Here are some photos a man took inside a SEGA arcade, inside a shopping mall, in Beijing. In China. We’re really not that desperate to see a photograph of a deactivated Daytona USA 2 cabinet, but they do have some pretty decent Sonic art on the walls.

“More Chinese SEGA love…”
“These were taken today in the very heart of Beijing at one of its top shopping malls.”
“Actually the fire extinguisher shot was taken in Xidan.”
“Sorry about the picture quality – resolution and style.”
“I can head back there with my proper camera if you want better ones? – Oppihippo.”
No, these ones are just fine.
filed in Uncategorized on Jul.23, 2008
July 23rd, 2008 on 2:38 pm
This place looks like it’s been untouched since the 90s when Sonic was good.
July 23rd, 2008 on 8:41 pm
July 24th, 2008 on 12:12 am
Since I have nothing witty to add to this, let’s post some news:
I take this video as official confirmation that we have successfully penetrated the minds of Sega staff in the west. Now we just need to be known to somebody who could approve new hardware…
July 24th, 2008 on 1:54 am
Just read your link, mainman.
Honestly, the people running Sega are idiots. They need to start listening to their consumers and until they do they will continue to be the mediocre waste of time that they currently are. Countless companies have made the same mistake and not lived to tell the tale.
July 24th, 2008 on 3:29 am
we still play daytona usa on the arcades here in brasil.
July 24th, 2008 on 6:33 am
Seaman 2 was released on PS2 in Japan.