A man saw something terribly depressing and run-down and thought of UKR. Funny that.

“I was in Derby recently for reasons that escape me right now, I came across this old shop unfortunately closed – maybe it had something to do with the foam mattress place next door – and thought of UK Resistance.”
“I took a few pictures with my phone, I know how you like your really high quality pictures, but I left my super high spec camera at home so I had to make do. Just another example of how people who have supported Sonic have fallen on hard times or maybe it has something to do with the monkey – Vger.”
filed in Uncategorized on Mar.14, 2008
March 17th, 2008 on 10:27 am
It’s very odd seeing somewhere I regularly frequent on UK:R. Yes I am unforunate enough to work (but thankfully not live) in Derby. Retro Games is the BEST place in town for, suprisingly, retro games, In fact it’s so retro it doesn’t stock anything pre-XBOX! It’s much better than the local Gamestation which once had a great 2 for 1 retro section upstairs which is now reduced to having about 15 copies of all the mega drive versions of Fifa and a copy of Secret Of Mana on the SNES because they’re charging £50 for it and noone wants to pay that much. Or, being Derby, can afford it.
I would say Up The Rams at this point, but they’re so pathetically bad this year even people with no interest in football know they’re shit.