Sometimes the simple ones are the best.

We’ve already managed two over the top one and are saving the second one for the evening session.
filed in MEAT BAGS (WOMEN) on Jun.27, 2007
Sometimes the simple ones are the best.
We’ve already managed two over the top one and are saving the second one for the evening session.
filed in MEAT BAGS (WOMEN) on Jun.27, 2007
June 27th, 2007 on 1:47 pm
indeed, I shall do my bit in the evening session too
rahrqwa – runs the local offie
June 27th, 2007 on 2:00 pm
That Lara comes from Bethnal Green dont you know.
This is going to take me a few days to work my way across them all. My stamina is down at the moment.
June 27th, 2007 on 2:29 pm
Karima (aka Saudi Lara) used to work in Topshop in Oxford Street (aka The Knocking Shop – after the late night boozing and orgies had by staff members there).
June 27th, 2007 on 2:42 pm
Does anyone have the Facebook address of the girl in the red bikini in the bottom pic?
June 27th, 2007 on 2:54 pm
Would knock one out but a girl in the middle picture looks to much like Lily Fucking Allen for comfort.
June 27th, 2007 on 3:08 pm
Now this is the kind of feminism in games I can get behind. (and fuck, with my penis, in their vags, in case you thought I meant something else).
June 27th, 2007 on 4:07 pm
How did the slapper with the sunglasses on her head get in those pics?!?
/looking forward to the photoshop contest
June 27th, 2007 on 4:15 pm
The one on the right in the second picture has a harsh face. Like she used to be a man.
kurrafk-what WOW players have for dinner
June 27th, 2007 on 4:18 pm
‘Lara’ has the same face as Fez from ‘That 70s Show’. Most worrying.
June 27th, 2007 on 6:44 pm
I’m intimidated by the VERY tall girl in the background of the top picture.
June 27th, 2007 on 10:07 pm
Lara Bethnal Green looks like some schoolboy/dyke-man combo in shot 2…
What’s wrong with you people?
June 28th, 2007 on 4:30 pm
The Lady with the yellow flower, I would eat the corn out of her shit.
And I don’t even like corn.