Another seven days on the treadmill of news. Here’s how we helped in a very small way to lower the amount of useful and factually correct information on the internet.
This thing about what Mr Tan did in his shed. Presumably because he’d rather be in his shed all evening than in the family home.
This thing about some entirely unnecessary annual update. This thing in which Bill Gates reveals how often – and when! – he reboots his PC. This thing about the difference between an “avalanche” and an “OVERLOAD” because it beats having to feign interest in the game. This thing which was an excuse to use a photo of a lady. She gets less attractive the longer you look at her, so only give it a few seconds. This thing about Maria Sharapova launching mobile phone accessories, because we like lady tennis players and you can’t not use pictures like this when they come along:

We’re giving this an 8/10, thanks to the Maria Sharapova update making several readers send us their downtop/upskirt photo collections of hot tennis players.
filed in Uncategorized on Jun.27, 2008
June 27th, 2008 on 10:30 am
Thanks for this. Some saddo with a mobile phone fetish, actually makes me feel slightly better about my sad collection of Star Wars shite!
June 27th, 2008 on 5:41 pm
“several readers send us their downtop/upskirt photo collections of hot tennis players.”
Where the fuck are the links?
June 28th, 2008 on 2:59 pm
The Sharapova link is wrong; it’s just linking back to this update.