A selection of other poorly-researched pieces we’ve actually been paid to create.
This thing in which we bravely resisted making references to wanking over Natasha Henstridge in Species, even though we’ve all done it. Often twice in 90 minutes, then a third time from memory in bed. This thing about whirring noises. This thing which was part of a compulsory series of updates in which we pretended to be excited about “E3.” This thing in which we did not pretend to be anything other than bored to eye-gouging by Gears of War 2. This thing about a TARDIS wardrobe, because even though Dr Who has been dumbed down to such a level that household pets have to leave the room in disgust when it comes on, having your clothes stored in a TARDIS seems like a cool thing to do. Even if you’ll be 35 in two weeks time. This thing about a cheese grater with a face, because you can’t not use pictures like this when they come along:

You will like it or you will be GRATED. 10/10.
filed in Uncategorized on Jul.18, 2008
July 18th, 2008 on 8:35 pm
UK:R In “Elsewhere On The Network” no pic of hot chick(s) scandal!
Still would though.
July 19th, 2008 on 1:04 am
Yeah, no hawt chix? 2/10