Would you like to see a photo of a photo of some SEGA ladies standing on top of a SEGA change machine? You’d better say yes, as the only alternative for today is a photo of some garden chairs that look like a Dreamcast logo.

“I thought you might like this picture of a SEGA change machine I saw a few years ago in a Tokyo arcade filled with old men. Most games cost 100 Yen to play, which was about 70p at the time. I thought that all games would be 5p a credit and the place crowded with girls in school uniforms – two dreams shattered in one go. Just out of the shot was a pile of Sonic tissues, which I nicked and gave to a mate of mine when I got back. I’ve avoided the mutual awkwardness of asking for them back to take a picture, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Cheerio, Flp.”
filed in Uncategorized on Jul.08, 2008
July 8th, 2008 on 12:45 pm
>as the only alternative for today is a photo of some garden chairs that look like a Dreamcast logo.
And that report of a Dutch arcade with 4 SEGA cabinets I sent to you two days ago, ahem.
July 8th, 2008 on 1:41 pm
I was going to send in the inside of a birthday card I got from my Auntie as it had a Dreamcast logo in it, but the bloody Wife chucked it out.
July 8th, 2008 on 2:46 pm
make with the garden chairs
July 8th, 2008 on 3:31 pm
Lets see the garden chairs that look like a Dreamcast logo.
Its shit like this that gets me through the day.
Word Verification:
zumludem: Can’t think of anything but sounds cool.
July 8th, 2008 on 4:24 pm
I’m so glad Sammy bought Sega, so we could have excellent machines like this Sega Money Exchanger. If Sammy hadn’t stepped in I’m sure Sega would have been frittering money away on frivolous projects like a new Daytona or Crazy Taxi.
July 8th, 2008 on 4:38 pm
This is either the best idea or the worst. On the one hand, everyone coming into the arcade needs change and where better to pump in their hard earned yen notes than a SEGA change machine.
On the flip side, they’re probably spending it in non-SEGA machines. :(
July 8th, 2008 on 4:49 pm
Am I the only person who’s noticed the “Blue Sky In Games” banner has gone up on the UK:R homepage again? Are we set to witness a relaunch following the brave vanquishing of the PS3 demonseed? Please make it so.
July 8th, 2008 on 5:07 pm
If you are so desperate for things to do updates on, why not consider ranting against how Sega are basically dead, making dross like Iron-Man?
Or review some Saturn games. Again. Put up old Saturn reviews!
July 8th, 2008 on 5:29 pm
Ohoho, I just came back from another Dutch arcade having played the ULTIMATE Outrun 2 SP, even entitled “DX” for good reasons. A giant screen, hydraulic seats in miniature Ferraris and extremely tight controls; oh what’d I give to have such a thing at home.
I also took plenty of photos and will send them to Zorg today or tomorrow.
Maybe this isn’t that special, however for a German like me, not used to ANY arcades, it is.
July 8th, 2008 on 10:23 pm
The BSiG banner has only moved up because I removed the link to the t-shirt shop, having sold most of them and binned the rest.
July 9th, 2008 on 12:24 pm
Wow, a reply from Zorg. I feel so dirty.
July 9th, 2008 on 10:18 pm
Why are you all complaining about pictures of hot Japanese chicks?