Hopefully this is an actual miracle, and isn’t just viral marketing for Xbox Live Arcade Pac-Man. Although putting a crisp in a packet and hoping someone finds it and does some news about it is hopeful at best.
THE HOLY FINDER OF THE CRISP SPEAKS: “I ate some crisps today, and one of them looked a little bit like Pac-Man mid-chomp. So I took a picture and sent it to you in a pointlessly high resolution, as the summer’s coming and you might need something for a really slow news day. The crisps were “McCoys Jackets” and were Melted Cheese and Ham flavour, but they tasted more of fat and MSG. The Pac-Crisp tasted the same as the others. Jim”.
filed in Uncategorized on Jun.18, 2007
June 18th, 2007 on 2:47 pm
Excellent post. It’s brightened my wank day up loads.
I wish I had a crisp that looked like something.
Although, French Fries look a bit like thin wonky dildos.
June 18th, 2007 on 3:42 pm
You have a day set aside entirely for wanking? That’s dedication to the cause.
June 18th, 2007 on 4:38 pm
I feel informed and enlivened by this post.
June 18th, 2007 on 6:16 pm
Best post on resistance since… well ever.
I can only hope next week we can move on to a skip shaped like Sonic.
June 18th, 2007 on 6:42 pm
Yeah best post ever!
And you can’t fake a Pac-Man crisp by cutting his mouth out with some scissors, one slight cut will just break the whole crisp. This proves that it is a 100% genuine Pac-Man crisp and they are more rare than an eclipse.
June 18th, 2007 on 11:12 pm
Did anyone else think “Jim” was a description of the taste of the crisp for a moment there?
rybzq: Where you have to wait for food at a teenagers’ barbecue.
June 19th, 2007 on 10:18 am
I imagine a ‘Jim’ to taste somewhere inbetween a ‘Trevor’ and an ‘Alan’
June 19th, 2007 on 11:05 am
Am I the only one extremely disappointed with the poor photography? It’s all very well sending in a picture with a pointlessly high resolution but the crisp isn’t in focus!
It’s this kind of shoddy unprofessionalism that makes Britain the laughing stock of the world.
Instead of having the boring blue cloth you’ve got the crisp sat on in focus, you could have found an attractive girl with perhaps a yellow ribbon in her hair (ms. pacman?) holding the crisp. A bit of arty depth of field with her breasts in focus would have been nice.
June 19th, 2007 on 12:26 pm
Bit o’ bush maybe…
Word Verification : XYPOAKZ, the homoerotic alien version of Hollyoaks.
June 19th, 2007 on 1:54 pm
I own a large casino. I am willing to pay $500,000 for this.
adoxvi – some drug that makes you think you are some casino owner.