An alternate selection of words and pictures we have “phoned in” for other web sites that don’t mind being called blogs.
This thing in which we “live blogged” the downloading of the Ninja Gaiden II demo. This thing about people whose job is listing the specs of laptops about to suffer a bit more. This thing in which we get to the heart of the racism-in-games debate. This thing about what a clever man made for Wii. This thing about the the Eee PC 901, because you can’t not use pictures like this when they come along:

Edge magazine would give that lot 5/10, because a 5/10 from Edge actually means it’s good.
filed in Uncategorized on Jun.06, 2008
June 6th, 2008 on 12:21 pm
I don’t even bother THINKING anything about a game until I’ve read the Edge review. I’m just a gamer, see? What do I know?
June 6th, 2008 on 2:33 pm
“you can’t not use pictures like this when they come along”
Wouldn’t have stopped me.
June 6th, 2008 on 2:35 pm
I quite like Edge.
June 6th, 2008 on 3:51 pm
Wow, they’re such slim, pretty little things. I might just have to buy one even though I already have a laptop.
June 7th, 2008 on 12:10 pm
Right= double wood
Left= “bag job” wood if only because shes probably a crazed ho in bed…shes probably just been banged by the photographer…just look at her hair and smile!
June 17th, 2008 on 12:28 pm
would, would