Sony’s SIXAXIS controller is dead. It failed. It didn’t work. No one liked using it. PS3’s few decent games were ruined by having abysmal motion control sections shoved into them at the last minute by uncaring developers who knew themselves it was a shite idea.
SIXAXIS levels were the equivalent of the early 1990s trend of putting an awkward rap into every song. What Sony needs to do now is admit PS3 is a disaster, then announce a £149.99 PlayStation4 in time for Christmas with some actual games for it.

“I think that the next generation interfaces that can be created built on Sixaxis motion sensitivity give tremendous gameplay benefits that far outweigh a reactive vibration function. The decision that we’ve made to build in the Sixaxis functionality, and Bluetooth wireless, and great battery life, and all the other functionality that comes with it, far outweighs the chatter that we’re getting on vibration. And, it’s incredibly light! Just pick it up!” Phil Harrison, Sony, October 2006.
filed in Uncategorized on Apr.03, 2008
April 3rd, 2008 on 12:53 pm
> And, it’s incredibly light! Just pick it up!” Phil Harrison, Sony, October 2006.
I never really liked the lightness of the pad, it feels cheap. They should never have bothered with motion-sensing anyway – the tilty steering in Motorstorm is hilariously poor.
I wonder whether the sixaxis controls were just a cover-up because they couldn’t put rumble in, and they’re just leaving it in now because it’s easier…
April 3rd, 2008 on 1:03 pm
The last gen starts when Sony say so.
April 3rd, 2008 on 1:22 pm
>SIXAXIS levels were the equivalent of the early 1990s trend of putting an awkward rap into every song.
Hey, the rap part at the beginning of Cosmic Eternity was cool (and the one in Sonic – You Can Do Anything was at least okay). >_>
April 3rd, 2008 on 1:48 pm
Unless I’m very much mistaken, doesn’t Dual Shock 3 still include the same lame-ass motion control as the SIXAXIS?
Still wishing that Sony would just implode. When will people learn and stop buying the overpriced breadbin?
April 3rd, 2008 on 1:56 pm
In addition to my previous post, looks like Sony have done as good a job on the Dual Shock 3 as the console itself:
April 3rd, 2008 on 4:52 pm
“I wonder whether the sixaxis controls were just a cover-up because they couldn’t put rumble in”
I’m sure it’s that and also that Nintendo had announced they were doing motion controls and were getting loads of good publicity for it. So Sony jumped on the bandwagon in a desperate attempt to look like they had managed to evolve a joypad design that’s nearly 10 years old and hasn’t evolved at all. That and they couldn’t understand why everyone hated their boomerang joypad.
I still remember Phil Harrison at the E3 unveiling saying something along the lines of “Wow, that’s so innovative” when they pulled the Sixaxis out, except he somehow managed the herculean feat of saying that without any hint of sarcasm or irony.
April 3rd, 2008 on 10:56 pm
As tempting as it is, DO NOT throw your sixaxis controller in the bin!
The tilt sensors are full of mercury and will cause contamination if the glass capsule breaks.