Here it is! The update you’ve been waiting for! The here! The now! The actually existing! Dreamcast Garden Chairs!

“I’m unsure whether or not this has been featured on the website before. I couldn’t find it under the website highlights on the navigation menu, so I assume it hasn’t.”
“When visiting family last week, I came upon this set of beautifully crafted Dreamcast garden ornaments. Although, considering that the photographs were taken in rural Cumbria; it’s feasible that they’re actually large branding irons for use on livestock. Many thanks, Looi.”
filed in DREAMCAST LOGO IN REAL LIFE on Jul.14, 2008
July 14th, 2008 on 1:22 pm
*assumes branding position*
July 14th, 2008 on 2:21 pm
Does this mean that Sega are going to make a real-time strategy garden simulator? Sega are one step ahead of Nintendo again.
July 14th, 2008 on 2:29 pm
These are more awesome that I exprected! Now my butt longs to take place on these arousing seats, where can I buy them?
July 14th, 2008 on 2:49 pm
Utterly beautiful.
Its puts me in mind of a dream I once had. The Dreamcast has achieved a success far beyond any product ever, and in my dream world the dreamcast logo was everywhere. Flags, walls, branded tatoos on the foreheads of doubters. A expedition was preparing to carve the symbol into The Moon as a thank-you to the console, for enriching and evolving the lives and imaginations of millions…
In my dream world, chairs would have been THIS shape.
Thank you Zorg, I have saved the pictures already of-course, but I will certainly stay on the page for a little while longer.
July 14th, 2008 on 4:06 pm
These are not chairs! they are merely supports for growing plants. Quite why they are shaped so wonderfully is uncertain.
I have been left very disappointed by this ‘update’.
July 14th, 2008 on 5:28 pm
If this isn’t half mast material I don’t know what is.
July 14th, 2008 on 8:25 pm
Final Fantasy XIII has been announced for the Xbox 360 during today’s microsoft E3 conference. Nice anti-ps3 stuff, I guess.
July 14th, 2008 on 8:25 pm
FFXIII on 360. Zorg, you did it. PS3 is dead, just as it looked like it might come back from the grave. This is of course all down to Square-Eunuchs having UK:R bookmarked.
July 14th, 2008 on 8:55 pm
FFXIII on 360.
This doesn’t stop the Final Fantasy series from being meoldramatic adolescent bullshit filled with two dimensional characters with stupid hair and ridiculous costumes.
It doesn’t stop the whole thing from being as innovative and repetitive as the current incarnation of Big Brother, yet the masses still sit there in front of their screens busily eating up the faeces piped into their faces.
It does however, mean you can lay into Sony again, or at least do something slightly more interesting than pointless spiral updates.
July 14th, 2008 on 9:42 pm
I’m highly expecting the sarcastic and bitchy comment about FFXIII. I will check back often the next few days (like once in an hour) and laugh like a maniac and savour every little word this blog will offer me then. Please make it epic.
@ONTOPIC: I like those garden thingys a lot. Contrarily to most of the posters, I enjoy these kind of things as I enjoy the Sony hate.
July 14th, 2008 on 9:59 pm
I did the update before I read these comments. I was not playing to the crowd. Promise.
July 14th, 2008 on 11:07 pm
@zorg It doesn’t matter. Hate is hate.