SEGA made this :(


“Some friends (!) and I were at a run-down, dingy establishment in Boston, Massachusetts, by the name of Good Times Emporium. It was with some surprise that I discovered a rather expansive arcade amongst all of the whores and urine stains, and even more surprised to discover a beautiful AFTERBURNER: CLIMAX cabinet. But it was what I saw just around the corner of this cabinet that SHOCKED and SADDENED me – UNNAMED MAN.”


We can laugh, but it’s probably SEGA’s top-earner in South Korea.


You can buy toys of it from petrol stations in China.


It took over from Street Fighter II as the most common arcade machine across mainlaind Europe.


At least you win “tickets” and not “respect.”


The photo submitter didn’t say if the photos were blurry due to uncontrollable sobbing body movements or uncontrollable laughing body movements.


At least SEGA is keeping its hardware-making facilities operational. One day, they might be put to better use on, say, making 100 million Dreamcast 2s.