Not only is this the new world’s most boring SEGA photograph, it’s also in the running for the world’s all-format most boring photograph ever taken of anything at all.

It is a French menu, where the phrase “Sega swing” appears. Looks like some sort of fancy pudding.
filed in Uncategorized on Aug.03, 2007
August 3rd, 2007 on 2:06 pm
I know it’s got fuck all to do with this post, but there’s a Sega Park arcade in Southampton under this crappy little shopping precint. It’s got Virtua Fighter and Sega Rally posters on the wall and ‘Sonic Says…’ No Smoking signs, as well as Daytona USA and Ferrari 355 machines. Twas like stepping through a time warp, I tell thee.
August 3rd, 2007 on 2:16 pm
A Sega Swing is much like a Butterfly Fuck Swing only its covered in blue fur.
August 3rd, 2007 on 2:36 pm
My boules de vanille are full of creme anglais too.
zivatj – Dr Zhivago’s deceased conjoined twin
August 3rd, 2007 on 2:37 pm
@ Tomleecee
Yes, I am familiar with said Sega Park as well. I can remember when it used to be pretty good. I used to go along when they had nights where you paid 5 quid to get in, then could play as much as you wanted. Awesome.
August 3rd, 2007 on 5:24 pm
It’s ice cream, not pudding.
August 3rd, 2007 on 5:37 pm
The Bargate ain’t crappy! It’s just stuck in the 1990’s and never moved on, just like me! And there’s that weird shop that sells incense and deadly weapons!
I took a very blurry photo of one of the Sonic “No Smoking” signs, last time I was in Southampton, AND sent it to Zorg.
The sod never used it, even though every update he was making at the time was of badly lit and focused shitty photos.
I hear since I was last down they have got that weird 2 player version of OutRun SP, that’s got to be worth a play at some point.
August 3rd, 2007 on 5:39 pm
That was NOT Sega, but Séga :
August 3rd, 2007 on 6:11 pm
100 points to whoever edits the wiki to reference Yuzo Koshiro and Richard Jacques.
August 3rd, 2007 on 11:46 pm
Right, I’ve done Richard a bit. Feel free to add Yuzo Koshiro.
August 4th, 2007 on 12:18 am
@ tomleecee Ah Sega Park Southampton, It’s legendary Sonic carpet was featured on here not too long ago now. They used to have a dodgy boxing machine on the right somewhere that didn’t always move when you hit it, was pot luck whether your wrist survived or not.
*crappy little shopping centre = The Bargate, and that was a pretty apt description tbh. Apart from the afore mentioned gothic clothing/weapons store. One day I’ll be brave enough to go in, past the fat gothic women in latex :S
August 4th, 2007 on 3:40 pm
There actually is such a thing as the Sega Swing. I remember Tekken Tag on one in Stanstead Airport. It’s a lovely cabinet. It’s like an Astro City but the screen can be rotated really easily.
August 4th, 2007 on 4:17 pm
Now with the power of French A Level I will translate the sega swing.
It is a dessert of Vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, custard, chantilly cream and “groove” I’m assuming that last one is a joke.
August 4th, 2007 on 4:20 pm
My mistake, cannelle can also mean cinnamon. How the hell can the French do that, it must get confusing.
August 5th, 2007 on 4:41 am
over 24 hours on, and the wiki vandalism still stands! They are getting rather slack, aint they?
August 5th, 2007 on 4:45 am
…Also, i’m quite upset that the PREMIER Sega based fan-blog-thing, has been beaten by EVERY SITE EVER in posting about Sega’s “Kokoro Scan” for the DS, and its rather bizare 6 minute advertisement.
I had faith in you, Zorg, I really did. You’ve let us ALL down, man.
August 5th, 2007 on 1:36 pm
i want one of thoose UK:R FORXA CARS MAN!!!! ANYONE? My GT is “i johnston uk i” (without the line things) :)