SEGA made this :(
“Some friends (!) and I were at a run-down, dingy establishment in Boston, Massachusetts, by the name of Good Times Emporium. It was with some surprise that I discovered a rather expansive arcade amongst all of the whores and urine stains, and even more surprised to discover a beautiful AFTERBURNER: CLIMAX cabinet. But it was what I saw just around the corner of this cabinet that SHOCKED and SADDENED me – UNNAMED MAN.”
We can laugh, but it’s probably SEGA’s top-earner in South Korea.
You can buy toys of it from petrol stations in China.
It took over from Street Fighter II as the most common arcade machine across mainlaind Europe.
At least you win “tickets” and not “respect.”
The photo submitter didn’t say if the photos were blurry due to uncontrollable sobbing body movements or uncontrollable laughing body movements.
At least SEGA is keeping its hardware-making facilities operational. One day, they might be put to better use on, say, making 100 million Dreamcast 2s.
filed in Uncategorized on Jun.24, 2008
June 24th, 2008 on 4:33 pm
Let’s see if we can’t guess how this works.
The cockerels appear to have detachable necks, probably hinged. Through the power of coloured buttons, it looks like you pick a chicken to be ‘whacked’, which removes the head and reveals how much money you’ve wasted.
To be honest, the cabinet to the right of the first photo (cryptically titled AN– RA–) seems far more interesting.
June 25th, 2008 on 12:41 am
June 25th, 2008 on 5:08 am
ive been to goodtimes, i dont remember that being there. but i havent been to goodtimes in a wile. i cant belive sega made that. BTW im not the one who submitted these photos. you have two people who read this blog in boston/ near boston/ or been in boston MA.
June 25th, 2008 on 1:53 pm
Make that three in the Boston area…
I have also been to GoodTimes. The camera was probably wobbly from trying to dodge knife attacks. To be fair, they also have a full size Samba de Amigo machine there, so it’s not all bad.
June 25th, 2008 on 4:13 pm
an electronic choke the chicken game uummmmm
June 25th, 2008 on 8:37 pm
Sega has always made novelty machines like this. I recall being amazed by one of those control-the-metal-claw-to-grab-a-prize games by Sega in the late ’80s because it constantly played a synth version of the “Soul Train” theme song.
June 27th, 2008 on 4:59 am
On behalf of all Bostonians, I sincerely apologize.
July 9th, 2008 on 1:35 pm
I worked on this game! Seriously! Me and Ray Tanzer and Joe Kaminkow and some others. We had a bunch of chickens left over from the “Udderly Tickets” project and we made this.
July 9th, 2008 on 1:43 pm
Thanks for posting this silly thing, it brought back some memories.
In the original version, feathers would fly around when you hit the button. Too many problems with that and it was left out of the production version.
The heads are on solenoids and pop up. You hit the appropriate button with the mallet to win tickets.
“Udderly Tickets” originally had chickens and a haystack as well as the cow, but the chickens were removed from the production units because the kids were tearing them up. So we had all these nice-looking leftover chickens…