We suspect this was sent in as a bet. A dare, if you will, a dare to see if we would really post something as dull as a series of photos of a SEGA Master System Converter II.


SEGA Master System Converter II - photo exclusive

“A few weeks ago I bought a SEGA Master System Converter II on ebay. During the long search for one such adapter however I noticed that not only is this useful device quite rare, but pictures of it on the internet are very few as well!”

SEGA Master System Converter II - photo exclusive

“Starting a Google image search with the terms “Master System Converter II” will give you the first useful picture on page FOUR! Feeling that something must be done about this lack of images and remembering your article full of glorious Sonic CD screenshots created for the same purpose, I took my (parents’) digital camera and took photos of the converter from each possible angle.”

SEGA Master System Converter II - photo exclusive

“I even included a shot with the underrated Sonic Chaos inserted in the top, and one with the miraculous portal to the past sitting on top of my MDII+MCDII combo (with a not visible Japanese Sonic CD in the CD drive)! (If you’re wondering why there is no 32X, it should be well on the way somewhere on the Atlantic ocean right now as I ordered one from Canada a few weeks ago.)”

SEGA Master System Converter II - photo exclusive

“It also should be pointed out that SEGA, in its caring way, had the brilliant idea of adding a small shutter to the top of the adapter to ensure that the machine’s inner contacts don’t get dusty! How nice, isn’t it? Sincerely, P.P.A. (from Germany).”

SEGA Master System Converter II - photo exclusive

“PS: Next time I shall reveal the answer to what I’m sure every UKR reader has always been asking: Will the Master System Converter II work with a 32X in-between it and the console? Stay tuned!”

SEGA Master System Converter II - photo exclusive

Lovely. Thanks. Now, does someone want to take on the mantle of doing the Mega CD properly? You wouldn’t believe the man-hours we’ve put in over the years trying to find a hi-res photo of one of those.

SEGA Master System Converter II - photo exclusive

And a professionally-lit PAL Mega Drive series would also be handy, should anyone have a dust-free boxed example and access to a studio. Hi-res TIFFs, please. You would achieve Google Images fame for eternity.