It looks like Phil Harrison gave himself an award when he left Sony, a little something to remind him that things used to be good once.

Sam sent this in. He found it on the maker’s site, where they say it was “commissioned by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) for the president of SCE worldwide.”
Technically, for sales purposes, this contains copyrighted imagery of PS3, so can be counted as a PS3 that Sony shipped during 2008.
Well done, Phil. It’s a shame everything half-decent you did during the first eight years was obliterated by the shitstorm of the final two, though.
filed in Uncategorized on Aug.22, 2008
August 22nd, 2008 on 12:55 pm
I’m sure Phil is going to do a wonderful job of getting Atari to steal casual game ideas from Nintendo and claiming he thought of them first! Here’s to another 15 years of other people’s innovation!
August 22nd, 2008 on 11:09 pm
sorry but his roles through the years tells you all you need to know about Phil “me-in” Harrison.
Comms Director – Pretended to know how to talk to the market
Third Party Director – Pretended to know how Third parties worked
Develepment – Pretended to know how development worked
President – what great credentials Phil had to get this role NOT!
no wonder the PS3 is such a screw up….it started to go all wrong when Phil actually believed he could do anything more than internal commuications management.
August 22nd, 2008 on 11:24 pm
I quite like it, actually.
Ideally, they’d have used the prototype PS3 with the two hdmi ports, ten USB ports and three ethernet sockets as a joke, then it would’ve perfect.