On happy days like this we are not too proud to link to Kotaku or even evil pro-Sony propaganda specialist MCV. It makes those puzzlingly good PSP sales so much easier to take when you know that for every small profit the handheld makes PS3 shits away a few billions.

“The large-scale investment required during the development and introductory period of a new gaming platform may not be fully recovered” – Some Worried Sony Moneyman Wondering Where The Glory Days Went, June 23, 2008.
filed in Uncategorized on Jun.24, 2008
June 24th, 2008 on 12:41 pm
i took this picture and sent it in so long ago…thanks for making my day :D
June 24th, 2008 on 1:11 pm
It was also used during the Europe at WAR update series.
It’s on the first page of Google image results when you search for “PS3 pile.”
June 24th, 2008 on 1:30 pm
Also in Austria (and in the store I looked in last week in France), The 360 has been sold out since the launch of GTAIV (minus some old Halo consoles that no one buys because they are not Falcons). The clerk said they get a few in every couple weeks and they sell immediately while the PS3 pile just sit there. So I really do not trust these european sales articles especially coming from Japan.
June 24th, 2008 on 2:04 pm
Sony are completely fucked! They’ve fired Phil Harrison and Krazy Ken to save some money and they’ve cancelled most of Sony Europe’s massively behind schedule catalogue of Triple-B titles and they’re still pissing cash away at a prodigious rate. Plus they’ve probably got several warehouses packed with unwanted SIXAXIS pads that they’ll try to flog in Europe.
I can’t wait to see how they embarrass themselves at this year’s E3!
June 24th, 2008 on 8:41 pm
My friend Andy and I have been locked in fierce battle about the shitness of the PS3 since he blew four hundred pounds on one.
It’s ammunition like this that makes my Friday evening beer up that bit more self-satisfied.
I can’t wait to see him.
June 24th, 2008 on 10:57 pm
They also specified that the 3.3bn loss does not include R&D costs. And btw, filthy sony hides PS R&D costs in the Electronics division rather than in SCE.
June 25th, 2008 on 2:27 am
Speaking of R&D, it looks like att that money Sony sunk into Cell Proccessor reasearch really did pay off. For IMBM. And Toshiba.
Does this mean that Sony was suckered in to footing the bill for the profit of two other corporations, or did it manage to fail even with a genuine attempt at help? I’ll let you decide.
June 25th, 2008 on 8:11 am
Heartening news.
Indeed, these Sony updates are the best thing about this site!