Making up for their conduct during WWII, the Japanese have been putting in some strong PS3 resistance of late:
1. NDS: 80,012
2. Wii: 51,365
3. PSP: 39,077
4. PS2: 17,787
5. PS3: 16,889
6. 360: 3,889
Sony’s public Hiroshima continues apace.
And this is what the living rooms of Ebay users across Europe look like. Never before has there been a bigger difference between “shipped” and “sold” figures.
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Apr.06, 2007
April 6th, 2007 on 10:21 am
Wow, if things were to get any worse for $ony in Japan, and MS releashed a popular japanese game… Nah who am i kidding they’ll never buy games off the round eyed devils at Microsoft.
Still, nice to see the PS-3DO doing what it does best and floundering abysmally :)
April 6th, 2007 on 10:26 am
*released (sorry must be drunk)
April 6th, 2007 on 11:00 am
Nothing wrong with being drunk!
April 6th, 2007 on 11:20 am
anyone played the dreamcast game segagaga? You have to run a failing sega and defeat the evil dogma company who are obviously based on sony. Brilliant!
April 6th, 2007 on 11:42 am
Tried to download it but the tracker was down, sounds good though.
I’ll have to settle for blowing up buildings in Bomber Hehhe! and pretending they’re Sony’s HQ.
April 6th, 2007 on 11:45 am
you can get it from but you need to register.
Its all in Japanese though, but i suppose you could play it with a guide from gamefaqs, and some bloke is making an english patch.
April 6th, 2007 on 12:29 pm
Cheers dw2k6, I’ll give it a try.
April 6th, 2007 on 12:53 pm
dw2k6: I regreted selling my DC as soon as I sold it, but I assumed I be able to get a modded jap one from liksang. DOH!
OMG Border Down on ebay :O
April 6th, 2007 on 3:35 pm
Hmmph, who cares what the Japanese are buying?
Let’s see some proper British game systems on the market again, like the Spectrum, the Amstrad and the Sega Megadrive!
April 6th, 2007 on 4:14 pm
“Nah who am i kidding they’ll never buy games off the round eyed devils at Microsoft.”
Boy am I getting sick of comments like this. Your implication is that they won’t buy off of Microsoft because they aren’t a Japanese company. That’s stupid. They buy Cokes, and i-Pods, and Levi Jeans, and American movies, etc. They go to McDonalds. They fell in love with baseball, an American game, and tune in in the millions to watch their players playing MLB ball. The Japanese aren’t not buying Microsoft systems because they are xenophobic or biased towards their own goods.
Please, tell me again how many North American or European made consoles we have sent to number one on the sales charts around here? Atari 2600, check. NES… opps, Japanese. Genesis… opps, Japanese. SNES…. opps Japanese. Playstation 1… opps Japanese. Playstation 2… opps, Japanese. Gameboy… opps, Japanese. Gameboy colour… opps Japanese. Gameboy Advance… Opps, Japanese. DS… Opps, Japanese.
I don’t suppose you think we’re xenophobic against ourselves, do you? Because we haven’t exactly put our weight behind American or European made consoles ourselves.
How many 7800s did we buy in the late 80s? How many Lynxs? How many Jaguars? How many Hyperscans did we buy recently. Heck, the Xbox has done the best here since the Colecovision, and it lost the company $4 billion just to finish a fairly distant 2nd. It isn’t that the Japanese won’t buy American goods, and it isn’t that it’s only them who prefer Japanese systems.
Maybe if Microsoft had a few more games that market liked, they’d sell better. How many systems do you think a Japanese company would sell here, if it didn’t have Madden, or Soccer, or FPSers, or driving games, but instead had all hardcore shoot em ups and RPGs? I don’t mean on this site, where’d we buy a ton, but on the European and North American markets in general. Would you then claim that it did poorly because we are afraid of or dislike Japanese products? Of course yu wouldn’t. You say it di poorly because of the game selection. Yet when Japanese people make the same decision people all over the internet invent this myth that it’s xenophobia.
April 6th, 2007 on 4:49 pm
WHSmith have already cut the price of the PS3 – downt to £400
April 6th, 2007 on 5:35 pm
Yet still they resist the 360 as if MS raped their mums… looks like they still haven’t forgiven the US for those nukes.
April 6th, 2007 on 6:15 pm
“Yet still they resist the 360 as if MS raped their mums… looks like they still haven’t forgiven the US for those nukes”.
I am going to do myself a favour and imagine you didn’t read my post. If I think what you wrote was a response to what I said, then I’d have to try to follow your line of “reasoning” which would probably make my brain commit suicide.
April 6th, 2007 on 6:32 pm
Never mind word verification, this blog’s comments section needs a humour verification check…
April 6th, 2007 on 6:55 pm
A god damn top site you’ve got here. I tell people Sony are failing and they don’t believe me they need to read this site and realise! Keep up the fantastic work!
April 6th, 2007 on 8:07 pm
If we quarrel among ourselves about such petty matters as racism, international business, stereotypes, and multi-cultural relations, we lose track of the bigger issues, like how much we all really hate Sony.
Let’s put aside small disagreements and look past each other’s blind spots here, at least for now. It’s one thing to take time out of the war to squash a fanboy; it’s quite another to sink the humor to argue with your fellow soldiers.
April 6th, 2007 on 8:10 pm
If we quarrel among ourselves about such petty matters as racism, international business, stereotypes, and multi-cultural relations, we lose track of the bigger issues, like how much we all really hate Sony.
Let’s put aside small disagreements and look past each other’s blind spots here, at least for now. It’s one thing to take time out of the war to squash a fanboy; it’s quite another to sink the humor to argue with your fellow soldiers.
Word Verification Tnjwt: Teenage Ninja Jewish Warrior Turtles
April 6th, 2007 on 8:12 pm
Bloody response server’s giving me trouble. Well just take the double post as an indication of how strongly I feel about this.
jgkcm: A traditional Irish dance.
April 6th, 2007 on 8:16 pm
There’s really no need to get your handbag out, i wasn’t making a big point, you seem a touch sensative me.
While i was only being flippant there is a little truth in what i say, The company i work for has offices in Japan and quite a few Japanese employees over here, a couple of who i am good friends with.
We’ve talked about this subject and they’ve said that while some gamers given the choice of 2 similar consoles would favour the Japanese made one, it was mainly the retailers that didn’t do there best to promote them.
Anyhow my commment was lighthearted and not supposed to get your panties in a bunch, so i don’t know why i’m bothering to defend it.
P.S. the “round eyed devils” quip was from a badly dubbed Jacky Chan movie that made me laugh
mjuti – not anything Japanese as it might offend colin
April 6th, 2007 on 8:18 pm
colin, they weren’t being serious.
Calm down.
Word verification: Straxing, meaning ‘to Strax’.
April 6th, 2007 on 8:21 pm
You think the Japanese have forgiven America? Pfft!
I don’t see any other countries breeding giant mutant dinosaurs to conquer the world with.
Did you see that documentary on the giant lizard they sent to New York to destroy the city? I think it was on Channel 4 not long ago. I’m not sure they have even discovered all the eggs it laid to this day.
I’ve seen stories from the Japanese news about what happens when they get loose in Japan. It’s a good job only one of them has ever made it out.
If one of them things ever showed up in London we’d be done for, especially with all our boys and equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan (all we have here are under-16 Army Cadets and a bunch of Green Goddesses, which I’m pretty sure wouldn’t cut the mustard).
(Isn’t ‘mjuti’ a type of animated school girl tentacle porn? I think I’ve got some of that.)
April 6th, 2007 on 8:40 pm
1) The word you were looking for was OOPS.
2) You used the American name for the Megadrive without the slightest hint of irony. That’s just wrong.
2) Baseball was an english game. It’s fucking Rounders with a helmet on.
Personally, I’d get that humour bypass surgery reversed before its too late!
April 6th, 2007 on 8:54 pm
Once again, all, lets not take to insulting each other. Colin’s got some sensitivity, fine. He’ll take comments with a grain of comedic salt from here on and you blokes don’t particularly need to give him trouble over one little bout.
Get back to the issues here, people! Sony bad, Sega good!
sogmtmk: A secret Russian space probe
April 6th, 2007 on 9:05 pm
Hear hear.
Going off topic a moment, when making games, developers these days need to ask themselves some very important questions:
1. Are we making Phantasy Star Online?
2. If not, why not?
3. Is our game anything like Phantasy Star Online?
4. If not, why not?
I don’t think I ever got over the absolute shitness of Phantasy Star Universe.
Get rid of my red boxes, will you… grumble grumble…
Word verification: ‘gazgs’. A series of trendy orgasms.
April 6th, 2007 on 11:42 pm
The Similarities with the PS3 to the Phillips CD-i are all to similar, its like the CD-i was resurected to die an ugly death all over again :D
April 7th, 2007 on 12:42 am
you mugs. the ps3 is selling fantastically well, and will come out on top.
maybe one day you pikey cunts will be able to afford one.
April 7th, 2007 on 1:02 am
Oh dear its another one. I’m afraid there’s adequate evidence to suggest that those fantastic favors are complete bunk.
And I can afford one actually, but I have better things I’d like to spend my money on.
And I am a pikey cunt, so you at least got part of it right.
Qlunghav: The annoying sidekick character in the upcoming Shenmue 3
April 7th, 2007 on 1:36 am
>maybe one day you pikey cunts >will be able to afford one.
I can – and especially so as I’m on holiday in Anaheim right now and there’s a special on at one or two of the local shops offering one for $499…. no Wii’s in stock anywhere…
April 7th, 2007 on 2:39 am
Gamestation has them now for £399 with an X-Men 3 Blu-Ray.
April 7th, 2007 on 2:57 am
“Yet still they resist the 360 as if MS raped their mums… looks like they still haven’t forgiven the US for those nukes.”
I’ve studied the Japanese involvement in WW2 for many years. Been there four times. Worked for Sega for 9 years. I have a degree in Japanese and many Japanese friends. That comment was the funniest thing I’ve read this year. Following on from colin’s original post only made it funnier. Nothing that funny could have been made out of racial ignorance, quite the opposite.
Word Verification – ardli: infrequently
April 7th, 2007 on 3:14 am
If I may do a little bit of stereotyping of my own, people from the UK have a great sense of humour. In all honesty, I’d rather be told there’s no need to get my purse out here from people I generally agree with, than be told for the millionth time on a North American website that “u r totaly gay fag. LOLOLZ.”
If I may stereotype a little more, all of you except Dr. Who have misshapen teeth. And of course, Dr. Who is partially funded by CBC so chances are, Canada, the greatest country on all of the Earth, paid to have his teeth fixed.
April 7th, 2007 on 3:30 am
my teeth are not misshapen, they were just designed for somebody elses mouth thats all
Word Verification
ukebix – A new kind of breakfast cereal made for brits with misshapen teeth
April 7th, 2007 on 3:33 am
Slim: Glad to see you took that comment as it was intended. I apologize for my earlier pantyknotivity.
April 7th, 2007 on 3:38 am
Hey, feel free to sign my petition coz together we can change the world man!
To: The Director of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. (SCEI)
Director of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. (SCEI)
Mr.Phil Harrison
Dear Phil
We are outraged by your decision to price the PS3 game console at only £425, we feel that a more reasonable price point would be £999, or a £1099 package that includes rootkit & exploding batteries.
Our main concern is that at only £425 some CHAVS can still afford to purchase it, and i’m sure that is not in keeping with the image of you’re company.
Also, while we appreciate that you have made the PS3’s hardware very difficult to programme, we still feel you could have done more to over-complicate the design of the cell processors, thus eliminating unwanted small developers such as Capcom and Square Enix, to name but a few.
We hope that you will rectify these errors soon.
The Undersigned
April 7th, 2007 on 3:40 am
No problem, we just don’t take things too seriously here :)
April 7th, 2007 on 5:15 am
Colin: In England stereotypically I’d call you a cunt.
April 7th, 2007 on 7:08 am
You know, I’ve been considering buying one of these things just so Sony takes the financial hit. It’s huge; I’m sure I could find a use for it. I figure I could keep a couple pounds of taffy in there no problem.
aqncwsca: A December holiday for black merpeople.
April 7th, 2007 on 7:10 am
By the way, I love this ‘word verification’ thing you all do.
rwcox: Penises working in reverse
April 7th, 2007 on 9:23 am
Who do Canadians always get such a good deal from the rest of the world, when they’re essentially a combination of the two most vilified cultures on Earth?
French or American – either way you’re fucked, my maple syrup drinking friends.
cmxkg – the sounds made by a mouth full of a thick salty substance
April 7th, 2007 on 9:33 am
“maybe one day you pikey cunts will be able to afford one.”
Obviously from this comment your the exact kind of rich arrogant twat with poncy clothes and poncy hair sony are aiming for, and you generate dislikability well, like a prick.
I hope you die mate.
April 7th, 2007 on 2:23 pm
“Why do Canadians always get such a good deal from the rest of the world, when they’re essentially a combination of the two most vilified cultures on Earth?
French or American – either way you’re fucked, my maple syrup drinking friends.”
That is the second funniest thing I’ve read this year. God bless this site.
Word verification – tppmg: smiling smugly at a waiter while not leaving a tip
April 7th, 2007 on 3:14 pm
“Why do Canadians always get such a good deal from the rest of the world, when they’re essentially a combination of the two most vilified cultures on Earth?
French or American – either way you’re fucked, my maple syrup drinking friends.”
You just answered your own question. We live WITH the French in our midst. On top of that we are close enough to the U.S. to have all of their “Pimp my Ride”s and “Dog the Bounty Hunter”s beamed directly into our living rooms. Yet somehow we survive, making us the planet’s number one underdog story.
It takes a lot of grit, but I feel confident in the end we will prevail. The way I see it, once the next ice age hits, half the U.S. will die from unfamiliarity with snow, while the remainder (who are pretty decent folk who live near the border) will be allowed to come up here and live in our underground ice fortresses. Meanwhile, the French, blood made thin with wine, will perish when the temperature drops a couple degrees up here. It’s a glorious future.
April 7th, 2007 on 4:11 pm
Sounds good, but the Eskimos would rule the world and they would make us all eat whale blubber!!!
April 7th, 2007 on 8:08 pm
floppylobster: what was the first?
zgyovb – the surname of a 14 year old Russian gymnast who broke her leg and had to make things meet by perfoming in child porn flicks
April 8th, 2007 on 3:04 am
It’s further up this very posting.
owgadi: The little known piece of Gondwana that had Atlantis on it.