How very annoying. Ours were enthusiastically stuck up on a wall, left to fade, and left to get small airborne particles of jism attached to them over the years. What we should’ve done is kept them rolled up in a tube for future generations to enjoy.
Fortunately, reader “Felix” did just that.

“Just wanted to share with the cold, lonely and neglected SEGA Saturn owners out there, all over the world, the two Saturn posters that I own. Hopefully it will bring back some nostalgic cheer/heart break of the good old Saturn days to all those crushed Segafan spirits.”
“I managed to get these posters in pristine condition (I’ve never really unrolled them, hence the phones holding down the corners) on eBay many many years back, in the days when not everyone heard about it, they actually sold everything, paypal wasn’t owned by ebay and 2nd hand games weren’t massive over priced. There was also an awesome looking Virtua Cop 2 saturn poster that I wanted the most, but didn’t manage to win because some random arranged with the seller to buy it outside of ebay, and thus only managed to get the two. If the seller or buyer of the Virtual Cop 2/Sega posters is reading this, I’d just like to say: FUCK YOU >:E”
“Sorry for the crappy camera pics, I’m quite bad with the digital camera since my girlfriend is the one that takes the good photos…and I’m too embarrassed to ask her to take a picture of these posters.”
“PS: Also wanted to say I’m honoured that you guys copied and pasted my email on your webpage in 2004 – Felix.”
Thanks, Felix. And thanks for not bearing a grudge about the rather harsh treatment you received from us in 2004.
filed in Uncategorized on Apr.17, 2008
April 17th, 2008 on 6:50 pm
It’s rather fitting that the n-gage ends up as a paper weight.
April 17th, 2008 on 8:13 pm
Maybe that could be a new feature on idiot toys – “Gadgets that make better paperweights than their intended purpose.”
April 17th, 2008 on 8:17 pm
Hehe, I knew those posters as soon as I saw them, I’m the guy he bought them off : )
And I’ve still got a few kicking around.
April 17th, 2008 on 10:35 pm
why did you sell them in the first place? u a sony lover? ;p
April 18th, 2008 on 3:53 am
LOL, until I bought a PS2 6 months ago I was a known Sony hater, maybe even moreso than UKR!
The reason I sold them is that nobody needs a dozen of each type : )
In fact I think I had something like 18 of the xmas Nights ones.
April 18th, 2008 on 10:52 am
I know this guy! Oh wowzers! >:E
April 18th, 2008 on 1:28 pm
I reckon Felix wanted us to see how many phones he has to look rich. Well it worked – call me. I would call you but you might not find the right one in time.
April 18th, 2008 on 4:03 pm
photoboy said:
It’s rather fitting that the n-gage ends up as a paper weight.
Yeah, I know. What with it having the best game for it that Sega put out after the Dreamcast, it’s obvious that it wouldn’t have a chance in succeeding. No surprise there. Espcially considering even mos Sega fans are too stupid a bunch of wankers to even have given the system a try. After all, Gamespot said it was no good. Gamespot!
April 19th, 2008 on 11:27 am
Got to love the positioning of the N93.
April 19th, 2008 on 3:53 pm
Good move in taking the photos yourself, even if you aren’t much good.
Asking your girlfriend to take arty pictures of your Sega posters is the first step on the road to being single again.
April 19th, 2008 on 4:15 pm
If you got so many SEGA posters Sooty, how about you sell me a bloody Virtua Cop 2 one?
Its the reason why I BOUGHT the Saturn.
April 19th, 2008 on 9:09 pm
Coz I had two of VC and one of Virtua Tennis. I had loads of the rest.
Fuck, if I find them in the cupboard you can have a VC one if I’ve got one left.
Nobody is ever getting my Sega Rally one though!
April 19th, 2008 on 11:41 pm
Wow, I’d SO buy them! If they are for sale, please contact me. I’d pay 100 EUR (like.. 50 UK Money) EACH.
April 19th, 2008 on 11:55 pm
Colin, which Sega games for the N-Gage were good? I have Sonic N, Sega Rally and Monkey Ball.
Sonic and Monkey Ball are pretty good, but Sega Rally was pants. Maybe it was the same people who made Sega Rally 2006 on the PS2…
April 21st, 2008 on 3:09 pm
Well Sooty, you found that VC one yet? I’d be more than happy to take it off you?
Still shitty about not getting it.
Saturn VC2 was the best port ever!
The Sega N-Gage games were pretty crap apart from pocket kingdom, which no one really played after a couple months.
April 22nd, 2008 on 6:54 pm
photoboy said:
Colin, which Sega games for the N-Gage were good? I have Sonic N, Sega Rally and Monkey Ball.
Sonic and Monkey Ball are pretty good, but Sega Rally was pants. Maybe it was the same people who made Sega Rally 2006 on the PS2…
Pocket Kingdom. It was the single best job anyone did of making a game that made that system worth owning. If Sega made a cell phone themselves, at the same time they made the Dreamcast, it would have launched with that game. And people would still be talking about how good it was. Instead people ignored it, and all the other great 2nd generation N-Gage stuff like Pathway to Glory, Glimerati, and One.
The system is like the Saturn that way. Poor launch, great 2D games, and people who don’t know any better still saying it sucked without having played anything released after the first month despite a three year lifespan.
April 23rd, 2008 on 8:46 pm
Had a quick look the other night and I can’t find them. If I do I’ll contact you.
I’ll be pissed if I’ve done something with them as there was also an MSR poster with the. Oh, and a Virtua Tennis one as well.
I must admit though, the VC one was coolest as it had bullet holes through it.