Courtesy of the Sevenoaks branch of Choices video. The irony of a sign saying “LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE” being stuck to a vast pile of unsold PS3s is SIMPLY DELICIOUS. Words can’t express the joy we are feeling right now.
Keep the emails coming with your PS3 disaster photos – we’ll update the site 50 times a day to accomodate them if need be.

Choices, by the way, tried its luck at selling 50 of its launch consoles on Ebay for the official launch price during launch week. You can imagine how it went. They sold three.
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Apr.10, 2007
April 10th, 2007 on 2:14 pm
imagine the feelings of the guy who wrote that note and printed it… He just had to write “This is living” because he couldn’t come up with anything clever, and tried to make people remember that the ad campaign was actually related to PS3…
I remember when I was at the mall with some friends here in portugal and there was this PS3 plugged to a big bravia screen and the games were killzone or whatever it is and the f1…
anyway, I was saying how shitty PS3 was and how that game didn’t look better than 360, and my friends were saying that the bad graphics were because of the screen and not the ps3… THAT WAS A SONY BRAVIA FFS… BY SONY!!!
April 10th, 2007 on 3:21 pm
That note should read,
Word Verification – backshkz =
An industrial back injury caused
by lifting too many unsold PS3’s
April 10th, 2007 on 3:25 pm
*HUGE (Don’t no how much stock they have named hugh)
April 10th, 2007 on 3:28 pm
*Know (this is getting embarrassing)
April 10th, 2007 on 3:32 pm
That’s pure porn.
I’d like to pop down to that Sevenoaks store, place my modest sized cock in the gap between the PS3 display boxes, and then make boisterous love to them. Should the greasy teenage store clerk saunter over and ask me “what the hell do you think you’re doing sir?” I would remind him there was a fucking war on; I’m doing my part, and kindly ask him to mind his own fucking business.
I had a right hard on last week seeing all those Argos stock checkers, but alas there’s no suitable hole or crevice to place my nob, and most of them seem filth from previous pikey love. I’m not judging them; I just didn’t want to wake up the next morning with a rash along with an irresistible urge to live in a field.
April 10th, 2007 on 3:34 pm
I saw in Plymouth Game “New PS3 Stock Arrived” but upon asking within was told it was the same stock as before they had only sold the 2 pre-orders and the sign was to try and liven things up.
It clearly failed.
April 10th, 2007 on 3:36 pm
I love the way it chucks three exclamation marks onto the end of ‘THIS IS LIVING’, like it’s an order.
April 10th, 2007 on 8:06 pm
this is for ppl with 1280×1024 desktops:
and this is for uber-cool widescreen users with 1280×800 desktops:
and this is for the soppy cunts with ‘HD’ computers running in 1920×1200:
April 11th, 2007 on 11:45 pm
How many times does it take to get through to these morons here.
PS3 boxes stacked in windows ARE DISPLAY BOXES… There are not consoles “out back” without boxes.
There really are some thick people here it seems. Funny thing is most of the thickies are Xbox owners, who can’t see them getting shafted at every oppertunity by Microsoft.
Faulty Consoles, Dodgy warrantys, noisy consoles, upgraded consoles every year, no free content online, buy a crappy game to get a 3 week beta “golden” ticket.. LOL…
April 11th, 2007 on 11:47 pm
I was talking to this dude in Gamestation, he is also gay and has a Xbox360, he said they hadn’t sold a single PS3 since launch day…
Were getting married in the summer…