A couple of weeks ago we made the massive error of mentioning cosplay. This meant that all the people who think cosplay is socially acceptable emailed us stuff in the hope of being our friends.

Like Gordon here. We assume this is Gordon. Gordon found this NiGHTS thing while walking around TGS. Bloody show off.

FROM GORDON: “Walking around TGS I saw this lady and thought you might appreciate a picture of her. I know how lazy you are so I’ve sent you 2 versions. One full size the other resized to fit the site. I didn’t bother playing the game since it’s on the wii and, as everyone knows, the Wii is for kids, paedos and old people. Enjoy the free update – Gordon.”

He’s called Henning. We asked Henning if it was okay to put these photos up on the internet, as we’re nice like that behind the scenes. Henning said yes, and that he asked the girls if it was okay to put the photos on the internet and they said yes. So you (we) don’t have to feel any way guilty about this.

German Ulala cosplay

German Ulala cosplay

German Ulala cosplay

German Ulala cosplay

German Ulala cosplay

FROM HENNING: “I am a regular visitor of you website. I’m from Germany, where we have an anime and Japanese video game convention called “Animagic”. Since you seem to like SEGA Space Channel 5 cosplay, I have included several pictures of a German Ulala and friends in this email. Greetings! – Henning”