At this rate, PS3’s going to struggle to catch up with Gizmondo’s global install base, let alone Xbox 360 and Wii’s.
DS: 117,228
Wii: 64,529
PSP: 24,711
PS2: 11,097
PS3: 8,776
360: 2,533
GBA: 799
DS: 423,150
Wii: 338,278
PSP: 221,120
PS2: 187,765
360: 154,932
PS3: 81,604
GBA: 80,554
NGC: 10,728
Here are some amazingly hi-res photos of a woman wearing a Ninja Gaiden costume to assist your celebratory wank. We suggest a simultaneous, global climax at 01:30 hours on Sunday, June 17:

*celebratory wank*
filed in WAR ON PS3 on Jun.16, 2007
June 16th, 2007 on 3:24 pm
Stealing updates from Stupid Fucking Customers, eh?
They had a better picture of the “Rachel” too, her left tit was escaping and everything.
June 16th, 2007 on 3:55 pm
… I think this deserves a posting guys ;)
June 16th, 2007 on 8:36 pm
Mmmmm, nice. Putting that in the bank.
As for the Sega and PS3 article, it’s was some suit wearing twat from Sega of America making the comments. Though he did make very valid points about the Wii.
June 16th, 2007 on 11:08 pm
Man… at a glance, id say shes only a B cup, 34B at that.
The girl in the game is at least a C cup… its just appauling… I thought the PS3 was meant to have uber realistic high def graphics, and yet they cant even get her breasts the right size…
Sony are screwing us again… (ok not me, but any idiot who bought the PS3…)
June 16th, 2007 on 11:58 pm
[i]As for the Sega and PS3 article, it’s was some suit wearing twat from Sega of America making the comments. Though he did make very valid points about the Wii.[/i]
I know we all love what Sega WAS, but, ummm, I think I’ll take my chances betting against Sega’s opinion on modern gaming, thanks. I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I am betting against the makers of both Shadow the Hedgehog [b]and[/b] Super Monkey Ball Adventure. Yes, I’m crazy I know.
June 17th, 2007 on 11:08 am
She looks a bit more upper-class on your pics than she does on mine.
She still looks like a prostitute though.
June 17th, 2007 on 12:09 pm
More celebratory material from the Korean PS3 launch:
uhunm: The sound heard round the world at 1.30am
June 17th, 2007 on 4:23 pm
arhaha, sony fanboys are lame.
June 17th, 2007 on 4:42 pm
Trilby said…
More celebratory material from the Korean PS3 launch:
uhunm: The sound heard round the world at 1.30am
That’s Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Bashful. Pervy’s checking out the action in the back.
June 18th, 2007 on 4:40 pm
She really doesnt have enough up top. Must try harder next time.
June 18th, 2007 on 6:34 pm
“She looks a bit more upper-class on your pics than she does on mine.”
You don’t have to put that to make Zorg feel better. Chances are he’s already mad at us* and he’s putting the link under the ‘SITES WE HATE *SO MUCH* THEY DON’T EVEN DESERVE THE DIGNITY OF A FUNCTIONING LINK’ section.
* You, you did the update. I only take 50% of credit when people say it’s good. If we get in the shit about the blog then you take 100% of the blame, because you were doing it 2 days before the both of us. That’s my made up loophole. =p
March 17th, 2008 on 9:48 pm
Hang on a second does this site try any say that Microshite can bring out a better console than sony, and that the wii is better than the ps3?
I hope im making a huge misunderstanding or im gonna piss myself laughing.
microshite? a good product????
thats just unjustifiable.
As for nintendo, they just have the kiddy market with there gimmick wii.