Ubisoft – the company we don’t really like for reasons we’re unable to put a finger on but just DON’T, OK? – has put this staggering pile of “lifestyle” nonsense on the internet to promote its DS body image-destroying game.
Some people in middle England might actually believe this is what gamers look and live like.

This one is for Glamour magazine to use when it does a feature about My Weight Loss Coach, and how My Weight Loss Coach is really opening up gaming to women.
This one is for FHM. Or the FHM Fashion special they do occasionally. That plastic thing’s a “pedomoter” – which the game uses to count how long you’ve been sitting motionless for.
Stuff magazine might use this one to illustrate the technical aspects of it.
The police will use this one, to illustrate how NOT to carry around your gadgets in urban areas.
Glamour magazine again.
This one was surely just taken for us to take the piss out of, as even having the piss taken out of your product on UKR counts as a beneath-the-line, sub-viral marketing success in some quarters.
This one’s for no one to ever use.
filed in Uncategorized on Mar.10, 2008
March 10th, 2008 on 6:27 pm
Everyone in Nintendo adverts seem to live in an expensively decorated monochromatic hell-flat. I suprised they can even find their DS against the weapons grade-whiteness of the furnishings.
March 10th, 2008 on 11:24 pm
thats called canary wharf
March 11th, 2008 on 12:44 am
Surely you must hate Ubisoft for the same reasons I do…
They rehash a whole line of games without any real innovation. Their DLC packages generally are pointless wastes of trash. And they treat their fans like shit (Chaos Theory DLC farce, I’m looking at you).
And then there’s the French connection….
eodbggg: I can’t think of anything specific, it just LOOKS funny.
March 11th, 2008 on 2:55 am
But how can you hate Ubisoft when they have such a great history?
March 11th, 2008 on 9:16 am
They should make that thing with an ankle strap so you can keep it discretely out of sight. That way if someone does see it you can just claim to be a paedophile being monitored by the police rather than admit you’re playing a Ubisoft game.
March 11th, 2008 on 2:01 pm
its unsualy for the 6th comment to be would for the first pic, no for the rest