Amazing VICTORY! The Getaway 3, the game and/or blatantly untrue tech demo that Sony said PS3 was capable of, the one that looked like a few retouched photos of central London, has been AXED by the incompetent cash-burners at Sony Europe HQ.

The Getaway - DEAD!

“It has been agreed that production of both Eight Days and The Getaway will cease immediately due to the redistribution of resources and budget. This decision was made following an internal review of all games and it was deemed that with the incredibly strong list of exclusive first party titles coming up both this year and in the near future, resource should be reallocated to enhance those projects closer to completion” – Sony Europe, June 4 2008.

The Getaway - DEAD!


The Getaway - DEAD!


The Getaway - DEAD!


The Getaway - DEAD!


The Getaway on PS3

This is what The Getaway 3 actually looks like. The loss of The Getaway is a significant WIN for the forces of LIGHT and TRUTH. The previous two Getaways were the favourite games of millions of stupid PS2 owners who didn’t mind products that crashed constantly and had control systems that didn’t function. Now the traditional Sony “moron pound” will not be heading PS3’s way.

The Getaway - DEAD!

At least it shows Sony is starting to be a bit more honest. Usually, when it realises it’s wasted millions on a piece of shit, it shoves it out there anyway, relying on a few 8/10s from official magazines and their dependent unofficial parasitic twins to force it onto a few poor, unsuspecting punters.

The Getaway - DEAD!

Well done on admitting failure, Sony.