A reader sent this is. It’s a series of photos of Emily Booth presenting something on the XLEAGUE.TV couch, with an empty space next to her. This is so you can edit in a photo of yourself and be all like “Yeah, I was chatting to that whatsername off Channel 5 last night.”

A FREE UPDATE, BASICALLY: “Here are some edited pics of Emily booth on the X-League TV set with an empty couch next to her. This gives you the opportunity to put yourself in an interview with her and talk about things that are nice like Sega and that.
“The first image shows Emily looking slightly worried and nervous like she might not want to be there while the second shows her clearly enjoying herself and finding the whole situation to be great fun.”
“I’ve also included an ‘example’ pic of everyone’s favourite interviewee. Enjoy! Joe.”
filed in Uncategorized on Aug.10, 2007
August 10th, 2007 on 4:19 pm
The only occasion when I would be willing to drop a bollock to switch places with Ken Kuturagi.
August 10th, 2007 on 4:31 pm
cowbrain wrote: The only occasion when I would be willing to drop a bollock to switch places with Ken Kuturagi.
And you’d no doubt lose the other one to whatever hideous VD Bouff got from Dani Filth.
August 10th, 2007 on 8:19 pm
Come on man it’s got to be worth a trip to the pus clinic!
August 10th, 2007 on 8:23 pm
…mind you if weird satanic aliens start burrowing out of her mimsy i’m outa there!!!
August 12th, 2007 on 10:23 pm
It’s all my Rupert Pupkin fantasies brought to life.
Now where can I get a a printer that will print that out at room size?
zaaplc – share price crash was caused by Mr Zaa