have historically served us all very well.
But people can usually only afford one console so you stick to who ever has historically served you best – Nintendo.
The fact is, nobody bought Saturn NiGHTS because of the controller, now of course every man and his dog wants it!
Frankly i’m not digging the pretentious ‘i’m middle england with too much money and time to defend my idiotic purchase of a PS3’ vibe.
April 10th, 2007 on 1:25 am
I admit I am a Nintendo fanboy… however, for a while I completely lost interest in the games industry, I loved the N64, but when the Gamecube came out, I never rushed out to get it, and when I eventually did get it the year after it came out I played Zelda and Metroid and I loved them, but I never really got that same spark from most of the last generations games… until I got the DS. The DS absolutely reignited my love for games, and Nintendo, just with it’s addictiveness, fun games, it didn’t rely on snazzy graphics over gameplay, like most modern console games seemed to be doing. And that too is what has attracted me to the Wii. I’m really not arsed about graphics, I’ve played some 360 games with fantastic graphics, but after 10 minutes I’ve been bored of them. It’s all the same old same old.
And I honestly don’t see where this sudden consideration of Sony fans that graphics do matter has come from anyway, the PS2 was by far the shittiest graphical console of the last generation anyway. Sigh. We’re seeing the same thing happen with the PS3 now anyway, lots of people raving about the graphics (and even then, they aren’t as good as some 360 stuff) but it’s all the same old boring crap that’s been done to death.
But blah, if that makes you happy, and you really can’t stand a little bit of pixelation on your 50 inch TV, then who am I to give a fuck.
April 10th, 2007 on 4:26 am
The problem is, with games like Zelda it’s just not ‘a little bit of pixilation’, it’s sometimes a horrid pixelated mess that makes you squint to try and work out WTF is going on and actually hurts your eyes (to say nothing of Far Cry on the Wii – at least Zelda is trying). At least 2D virtual console titles that always looked good, continue to shine.
Contrastingly, I think Rayman looks great, but so far that’s been the exception. The idea that somehow graphics aren’t important in trying to build a great game is nonsense – of course you can still build great games on a limited system, but there is a huge range of games you can’t do if the system isn’t good enough. I shudder at the the thought of trying to play a tactical FPS on the Wii (“*squint* Is that a wall/barrel/door behind that pillar? *bang* Oh no, it was a blurry enemy.”).
I liken those who would defend that most Wii titles currently look worse than those on the ~9 year old Dreamcast, to someone defending an abysmally poor quality drawing by a 10 year old. Yes, he’s might only be 10, but if the drawing looks like it was done by a 3 year old, it’s still a crap drawing and I don’t see the point in pretending that of course we understand the wobbly brown circle in the middle of the picture is supposed to be a cow.
Nintendo’s feelings are going to be hurt by saying “We all know you could have done better, why were you such tightwads when it came to hardware?” (let alone “Why the fuck is it not HD?” which is what I’m really thinking). It’s worth nothing that Nintendo are the only ones making a profit on their console and yet has not led to less aggressive pricing on games – all that’s happened is we’ve got a console that’s not as good as it could easily have been if Nintendo had been slightly less greedy and absorbed a small hit on the console.
I think it’s time we put the idea that ‘most modern games focus on graphics over gameplay’ to bed. People have been saying that about console games for at least 10 years. Just because we all love a few old tatty games that don’t look like much to other people now, doesn’t mean games are getting crappier – we just forget all the old games that not only looked crap, but also made you want to murder the developers after playing them for more than 60 seconds just because they were so badly executed. Another thing to bear in mind is how much our standards have increased due the exposure we’ve had to good titles, which makes it harder to put with crap in other games. I think that’s something that haunts the MMO genre in particular.
Reach For The Stars could be said to be my most favorite game ever – it’s hard to pick, but I’ve certainly put in the hours (days/weeks) into playing it, and it has no graphics, save some fancy text characters. While I think the developers completely missed the point and the sequel in 2000 was a mess (nothing like as much fun as the SSG original) precisely because the developers focused on graphics over gameplay, what they should have done is leverage the power in a modern system to create a much more sophisticated interface and gaming experience that was able to be even more compelling than the original – but the power needs to be there for developers to take advantage of in the first place or we’d never see anything new.
April 10th, 2007 on 10:04 am
First Mario & Sonic team up, now we’re all posting serious comments on UK:R.
Clearly, it is the beginning of the end.
April 10th, 2007 on 10:34 am
Your right, that wasn’t really called for sorry. I blame the lack of Dog Vagina pictures in recent weeks that have allowed things to go this far.
I have a question though (with the Mario and Sonic team up in mind):
Who do we think has the most homer-sexual sidekick (specifically, out of Tails / Luigi)?
April 10th, 2007 on 11:26 am
Well, Luigi’s moustache does look Village People-esque…
April 10th, 2007 on 12:34 pm
lol It’s pretty close, surely two tails is a gay man’s dream?
Friday: The fact that you’ve critisised any Zelda game of pixilation just shows you’ve got no idea, and this obsession with HD is just boring now.
Lack of PS3 sales shows how much people care about it.
Look, xvid files on XBMC are cool but it signifies that we’ve compromised quality for size, ever since we let go of laserdisc.
Laserdisc was analog, like HD quality video, only NO PIXELS!, OR resolution, OR reliance on technical terms like ‘codecs’. My family could use a laserdisc player, but updating codecs on the PS3 to match HD-DVD quality?? I’m not so sure.
Fact is, as soon as I switched to DVD I knew it was the beginning of the end of quality images, pixelation in DVD’s stood out a mile and it actually helps conceal digital effects like dinosaurs, analog laserdisc shows up all digital media for how crap it is. Its the differnce between using a D-pad and Analog stick on your joypad.
These flat screen TV’s are just expensive monitors, my dad spent just £1,200 on a raved about Panasonic viera model and all you can see is HUGE pixels everwhere, its aweful, it even makes analog transmission look bad, we’re all fucked when they switch to digital. That high pitched noise when digital breaks up on headphones, OUCH! No to mention all the ‘max headroom’ style faults on live transmissions.
But the wife loves it cos the lazy cow doesnt have to clean so much, and the popular ‘dust grey’ colour also lets her off! More importantly they show off more room for 1st time buyers. *sigh* ffs
Friday, Nintendo currently verse two huge corporate giants who use money to get the best graphics engines. Choosing games quality over graphics should be a 1st thought anyway, but do nintendo really have a choice??
Please dont let these who giants with no games experience take over the industry for the sake of style over content. All this brooding over Saturn and Dreamcast is justified, and nintendo are last man standing!
360 is fighting the HD battle and takes care of FPS, DOA4 and SEGA titles very well.
Wii is for the rest who get most fun out of the games at very low cost.
It’s a Wii60 revolution if you can afford it, if you cant just dont support sony!!
Saphion: Yeah i’m guilty of being too serious, I get a bee in my bonnet being called a fanboy when i’m clearly just objective.
April 10th, 2007 on 12:57 pm
I like D-pads
April 10th, 2007 on 1:06 pm
I like D-cups
nutko – punching out a squirrel
April 10th, 2007 on 1:22 pm
I enjoy executing cheat codes on D-cups.
April 10th, 2007 on 2:00 pm
Oh well, serious mode here we go again:
Friday: The fact that you’ve critisised any Zelda game of pixilation just shows you’ve got no idea
Zelda is not even being natively rendered at standard definition (compare with say, Rayman which is of far higher fidelity and looks just fine).
There is no defending that, it’s just crap and it detracts from the game.
Some points of enlightenment:
No, UK terrestrial analog TV picture quality is not ‘better’ than an an HDTV MPEG encoded broadcast, it’s not better than a decent DVB-T feed either.
Yes an HDTV feed is better than a Laserdisc’s PAL/NTSC low fidelity signal (even DVD’s are are higher resolution than Laserdiscs).
Yes analog TV, Laserdiscs, VHS tapes do have a fixed max resolution too, there are no ‘magic fractal bits of infinite quality’ in between the cracks it’s just a PAL video signal.
Please dont let these who giants with no games experience take over the industry for the sake of style over content
Microsoft have been making solid games for over 10 years (not just publishing them, actually making them in house). They are more than a match for Nintendo (as the X-Box proved against the GC I might add).
Case in point: Compare the 360’s online offering (market place functionality, buddy list) with the Wii’s. Somehow Nintendo have managed to create a ‘dashboard’ application that can’t multitask.
April 10th, 2007 on 3:37 pm
I like how one of the Google ads here is for Jesus and another is for Christ.
April 10th, 2007 on 3:37 pm
Oi, you two, cut it aaaaaaht.
There’s a war on don’tchaknow!
April 10th, 2007 on 4:36 pm
There are reports of Wii on the shelves in Bedford and Lichfield. Here come the cavalry!
mgzclgg: Secret chemical formula for The Dew.
April 10th, 2007 on 5:16 pm
Friday, your just digging a deep hole lol
Higher resolution does not equal picture quality! *sigh*, if they made Laserdisc with the same amount of scan lines the difference would be remarkable. Why does this need saying?
[No, UK terrestrial analog TV picture quality is not ‘better’ than an an HDTV MPEG encoded broadcast, it’s not better than a decent DVB-T feed either.
Yes an HDTV feed is better than a Laserdisc’s PAL/NTSC low fidelity signal (even DVD’s are are higher resolution than Laserdiscs).
Yes analog TV, Laserdiscs, VHS tapes do have a fixed max resolution too, there are no ‘magic fractal bits of infinite quality’ in between the cracks it’s just a PAL video signal.]
All of this just is just crap ou’ve read off wikipedia, you need to do side by side comparisons with a group of people, to know what your on about!!, anybody can throw around tech jargon to confuse everybody else.
Clearly you’ve never owned a laserdisc player, or even seen one going.
TBH I think you’ve bought an Xbox and therefore find any ridiculous thing you can to say about Zelda. I’ve seen it running and it looks awesome and just as good as Rayman.
Personally all the PC sytle FPS crap is exactly why I dont own an Xbox, the genre is sooo tired.
Microsoft 10 years experience lol yeah, doing countless flight sims, you gotta be kidding me.
Anyway the point I made was’nt completely aimed at Microsoft because the online stuff sells it, and at least they’ve shown a personality by having a mascot- Halo. Oh and they dont lie, which is always a good sign.
Like i’ve said I’d like both consoles (360 for sega and we’ll go from there), but it should be the arcade makers and nintendo that lead the market influence. Playing bloody testosterone fueled gun and skateboarding games all day, is just no good for anyone!
How can you even mention multitasking?, when PC’s have FINALLY managed to do something the Amiga did years ago, Dual processors.. I really cant believe they’ve only just got around to it.
TBH so long as you dont support sony i really dont care.
April 10th, 2007 on 9:37 pm
Microsoft don’t lie?? Fucking hell, have you spent the last ten years living under a rock?
Micorosft do worse than lie, they are convicted monopolists and have deliberately put many, many companies out of business by leveraging that monopoly.. “Oh, you want to promote Netscape? .. in that case, you can’t ship WIndows with your machine”… “no, your problems lie with DR-DOS, not windows, use MS-DOS instead. That ‘check_for_drdos_and_die()’ function has nothing to do with it.” .. “Hey, Stacker, you know that disk compression technology you invented? We copied it and gave it away with the OS, you have nothing left to sell, go over there and die in the corner”.
The only, ONLY reason they didn’t kill Sega is that they were too late to the console industry, so Sony got there first.
Neither company are worthy enough to lick the dust off my shit.
April 10th, 2007 on 11:54 pm
Hm, I reckon people are being a wee bit too harsh on the ‘360’ – Compared to the original Xbux, it seems to be branching out in some rather interesting directions (i.e. taking at least the first few baby steps away from masses of shooters and sports games) but then, maybe Mass Effect and Boshock are clouding my judgement..
tecmxstg: Future Olympic level phone sport played by chavs.
April 11th, 2007 on 2:56 am
I think we can all go safelfy home in the knowledge that Friday is a horrid Sony Spy sent here by Satan, or just a big fucking tosser who doesn’t know what he’s on about. Whatever.
April 11th, 2007 on 5:33 am
Actually I’m a software developer for Sky as it goes. Unlike you Billy I actually own (and work with) decent kit too and so it comes as little surprise to me out of the two of us am the only one who actually has a scooby.
I still love your notion that ‘analog’ media doesn’t have a resolution and that non-flat screen TV’s don’t have pixels. Oh and no I don’t own a Laserdisc (and as far as I can reacall I’ve only know one person who has), yes I’ve seen a few actually, no they are not better than a high quality ASP or H.262 MPEG stream.
For someone who apparently doesn’t have the hang of html yet, I’m not surprised you are out of your depth here.
Oh and having multiple cores has err nothing to do with multitasking. Is there no limit^W begining to your knowledge?
April 11th, 2007 on 3:05 pm
Richard/Jack: Thanks I agree, I was just trying to meet him half way lol
Friday, I’m a Microsoft networker(not working for them) which you need to know the basic differences between Analog and digital for. So your credentials mean nothing, and mentioning the other massive corrupt organisation SKY ffs lol, even Richard Branson can see Rupert Murdock want’s to rule the world.
[I still love your notion that ‘analog’ media doesn’t have a resolution and that non-flat screen TV’s don’t have pixels]
Analog has scan lines, which digital, digitises and cuts up unto its ‘resolution’. Meaning if an area would fill 3/4 of a pixel red. Then that pixel becomes red( the mean average of what ever the original pure analog image shows.
This is why when you turn the contrast/brightness down on your TV you can now see colour gradients, like you get with low quality mpeg encoding. These gradients never existed on analog, and have a diverse impact on the depth of image. Which is why original complaints for DVD’s were that everything/everybody looked like cardboard cut outs.
The fact that you’ve never owned a Laserdisc player says it all, instead your like so many other know it alls who cough and spit and something they dont understand. Mainly because of the price at the time, which incidentally matched the HD prices as Laserdisc at it’s time was truly high end. As oppose to this flogging of a dead horse that it HD.
[For someone who apparently doesn’t have the hang of html yet, I’m not surprised you are out of your depth here.]
You mean Hyper Text Markup Language? Yes, remember i’m a networker, I just type my way, sloppy sometimes but who gives a shit, this is only one of many sites I visit.
[Oh and having multiple cores has err nothing to do with multitasking. Is there no limit^W begining to your knowledge? ]
Judging from this comment, I think it’s clear who’s out of their depth lmao.
Look up the term, IRQ or Interrupt Request.
Your processer has cycles.. yes?
Each cycle has a list in order of priority eg.
1. Keyboard
2. VGA Video Display
3. Available
4. COM1, COM3
5. Available, unless used forLPT2 or Soundcard
6. Floppy Controller
7. Parallel Port LPT1
8. Real-time clock
9. Redirected IRQ2
10. Available
11. Available
12. PS/2 Mouse
13. Math coprocessor
14. HDD Controller
15. Available
Each device has a small piece of its instructions dealt with each time the processor goes through its cycle.
This is called TIME SHARING, which the hard of thinking ALWAYS confuse with MULTI-TASKING.
Everybody knows Amiga has two separate processors so one processor was able to take care of desktop activity, and the other background activity. Now we have the Dual-Core which is two processors in one.
The only reason they’ve actually got around to doing this is because they’ve finally made chip speeds as fast a they can go.
Hope that was’nt too techy.
Friday you seem to know all the answers, just tell me why a £1,000 TV full of pixels is worth it, and how do I get a normal transmission to look anything like it does on my Analog transmission on a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)?
April 11th, 2007 on 7:01 pm
Easy! Use a half decent upscaler (which you won’t find in a cheapo 1,000 GBP HDTV…). Try a brand like Pinoneer (not LG, or whatever is on sale in Argos this week).
Oh, and you’ll need to then set the picture mode to be somewhat blurry to make up for the antialiasing done by the upscaler to improve the quality – just enough to decrease it so it can look as bad as it did on a CRT.
I wonder if you realise how much stuff is filmed in ether a native digital format or in high resolution film these days, and so your quality on the CRT is much worse because the stream has ALREADY been downscaled by the broadcaster, and you’ve just lossed a whole bunch of data that other users with HDTV feeds are able to see very clearly.
I also note you were the guy who also said of the Wii/360 “if you can afford it” (even though it’s hardly expensive), so the point about not buying especially cheap and naff stuff seem worth making.
This is called TIME SHARING, which the hard of thinking ALWAYS confuse with MULTI-TASKING.
That is (what everyone on planet Earth – baring some guy apparently reading out of an MSDN book – calls) scheduling. The ability to do scheduling in some form is exactly what multi-tasking is and doesn’t require SMP hardware of any sort.
Even Windows 95 and Mac OS Classic support multi-tasking. I have a PDA that supports multi-tasking. It’s pretty basic stuff.
Do I need to explain the ^W in my previous post to you too?
Oh and Jack was disagreeing with you ITYF.
April 11th, 2007 on 7:34 pm
Jack: Thanks I agree
You said that MS didn’t lie & I called you a moron for doing so. Glad to see my opinion proved.
Friday, I’m a Microsoft networker
You mean you have an MCSE, and believe the lies MS say about that? STay in the industry long enough and you’ll see why old-hands say it stands for Must Consult Someone Experienced. In my experiewnce, most MCSEs are clueless idiots with a way over-exaggerated opinion of their own superiority who lack the knowledge to know what they don’t know.
which you need to know the basic differences between Analog and digital for
You just need to know that the data is transmitted along that bit of wire in a digital form, and maybe a bit about ADCs, clocking codes and Nyquist’s theorem. Regardless, knowing a smattering of digital comms (or even analogue comms) does not give you any experience or knowledge of analogue A/V aisde from the actual transmission.
Look up the term, IRQ or Interrupt Request.
LOL – that MCSE training really coming in handy there?
IRQs are not a sequence of things that the processor deals with. They are signal lines into the processor that, as the name suggests, a device can use to interrupt the processor. Triggering this forces the processor to stop what it is doing, and immediately execute other code – typically in order to deal with whatever the device wants. Theconcept of interrupts goes back a long way before multi-tasking.
“Time-sharing” is a term for a particular mathod of determining what processes the processor should be dealing with. It is now a common synonym for multi-tasking. It is perfectly possible and common to multi-task on one processor, peop[le have been doing it since the 70’s.
WHat you are talking about is Multi Processing, which is the act of running two processor together in the same system (regardless of whether those procesors are multi-tasking or working in tandem on a single task). MS is guilty of persuading people that accurate use of terminology isn’t important. Look what happens when you believe that.
You have shown ample evidence of not knowing what the fuck you’re talking about in your own field, why should we beleieve anything that comes out of your mouth in any other field?
April 11th, 2007 on 9:28 pm
Suddenly everyone’s an expert
Jack: What caused you to switch sides, dont encourage this idiot ffs. You contradict your statements about ‘Microsoft don’t lie?? Fucking hell, have you spent the last ten years living under a rock?’
Jack[Time-sharing” is a term for a particular mathod of determining what processes the processor should be dealing with. It is now a common synonym for multi-tasking. It is perfectly possible and common to multi-task on one processor, peop[le have been doing it since the 70’s.]
Jack[WHat you are talking about is Multi Processing, which is the act of running two processor together in the same system (regardless of whether those procesors are multi-tasking or working in tandem on a single task). MS is guilty of persuading people that accurate use of terminology isn’t important. Look what happens when you believe that]
Friday[That is (what everyone on planet Earth – baring some guy apparently reading out of an MSDN book – calls) scheduling. The ability to do scheduling in some form is exactly what multi-tasking is and doesn’t require SMP hardware of any sort.]
WRONG!! Going back to the 70’s your ‘Multi-processing’ is actually Multi-tasking.
The term multi-tasking HAS been adopted by noobs within the last few years to describe time sharing which is the correct term.
I agree experience does count over a piece of paper, but that’s just your own inferiority complex and nothing to do with me, you act like ‘i’m’ the overbearing know it all lol. I study Microsoft for a living thats all, I dont actually support them morally.
[You have shown ample evidence of not knowing what the fuck you’re talking about in your own field, why should we beleieve anything that comes out of your mouth in any other field? ]
Well what can I say? but right back at ya ;)
Friday[Easy! Use a half decent upscaler (which you won’t find in a cheapo 1,000 GBP HDTV…). Try a brand like Pinoneer (not LG, or whatever is on sale in Argos this week). ]
Well if your calling a £1,000 cheap what you doing on this website? £1,000 should be more than enough money on a decent picture, and ANY TV should come with upscalers if thats what it takes to compensate for crappy digital ffs
Friday[Oh, and you’ll need to then set the picture mode to be somewhat blurry to make up for the antialiasing done by the upscaler to improve the quality – just enough to decrease it so it can look as bad as it did on a CRT.]
This comment just proves you are truly insane.
Clearly i’ll have to downgrade at some point because as with PS forces, the TV market place is ruled by people who dont have a fucking clue.
Friday[I also note you were the guy who also said of the Wii/360 “if you can afford it” (even though it’s hardly expensive), so the point about not buying especially cheap and naff stuff seem worth making.]
This comment was clearly aimed at the majority who wont be able to afford two consoles “if you can afford it” isnt saying-because theyre expensive. It just means buy both if you can because they’ve both got equal measure of good/bad points.
Anyway, i’m clearly wasting my time explaining something to people which is visually obvious.
Youtube is great, but I would’nt wanna watch my movies on it, HD just conceals the problem with extra pixels.
Point to note: George Lucas (inventor of THX)only just went fully digital because he hated DVD. Speilburg is still resisting and good luck to him.
April 12th, 2007 on 12:43 am
Billy Morris – “I’m a Microsoft networker”
Had a good laugh at this one. He doesn’t even know the right name for whatever worthless bit of certification he’s working on – marvelous stuff, keep them coming Bill.
Here’s a thinker for you: if LD quality was so gloriously high, why did they need to bring out HD LD’s, with Hi-Vision/MUSE…? And another: if content is recorded digitally, are you still trying to say that it’ll look better after being converted to analogue? No? Then do you realise the tiny percentage of content that doesn’t get at least digitally edited before you see it?
April 12th, 2007 on 1:47 am
Jeez they’re coming out of the fucking woodwork now! This digital desease has spread like chavs thinking PS it better cos its ‘got better graphics’ lol.
FriedLizard[Billy Morris – “I’m a Microsoft networker”
Had a good laugh at this one. He doesn’t even know the right name for whatever worthless bit of certification he’s working on – marvelous stuff, keep them coming Bill.]
Hey I never mentioned credentials until the holier than thou [Friday] brought it up, I concider it low. But if you really insist the exam no. for MCSE/MCSA is 70-270. [Friday] Seems to think because he works for sky and is trying to sell fucking HD set top boxes at £300 a pop, that he must know it all.
I’m glad you brought up Muse in fact, because is shows how you’ve missed my points completely. HD LD would be like HD only no fucking pixels!!
OK A very simple example then is the differences between the old analog cameras and the new digital ones. Sure you can zoom in easier on a PC, but you look at a normal photo, can you see a pixel anywhere??? go on get the magnifying glass out ffs.
Dont you think there was a very good reason people complained about the quality of digital camera originally? Which brings me back to my original point of ppl compromising quality over size. Digitals easy and small, thats all that its got going for it.
If I had Lucas’s and Speilburgs number i’d give you it, maybe then you could get answers on why they championed Laserdisc to the end, and why they hated DVD. Like i’ve said its visually obvious, jeez even analog transmission looks better tha digital transmission on a digital TV!
Another example of how strong analog is, is when you get a bad analog signal, sure the sound goes a bit and you’ll get a slightly grainy picture.
What happens with digital? and will happen with your £300 Sky HD transmission during the world cup?
Loud painful high pitched screaching noises, blockey breakup, IF you recieve any information at all. By then the opposing team scores, awww what a shame you missed it.
Just like your all missing the simplist point ever made.
April 12th, 2007 on 4:37 pm
“I’m glad you brought up Muse in fact, because is shows how you’ve missed my points completely. HD LD would be like HD only no fucking pixels!!”
No, your point was that LD -original LD- was better than anything a hi-def display could pull off. You were wrong, and now you’ve dug yourself into a hole. A hole so deep you’ve ended up coming out with this:
“jeez even analog transmission looks better tha digital transmission on a digital TV!”
I’m having a hard time even bringing myself to respond, it’s just not sporting. If you honestly think that your RF analogue TV transmissions look better than high-res digital media on a HD set, then I’ll leave you to live on in your marvelous fantasy. Just be aware that to the rest of the world you’re that crazy old man waving his fists at them new-fangled automobiles.
April 22nd, 2007 on 2:26 pm
ROFLMAO it’s never naivety of youth is it? I remember when I used to think nobody could tell me any different.
[No, your point was that LD -original LD- was better than anything a hi-def display could pull off. You were wrong, and now you’ve dug yourself into a hole. A hole so deep you’ve ended up coming out with this:]
No, the point was perfectly made, It was a general stating of the obvious that Analog in ANY form is better, AND clearer to look at than any form of Digital media.
See any pixels on your CRT? No hmmm..
See any pixels on your LD player? No hmmm..
Sure there’s this article:-
But is’nt the whole point of buying a big screen so that you get the cinema experience? You should be able to sit close to be fully emersed.
With Analog you can, without noticing any defects at all.
But with Digital, image jerkiness through out of date codecs, dark scenes show awful loss of depth of image through the ‘space saving’ DAT TAPE type Sony technology. The aweful bit glitches when signals drop, it’s just goddamn awful! By comparison, which most know it alls have’nt actually done.
[If you honestly think that your RF analogue TV transmissions look better than high-res digital media on a HD set, then I’ll leave you to live on in your marvelous fantasy.]
DOH! Again Digital fans FAIL to answer this very simple question.. Does Analog transmission suffer digital breakup blocks?, high pitched screeching? and alarmingly regular max headroom style double takes?, when transmission REGULARLY drops out. No?
I think we all know who’s living in a fantasy world. It ain’t me son.
Hanna Barbera died condemning the Digital age, so much so, he took his original animation cells to the grave.
Surely that tells you something? He’ll have been subject to more technology than anyone on these boards.
This PS3 revolt is’nt just about price, or the fact that it looks like an economy heater. It’s also about the sybolic rejection of HD, as no one sees the need to downgrade to a pixel ridden image, when their Analog signal is fine as it is thankyou!
Once you commit to one area of HD you have to upgrade everything else, and that is’nt bl@@dy cheap is it? Seems to me another way of pricing out the less well off and sod them if they’ve got a crap image.
Anyway MY first and final STILL UNANSWERED question is, how can I get rid of these pixels that I never had before on my TV?
Upscaling? lol don’t even go there…
April 22nd, 2007 on 2:27 pm
ROFLMAO it’s never naivety of youth is it? I remember when I used to think nobody could tell me any different.
[No, your point was that LD -original LD- was better than anything a hi-def display could pull off. You were wrong, and now you’ve dug yourself into a hole. A hole so deep you’ve ended up coming out with this:]
No, the point was perfectly made, It was a general stating of the obvious that Analog in ANY form is better, AND clearer to look at than any form of Digital media.
See any pixels on your CRT? No hmmm..
See any pixels on your LD player? No hmmm..
Sure there’s this article:-
But is’nt the whole point of buying a big screen so that you get the cinema experience? You should be able to sit close to be fully emersed.
With Analog you can, without noticing any defects at all.
But with Digital, image jerkiness through out of date codecs, dark scenes show awful loss of depth of image through the ‘space saving’ DAT TAPE type Sony technology. The aweful bit glitches when signals drop, it’s just goddamn awful! By comparison, which most know it alls have’nt actually done.
[If you honestly think that your RF analogue TV transmissions look better than high-res digital media on a HD set, then I’ll leave you to live on in your marvelous fantasy.]
DOH! Again Digital fans FAIL to answer this very simple question.. Does Analog transmission suffer digital breakup blocks?, high pitched screeching? and alarmingly regular max headroom style double takes?, when transmission REGULARLY drops out. No?
I think we all know who’s living in a fantasy world. It ain’t me son.
Hanna Barbera died condemning the Digital age, so much so, he took his original animation cells to the grave.
Surely that tells you something? He’ll have been subject to more technology than anyone on these boards.
This PS3 revolt is’nt just about price, or the fact that it looks like an economy heater. It’s also about the sybolic rejection of HD, as no one sees the need to downgrade to a pixel ridden image, when their Analog signal is fine as it is thankyou!
Once you commit to one area of HD you have to upgrade everything else, and that is’nt bl@@dy cheap is it? Seems to me another way of pricing out the less well off and sod them if they’ve got a crap image.
Anyway MY first and final STILL UNANSWERED question is, how can I get rid of these pixels that I never had before on my TV?
Upscaling? lol don’t even go there…