This is the update we have been waiting to write since May 2005, back when Sony issued some huge lies about what Killzone would look like on PlayStation3 – had PlayStation3 been released in 2023.

Sony has now revealed what Killzone actually looks like on PS3. It looks like any old Xbox 1 game set in the Tom Clancy universe.

The original Killzone lie

This is Sony’s original suggestion of what Killzone would look like on PS3. It was, even at the time, clearly one of the biggest lies ever told in the interactive entertainment industry.

Killzone 2, JPEG compression 4

And this is the truth. Killzone 2 is the world’s most generic action game. Even better, go over to Euro PS3 PR blog Threespeech and see amazingly deluded PS3 owners saying this looks anything other than utterly disappointing.