Dorian Bloch from Chart-Track, who is an official enemy of UKR for reasons to do with being a big baby, told GamesIndustry MGS4 had hardly any effect on PS3 sales.
“There’s not a lot to say about it – it had minimal impact really. Units were up by seven percent.”

What’s seven percent of nothing? The calculator on this PC must be broken, as it keeps coming up as ZERO.
Final Fantasy XIII (2010) Final Fantasy XIV (2015)
filed in Uncategorized on Jun.18, 2008
June 18th, 2008 on 9:51 am
Don’t forget Killzone 2! Everybody likes grey shooters, right?
June 18th, 2008 on 10:53 am
I like how approx 50% of article on MGS4 is talking about which colours of DS sell best.
I’m sure thats exactly what Sony’s PR and marketing guys were hoping for.
June 18th, 2008 on 10:54 am
There’s also…um… Superman: The Man of Steel: The Game of the Movie: PS3 Edition. I mean, that could save them.
June 18th, 2008 on 11:05 am
Sold less than MGS2? On a console which doesn’t have any games? Wow, just wow.
June 18th, 2008 on 12:52 pm
Don’t forget LitteBigPlanet – it’s going to be the next MySpace, remember!? Everyone’s going to rush out and buy a PS3 so they can build platform levels with NO GOALS or enemies whatsoever!
Game 3.0, baby!
June 18th, 2008 on 1:28 pm
As I was told by a PS3 user in an MGS4 thread, it only runs at 720p to help performance. PS3 continues to be a LIE. A dirty big LIE. With a 1080p television and several 360 games that match my TV, I laugh a hearty laugh at PS3’s technical marvel. Snort.
June 18th, 2008 on 1:39 pm
If only Argonaut had another Croc game ready to go …. It just detracted from the real good stuff on the Saturn, but for the PS1 I think it was a real system seller.
June 18th, 2008 on 1:42 pm
I really don’t get why PS3 owners thought MGS4 would be better than GTAIV or that it would be the saviour of their failed console. The only good MGS game was the first one, the rest all disappeared up their own arse with shite controls and stupid storylines.
If MGS is the future of game story telling I’m all for more games where the story isn’t any more complicated than rescuing a princess.
I guess PS3 owners can now look forward to Home, where you can relive past Sony glories like watching old Sony press conferences inside the game!
June 18th, 2008 on 2:10 pm
Considering half the game is made up of cut scenes, it seems like Hideo Kojima’s not sure if it’s a games console or a Blu-Ray player, hardly supprising when even Sony can’t make their minds up.
He did however get it spot on when he said that the PS3 hardware was only one-tenth of what was promised.
June 18th, 2008 on 2:14 pm
great video photoboy.
weak point massive damage giant enemy crab real time weapon change supercomputer
June 18th, 2008 on 2:14 pm
I really want to post on the man in the shed photo but I don’t want to ruin his perfect zero.
June 18th, 2008 on 5:59 pm
Whats going to turn it around for PS3…?
Erm…meteorite strike? Polar Ice Caps melting? Surely the end of the world will be a worse experience than owning a PS3?
No it really isnt, just the blessed relief as the sony shite box is engulfed in that sweet icey water
June 18th, 2008 on 6:25 pm
I’m suprised they weren’t knocking it out at fifty quid a unit so to recoup for their losses. I also expected every PS3 owner to buy it. Jesus. Maybe PS3 owners are just too depressed to even get out of bed anymore. This is really bad isn’t it?
June 18th, 2008 on 6:31 pm
This may be a stupid question – but is it coming out on Xbox too? It just doesn’t seem financially viable for Konami to release it on PS3 only. If so Sony must have stuffed Konami’s mouth with gold.
June 18th, 2008 on 11:51 pm
June 19th, 2008 on 1:59 pm
2 words: ico team.
the only thing that’ll make me consider a ps3 is Fumito Ueda’s next thing.
June 19th, 2008 on 3:44 pm
no MSG4 for the 360…well not now but in a year MSG4 substance will come out, just like they did with 2 & 3.
thats right boys keep that cash cow mooing.
June 19th, 2008 on 4:49 pm
Looks like the old “the next generation doesn’t begin until we say so” message is struggling to get through, as the general public go nuts for Lime Green and Turquoise DS’s :D:D
June 19th, 2008 on 6:26 pm
If Konami doesn’t bring out MGS4 for the 360, then it does not deserve to be in business. It may as well have taken the money taken to develop the game and set fire to it.
Elsewhere Kojima has said that the PS3 was not even 1/10th of what was promised, which means that the initial claims of MGS4 being “too powerful” for the 360 also weren’t true, so there are NO excuses for not releasing this game on a more lucrative platform.
June 20th, 2008 on 5:30 pm
Guess what guys? PS3 Fanboy posted a chart from VG Chartz proclaiming that the PS3 has pwned everything thanks to the release of the great MGS4. ZOMG IS IT CAN BE PS3 DOMINANCE TIEMZ NAO?
Yeah, nice try, PS3 Fanboy.
Funny thing is, if you look at some of the comments, and on various other sites, even PS3 owners are saying it’s time to move on from this ridiculous “PS3 SHALL DOMINATE ALL!!” mindset. One even noted, “One week’s victory over the Wii after having arguably the biggest release on PS3 and really nothing for the Wii is not that big of news. Also, it is not like it outsold the Wii the way the Wii usually outsells it.”